*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Dropping in quick to say I packed cloths to hit the gym after work. If I don't go you all can kick my butt. I seriously need to get back into the habit of working out. I'll let you all know how it goes later tonight, but I keep telling myself if I want that Margarita Pizza and Frozen Margarita tonight (Its national margarita day any my friends want to celebrate... oh the college life.) then I have to burn some serious calories at the gym.

    Hope everyone has a healthy and fantastic day!!!

    Steph- Don't stress one bad week. I know before when I would have a bad week I would throw in the towel but I've learned from hearing others stories that some weeks are just bad but you gotta keep going. And walking with the baby is better than NO exercise at all. At least you were moving. I hope you have a fun night out with your girlfriend sounds like you deserve it.

    To the new people, welcome!! This is definitely the place to be for supportive, friendly people who will kick your butt into shape and hold you accountable if you ask. :)
  • Gettinyoung
    Hey all...

    I knew I would have to work late yesterday (didn't make it home until 11:30PM!!) and this usually does me in because I get home famished and eat randomly then go to bed. One of my problems. BUT, I planned ahead this time...brought a can of soup and a protein bar to have at work. So far so good, but about 10 I was starting to brouse the snack cupboard in the lunch room. I had a pack of peanut butter cracker things in my hand.... just getting ready to tear it open.....then NO! I put it back, drank a full glass of water instead! NEVER did that before. It felt like a major accomplishment and it felt good! Before I would have eaten a few packs throughout the night, with a side of chips.

    Wow, these little confessions are just what I need. It feels like Im unloading pounds of guilt along with my weight.

    When I got home I immediately opened the fridge (like on auto-pilot) but then immediately closed it. Yesterday I was tough, like a champ....today, well.... I'll give it another try. It's the weekend which means, a night out perhaps, a bottle of wine ...just got to try and make it fit the best I can.

    Have a great weekend everyone...no guilt, just fun!!
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    So, I'll start off...

    Hi, I'm Becky - a social worker from Montana that spent entirely TOO much time focused on everyone else and not enough on me! I'm working on changing that and MOST of the time? I do a pretty darn good job with it. At least in the last 2 years. :)

    I just reset my ticker to accurate... and am mad because at a point it had a 3-digit loss number on there. But, being sick, not exercising, the holidays and vacay all have taken their toll. And? If I'm being honest? I haven't done what I know to do for a good 3-4 months now. So, back to a 2-digit loss number and I expect to see that change by end of March to a 3-digit number again!

    The good news? Is that I still actually have been wearing smaller clothes. It's weird. I shouldn't be... but I am. I KNOW that it's not all muscle, but - whatever it is? I'm just happy that clothing isn't getting tighter... though, maybe that would have gotten me back on track sooner?!? Hmmm...

    Looking forward to seeing old faces and new ones...

    :bigsmile: Hang in there Becky we will get them pound down again. :heart: I miss our Skinny Chicks group, you all know who you are. I have had problems with my home computer and need to get a new one (SOON) I hope. I am so glad you started up a new group. I need to get my friends back and new ones as well. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My name is Zena and I am 47 and married 10 years. I think all of the challenges we did help me a lot, I hope to started in them again soon. I was down 33 pounds and now you see what happens when you fall off the wagon, or should I say MFP wagon. I will check in as much as I can until I get a new computer. By for now.
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Dropping in quick to say I clocked 45 minutes at the gym. Cut my mile down by 1ish minutes. I did consume some alcoholic beverages (only one!) and more pizza than I planned BUT burned some calories dancing! Twas a goodnight!

    Hope everyone has a skinny weekend!

    - Amanda
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    Hi, I'm Susan. I'm looking to lose around 60 pounds. Happy to support and be supported.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I weighed in and I've lost 3.4lbs since whenever it was I last weighed in...! I *knew* my clothes were fitting better. Back in the 13stone and something category... Today is a good day! (so far...many sporting fixtures are in danger of ruining it) x
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Down another 2lbs since my last weight in! Yay. even with myt couple crappy days I still lost some weight.

