*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • mcruseturner
    mcruseturner Posts: 10 Member
    Question: Is this a group I should add myself to (and if so, how would I go about that) or simply a message board? I'm new to this stuff :tongue:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Question: Is this a group I should add myself to (and if so, how would I go about that) or simply a message board? I'm new to this stuff :tongue:

    Its a thread for support so come back and post often (in the manner seen). Share worries, successes, tips, struggles and support! The more you give the more you get :)
  • shayla_twins69
    hey my name is shayla .i am 21 years old ...before i got pregnant i had just lost a bunch of weight and actually got confident again ...then i got preggo and just couldn't stop eating!! ..i had twins almost a year ago ...i have 79 lbs to loose but would be happy with just about anything! i find it hard to actually get up enough energy to workout ...im surprised i havnt lost a bunch of weight because with two kids running around i never sit some days ! i just want to be in shape and be healthy again and watch my kids grow and be able to play with them and do fun things!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    So I'm sick, but still at work...food is not really my top priority this week...
    Don't have the headspace to comment right now, but hope you're all doing ok x
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    good morning everyone! last night my fiance and I did just dance sweat for 33 min while our chicken baked..my arms feel like jello today! but i lost over 2lbs yesterday so im super happy. I feel great today and can't wait to see where im going to be a month from now. (im a planner i like to "dream") my main goal right now is for my clothes to fit again, or at least not so tight i have tons i got on sale as i was taking care of myself before when i lost my initial 80lbs. i don't feel like spending the money on too many more clothes just to get rid of them in a few months. soo im gonna go for the elastic banded things right now and dresses and work my butt off! hope everyone has a great day!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Hey everyone, I am still around but not sure what is going on with me. I have been reading posts, but not really commenting. I have not been eating very well either. I do get in lots of exercise so am burning a lot of calories, but my weight is going in the wrong direction. I just do not seem to have the will power right now when it comes to eating. Keep living healthy everyone and I will work on getting back on track. Carla
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    Mantras, I love them! Sorry, I'm replying to an older post, but I just couldn't help myself :)

    This one actually got me started and keeps me going:

    "Yesterday you said tomorrow."

    Another one I really like (because I have issuses with emotional eating) is:

    "Do not reward yourself with food. You're not a dog."

    Another favorite is:

    "Wheter you think you can, or you think you can't. You're right."

    I used to swim a lot and during I repeted this phrase in my head, over and over, it was like meditation:

    "Swim swim swim and be slim slim slim." Yes, I made that one up myself!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    Mantras, I love them! Sorry, I'm replying to an older post, but I just couldn't help myself :)

    This one actually got me started and keeps me going:

    "Yesterday you said tomorrow."

    Another one I really like (because I have issuses with emotional eating) is:

    "Do not reward yourself with food. You're not a dog."

    Another favorite is:

    "Wheter you think you can, or you think you can't. You're right."

    I used to swim a lot and during I repeted this phrase in my head, over and over, it was like meditation:

    "Swim swim swim and be slim slim slim." Yes, I made that one up myself!

    I love the dog one!
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hey everyone, I am still around but not sure what is going on with me. I have been reading posts, but not really commenting. I have not been eating very well either. I do get in lots of exercise so am burning a lot of calories, but my weight is going in the wrong direction. I just do not seem to have the will power right now when it comes to eating. Keep living healthy everyone and I will work on getting back on track. Carla

    I feel the same way, I've been reading the posts and wanted to reply but my head is fuzzy and I feel blah for a couple of days now. I'm trying to keep my calories down but it seems that I'm struggling right now. I even failed to hit the gym for 3 nights now. I feel like I'm on a downward spiral. Just to let everyone know I'm still here somewhere trying to get out of this ditch I am in. Congratulations to other ladies. You all rock....
  • karmahealer
    karmahealer Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone, welcome to all the new people:flowerforyou: I have been reading everyone's posts...and forget what I want to say about them by the time I get to the end:noway: Today I don't feel very well, but I think the fever finally broke, and I am going work out a little with my exercise ball. I have a new kitten, so really hoping she won't pop it:explode: lol. So, my plan is to go back and jot down notes, I will be replying more in the next few days.

    Becky- Waiting to hear if you made it to yoga :love: Love you either way, I remember how hard it was for me to go the first time:bigsmile: you got this!!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    good morning everyone went out to eat for dinner last night salmon and sweet potato fries next time no dipping sauce and i will get the salmon grilled not blackend. i feel the sodium issues today..but ill be ok :) ordering a fitbit zip for my birthday so i can track my activity during the day. hope everyone has a thin day!
  • kburrows82
    kburrows82 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi my name is Kaarin. I am looking to get rid of a whole person 140+ I am a working mother of a very active 5 year old boy. Been overweight forEVER. I have tried to lots of things for short periods of time. I get discouraged very easy. This time I have been trying for about 17 days now. I am working out and watching my calories. But still nothing has happend other than gaining more weight!!! I think alot is water but who knows..... I am looking for support and to give support for others :)
  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Brooke and I have been battling weight my whole life, I have gotten up to 200 pounds and decided it needed to change. I slowly got myself back to 190-185 range and I convinced myself I was okay with that. I realized a while ago that I am not, I just have been to lazy to start working towards a better life. I decided on January 15th that I was going to start tracking my calories and exercise. My whole family is in on it now and we are all on the way to a better lifestyle and it makes me very happy.

