30 day shred anyone else interested in starting tomorrow?



  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    Although I was limping around today because of my sore legs, I managed to complete L1D3. It can only get better from here....right?!? :)
  • haley255
    haley255 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm sooo sore from day 1 but I just finished day 2! It was rough.

    @mrslynch, I'm hoping to do them all in a row.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    What the heck is a 30 day shred???
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    What the heck is a 30 day shred???

    It's a workout dvd by jillian Michaels. 20 minute circuit training. I've seen amazing transformations after 30 days, so I'm committing myself to it!
  • It does get easier after a few days of each level. Once you get to level 2 the first couple of days will be hard too because you are working your muscles more. I can feel myself getting stronger though. At the start of my 30 day shred it was a struggle and i couldnt do a regular push up..I had to do the modify version. In level 2 you do walking push ups where you have to bend down and walk into a push up pose, do one and walk it back up. Well the modify version you just have to do the plank instead of the push up. In the beginning of level 2 I couldn't even go down a little and now I'm able to go halfway down. I love that about this workout...that you can feel yourself getting stronger.
  • Loved1s
    Loved1s Posts: 33 Member
    I completed L1 D1! Count me in!
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    L1d3 in the books, though I did have to modify the modified butt kicks lol. But I did one real push up!
  • I started the 30DS on 03/03, I am on Level 1 Day 6,...anyhow wanted to let you know there is a group that any of you could join on here called '30 Day Shred, Starting March 1rst',....just an FYI, you can always join late! ps- best wishes to you on all the 30DS journey!!
  • r_callison
    r_callison Posts: 1 Member
    Dang!!! I wish I had seen your post a few days ago. Can I still join you?
  • I just started day 1 today .... Count me in the group! It was tough, I had to take a few breaks which really showed me how out of shape I am. My kids have a snow day today so I had a 6 year old and 3 year old trying to do it with me which was NOT easy!

    I started tracking my WW points today. I am 1 month out from a cruise vacation, just hubby and I.
  • elena0559
    elena0559 Posts: 29 Member
    Looks like you guys started on the 5th right? Ill start today. So count me in!
    Also I found it on you tube as well.
  • I would like to start tomorrow with the 30 day shred however I am making it 60 days
  • I don't see why i cannot start today. I plan to start tonight
  • I just finished day 3, what a workout! I'm in too :)
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    I finished day 4 today. I printed off a calendar and circled each of the 30 days I needed to do this. I did each of the 10 days for the 3 different levels in a different color, and I have been X-ing off when I do a workout. It makes me feel more accomplished and motivated to keep going.
  • RLehotsky
    RLehotsky Posts: 27 Member
    Add me I'm in:smile:
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
  • stayathomezookeepa
    stayathomezookeepa Posts: 110 Member
    Dont worry about starting late! Anyone can still join :) How is everyone feeling? Anyone sore?
  • I finished day 4 today. I printed off a calendar and circled each of the 30 days I needed to do this. I did each of the 10 days for the 3 different levels in a different color, and I have been X-ing off when I do a workout. It makes me feel more accomplished and motivated to keep going.

    This what I am going to do today. My husband are going on a cruise on April 7th so I want to put a picture of myself from the last cruise when I looked so horrible next to it as motivation. I'm hoping to start liking the work and the pain eventually and keep up with something on the cruise.

    I completed D2 of L1 today. I'm just psyched that I actually did it. I did much more than I did yesterday too.
  • Dont worry about starting late! Anyone can still join :) How is everyone feeling? Anyone sore?

    Yes! I wasn't sure how I would do today with how sore my arms are (and I'm not even using weights) but once I warmed up and got into it it wasn't bad.