    Not much to report about this weekend. Made it to the gym Friday and Saturday, and I plan on getting a workout in either before or after my small group for church. Over all it was a good weekend food and exercise wise. Did do a bit of drinking and dancing with the girls but managed to stay within my number. :)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello All! I haven't really had a whole lot to post about lately... so, I just haven't. Not that it's an excuse... I've been in here and reading but... well, just didn't have much to say - at least not positive.

    I am a social worker and work in Senior Services - so I work with people who are older and many who are in the ending stages of their lives. Now, we work to help ensure that they have purpose and value and meaning for that time... but still... part of the job is dealing with death and helping everyone around (other residents, families and staff) with that as well. In the last 2 weeks there have been 3 pretty significant deaths for me... and it's been tough. A really tough one on Monday last week - kinda surprised at how "hard" that one was.

    Additionally - the people that I reached out to... just didn't seem available. Including two guys... the one that you all usually hear about and then another that is one of my best friends. It kinda got to me on top of it. Not that I run my life on that - but just that I thought of anyone that I could turn to - it was one of the two of them... and neither was there. So, then I kinda got a little in the feeling sorry for myself, pity party mode... which makes me mad... which just turns into a cycle. Now? I'm past the "hard" of the death and don't care about this other stuff... well, kinda I do. I'm just leaving it on them to contact me. Figure - they can make some effort, dang it!

    This week... plan is to log everything every day. Monday - I will do YOGA!! Ergh! Tuesday will be my Trainer Day. Wednesday I'm doing an It Works! party - so will be busy with that. Thursday I need to be back at the gym to do some cardio and some weights. Friday I've gotta go in and get in a good long session of Cardio... because Saturday? Is the Wine and Food Festival... which means lots and lots of drinking... sampling... he, he, he... with my Best Friend. :) I'll go to the gym or go outside for a run earlier that day... but - then to the Festival and hopefully dancing after - they have a band, we were just beyond where we should have been last year and then tired by the time that started... ha, ha!

    Oh, and... my 2nd of at least 13 runs/events for 2013?? I just registered for it today... and it's ONLY TWENTY DAYS AWAY!! EEEKKK!! Gotta start getting outside to run more... so I can actually run some of the 5K and not be dead at the end. :)


    Gettinyoung: Way to get back in the game... I'm happy you figured out it was the calories. And, even if it's first week numbers? You still get to celebrate those!! I'm glad you found this thread too! On the other note? I just spent some time cooking healthy stuff for the week, cutting up peppers and measuring out hummus for snacks, etc. I just refuse to keep "crap" and "sugary" foods in my house. If it doesn't fit the plan? It goes... My mom is learning the hard way - her drumsticks? are going to the trash tomorrow... I need to have things ready and easy to grab so that I don't resort to "the easy grab" - especially at work! Think about some of those ways that would work for you. In the meantime? Great Job! Especially on the glass of water... :)

    Penny: Eek! Not a good situation with the bike. And, I had to laugh about the doing it in Word - so you could pop in to MFP and back out! :) Clever! :) Glad that you had a good drop! How'd the game turn out? In your favor... or no? Here's hoping that it was a good result... and that you have a nice weather week with a fixed bike!

    Karmahealer: First? I love all the smileys used... that makes me think of me and my friend Lexie who used to be a Skinny Chic - we used them all the time! Ha! Made me.. well, smile.

    Nae73: This is simply a "thread" versus a "group." So - just keep coming back to the thread, read through - respond to people and then share what's up with you... presto! You have a whole support system! This can become almost conversational... and will be moreso as people stay in the thread and get to know each other... right now? We still have lots of introductions adn never see people again... so keep. coming. back. :)

    misspinkshort: Amanda, right?! Sorry about the migraine... those are not fun! Sleep can be a HUGE key on this journey... one that I don't take advantage of enough... LOL. And, the "man" in my life still acts much like a boy... and we just aren't really a "couple." LOL. It's nice to have him around, yes... but, I can't depend on him and he's not who I want for the long haul, so I'm enjoying things for the time being.