    I am now down to 176, the lowest I have ever been is 168 when I was in tenth grade and I can't wait to surpass that number. My main goal is to get to 155 and after that maybe 135? We will see. I am excited for my future and am signing up for a 10k in June :)
  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    Hi my name is Kaarin. I am looking to get rid of a whole person 140+ I am a working mother of a very active 5 year old boy. Been overweight forEVER. I have tried to lots of things for short periods of time. I get discouraged very easy. This time I have been trying for about 17 days now. I am working out and watching my calories. But still nothing has happend other than gaining more weight!!! I think alot is water but who knows..... I am looking for support and to give support for others :)

    Hi Kaarin, maybe instead of looking at the point that you haven't lost any weight, pay attention to the fact that you have stuck with this for 17 days! That's great! If you keep working at it and believing in yourself, I know you will get there. Something that helps me take the focus off of my weight is only weighing myself once a week, otherwise I feel I get too obsessed with it and get dissapointed. Keep up the good work!
  • kburrows82
    kburrows82 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi my name is Kaarin. I am looking to get rid of a whole person 140+ I am a working mother of a very active 5 year old boy. Been overweight forEVER. I have tried to lots of things for short periods of time. I get discouraged very easy. This time I have been trying for about 17 days now. I am working out and watching my calories. But still nothing has happend other than gaining more weight!!! I think alot is water but who knows..... I am looking for support and to give support for others :)

    Hi Kaarin, maybe instead of looking at the point that you haven't lost any weight, pay attention to the fact that you have stuck with this for 17 days! That's great! If you keep working at it and believing in yourself, I know you will get there. Something that helps me take the focus off of my weight is only weighing myself once a week, otherwise I feel I get too obsessed with it and get dissapointed. Keep up the good work!

    Thank you I try not to weigh myself but Im not very good at that lol
  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    I know I think about it everyday! But I find it more rewarding, I have to walk by the scale in my bathroom multiple times a day. It helped that I made a pact with my boyfriend to only weigh ourselves on Fridays. We both were a little to scale-happy and would sometimes weigh ourselves twice a day, thank goodness that is over. I feel so much better about myself.
  • purekaos26
    Hi, Everyone!

    I'm new to the boards, as my full-force weight loss journey just started two weeks ago. I've already lost 14 pounds in the past 2 weeks, but I still have 113 to go to get to my goal weight.

    Its a rough road - glad to know I'm not the only one trying to make these life changes with such a huge weight barrier to cross!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Welcome to the new faces.

    Only have a few minutes so sorry for no personal responses. Been trying hard this week with the eating as I said in an earlier post. Monday night I was watching biggest loser (season 13 - we are behind over here) it touched a chord in me. My beautiful baby girl. All the excuses under the sun are not worth not being here for her. So I've been trying to remind myself of this trough the days.

    Ate my lunch with baby girl today and even though she's only 7 months old I was very aware of her watching what I was eating. Need to remember this. Also as I was feeding her at the same time it forced me to slow down instead of just wolfing it down

    And finally, I miss running!!!!!! I had get to the store and home quite quickly tonight so was really fast walking, almost running and I was struck by how much I miss running. The sense of freedom, the sense of power an the knowledge I'm doing good for myself. I need to get back at it. It migh have to wait till I'm back at work but I will get back to it.

    It's thirsty Thursday - get that water into you!!!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    Hi my name is Kaarin. I am looking to get rid of a whole person 140+ I am a working mother of a very active 5 year old boy. Been overweight forEVER. I have tried to lots of things for short periods of time. I get discouraged very easy. This time I have been trying for about 17 days now. I am working out and watching my calories. But still nothing has happend other than gaining more weight!!! I think alot is water but who knows..... I am looking for support and to give support for others :)

    Hi Kaarin, maybe instead of looking at the point that you haven't lost any weight, pay attention to the fact that you have stuck with this for 17 days! That's great! If you keep working at it and believing in yourself, I know you will get there. Something that helps me take the focus off of my weight is only weighing myself once a week, otherwise I feel I get too obsessed with it and get dissapointed. Keep up the good work!

    Thank you I try not to weigh myself but Im not very good at that lol

    my name is Jenn and im a scale-a-holic i mainly do it in the begining when im starting back out in about a month or two i won't weigh every day. i used to be so obsessed with it i weighed after every meal, when i woke up and before bed. you may be loosing inches try doing your measurments and see how that works out for you. good luck! feel free to add me if you would like
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    Monday night I was watching biggest loser (season 13 - we are behind over here) it touched a chord in me. My beautiful baby girl. All the excuses under the sun are not worth not being here for her. So I've been trying to remind myself of this trough the days.

    I have a confession... Biggest Loser is why I started my journey! I like being inspired by their stories, and seeing their progress and even their challenges. That's also where I realized that the difference between me and them is they have someone that believes in them (listen to how often the coaches are encouraging and telling them they can do something).

    I may not have a trainer next to me, but I have myself. I believe in myself and I started changing the way I talk to myself (yes, I'll admit to talking to myself :wink: ). Instead of putting myself down for poor choices, I focused on the positive. I still have to "reset" my self talk occasionally, but it really is making a difference to believe in myself!