    Steph: Well, if you are gonna fail - at least do it SPECTACULARLY... Ha! Sorry, but I love that when you do things? You do it well. Now, just turn that into being back on track and being your SPECTACULAR self... yeah?!? Hope that time out with your friend was good. I'm sooooo proud of you (yeah, I know, I hate that saying but in this case? I am... I am proud of you!) for getting your hubby involved so you can have some YOU time. SO IMPORTANT!! And, let us support you until you can do that for yourself, then when that's back to where it needs to be - you can worry about us... until then? WORRY ABOUT YOU... IT"S OK!! :) You are wonderful, and I love you... here's hoping this week is better than last!

    SkimFlatWhite: Glad you found your way back... and yes, if you miss for too long? It's crazy to try and find your way to current. :) So, that means? You shouldn't stay away for so long! Congrats on getting to Week 9 and 8... I love the gym - hope you are as well. My hardest thing right now is finding what calorie level I should be at... everything says eat more, but ugh... I'm not usually hungry enough to and no number seems to fit ME right. Good luck with your meandering... I llike that thought...

    Zena: HEY!! HELLO!! HEY THERE!! Whoop! Whoop! So glad you found your way back here... now? Keep coming back! :) I've missed ya!
  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    Haven't been able to focus as much on eating well lately. Had a few family emergencies come up, and we've been unable to spend the extra money on healthier foods. However, while we haven't been eating the healthy food, I've still been trying to watch my portions. I have a weigh day tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes, though I'm thinking I've probably gained quite a bit back lately. There's been a lot going on. We're hoping to be able to get back on the healthy food shopping soon, but it just depends on how this possible new job interview for my husband goes. We shall see. :)
  • mcruseturner
    mcruseturner Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Mary, I'm the mother of a 2year old and an 8yr old. I have 158lbs to lose. I gained around 100 lbs with each of my pregnancys. After the first one I was able to lose most of the weight I had gained, however after the birth of my daughter I actually gained an additional 30lbs, and now almost 3 years later I am realizing that my weight has an impact on the lives of my children, not just my own.

    Currently I am a Nursing student and will be graduating in December. I'm afraid that after graduating my weight will hold me back in my career. If I'm lucky enough to score an interview I'm afraid the job would go to someone who is litterally half my size before I got hired, because let's face it, I'm not exactly the picture of health.

    Anyways, I had success with food journaling in the past, and I am hoping that the tools on this website will help me stick to a reasonable diet. I am also hoping that by joining your group, I will be more likely to hold myself accountable, because I will have someone other than myself to answer to. Hopefully I will also be able to motivate others, and be supportive of others in their journey as well. :smile:
  • Gettinyoung
    Hey all....

    Well I weighed in and down another three! I've been really keeping track...in fact, I decided to try logging ahead with all my meals so that I can try and build a good eating plan for the day, rather than logging what I already ate...in case, well, you know. I started this on Saturday, after a night out with Margerita's and sushi Friday night !! Well, couldn't stop at just one margerita, after all it was National Margerita Day! Needless to say, that night was a total bust on the food diary. Spent Sat and Sun trying to make up for it!

    Lombrica - I understand what you might be going through with your job. I used to teach yoga for Hospice for the bereaved. All of my students were there coping with the death or imminent death of a loved one. It was one of the most rewarding jobs, and at the same time a very heartfelt, sometimes painful experience. This yoga was the slow, spiritual, meditative kind. I would pick out readings from various books that I hoped would ease some of their fears and sorrow. For that hour and a half we would all experience the best of yoga....release, surrender, then deep peace.

    I had to leave that job when I injured my back...I was away from all forms of exercise for well over a year, hence the weight gain and with that came mild depression. I'm better now, strong and able to really hit the gym, but I really miss that job. It was so helpful at putting things back into perspective. I've since been replaced by another wonderful teacher I understand. Some of my students still go there even though it may be years since the death of their loved one. That's just how much it can become a part of your life. Let me know how you like it.
  • Gettinyoung
    I weighed in and I've lost 3.4lbs since whenever it was I last weighed in...! I *knew* my clothes were fitting better. Back in the 13stone and something category... Today is a good day! (so far...many sporting fixtures are in danger of ruining it) x

    I like the "whenever it was I last weighed in" - I think we sometimes get too hung up on the number. Clothes fitting better is by far the best reward! In fact, I like to go shopping once every week or two just to try things on...not intending to buy (unless I simply can't resist) but to see how much better things are fitting. I even try on the next "goal" size to see my progress! It's especially fun to try on the really expensive things I would never buy!!!
  • Gettinyoung
    Down another 2lbs since my last weight in! Yay. even with myt couple crappy days I still lost some weight.

    Not much to report about this weekend. Made it to the gym Friday and Saturday, and I plan on getting a workout in either before or after my small group for church. Over all it was a good weekend food and exercise wise. Did do a bit of drinking and dancing with the girls but managed to stay within my number. :)

    So that's the trick - dancing with drinking. I'm a bit older, so I don't much go dancing when I'm out. Usually sitting and eating while I'm drinking....hmmmm. I'll be visiting my college aged daughter this week. Maybe she will get me out dancing! (or maybe she'll just roll her eyes at me!)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm Angela, and as of right now I have about 90 pounds left to lose to reach my "goal" weight. Of course that can change depending on fitness level once I get closer but as of now that's where I stand. :D Working at it one day at a time, trying to eat healthily and exercise. Have my bad moments bu t I've been getting right back up and trying again! I try to be as motivational to everyone as I can!!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    hi Im Jenn I have 84lbs to loose, last year i was at my 80lb lost mark and felt wonderful, after a divorce, neck surgery, loss of job and stress gained 50lbs back. now I have a wonderful new job, new fiance and neck is feeling a lot better its time for me to concentrate on myself again! I'm so excited I love this site. started back on track today and my fiance is looking up some stuff fitness wise that can help as i still have some low back issues. ( i was in a car accident almost 2 years ago) I look forward to gettng to know everyone and having a great support system like i had previously. hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • fat_girl_b_gone
    Hi my name is D. I am a mother of three, a wife and work full time. Look so many women I was so used to taking care of evryone else by the time I get around to me I have nothing left. I have recently been working out twice a day for the last two weeks and need to lose about 90 pounds. I so need the support of others as I feel like I am doing all the right things right now but the scale is not moving. I would love for your support in this journey.:flowerforyou:
  • Gettinyoung
    hi Im Jenn I have 84lbs to loose, last year i was at my 80lb lost mark and felt wonderful, after a divorce, neck surgery, loss of job and stress gained 50lbs back. now I have a wonderful new job, new fiance and neck is feeling a lot better its time for me to concentrate on myself again! I'm so excited I love this site. started back on track today and my fiance is looking up some stuff fitness wise that can help as i still have some low back issues. ( i was in a car accident almost 2 years ago) I look forward to gettng to know everyone and having a great support system like i had previously. hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Welcome Jenn...

    I too have experienced down time, weight gain due to an injury. I injured my back some time ago and it took nearly a year and a half to be able to work out again. I use an exercise ball whenever my back seems to be bothering me. I bought the ball with a DVD and stretch band as a kit. The ball is really supportive on the back while doing sit-ups. Just the effort to balane while doing the exercises really builds core strength. It's a really fun tool. Give it a try! Good luck, and keep us posted.
  • suszieq55
    suszieq55 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, my name is Suszie and I would like to join your group. I need to lose about 60 lbs. I work full-time in the healthcare field. I'm a mom of 3 and grandma to 4.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hi Jenn, D and Suszie!
  • mimiyo1980
    mimiyo1980 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm Mimi and I love this group, you seem like a great bunch of people. I have been struggling with my weight since birth! There were complications, i was tiny and nearly died so they put me in an incubator and gave me lots of steroids and i have never been in the "tiny" category ever again! So, I am currently 52lbs heavier than i should or would like to be and am on the road to ditching it. I would like to join this group.