Help I have trouble eating under 2000 cals a day!



  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    also HRM only work properly with cardio when your heartrate is up, they are not meant to be worn for 10 hour shifts and the burn would not be accurate. You didn't get 90 lbs overweight by eating the right types of foods. You will have to do some soul searching and figure out if you are willing to do what it takes to do some of the damage you have done to your body. It won't be easy and that is a fact, but once it starts coming off you can be proud of yourself and that feels better than any other gift in the world.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member


    Cereal \ Porridge for breakfast... in UK we have sachets of Quaker oats... bowl of this with a coffee and a pint of water ... job done till lunch

    That's exactly what I have in the morning - sachet of Quaker (or Alpen porridge - it's fantastic), 150ml almond milk, 2 cups of coffee with skimmed milk and a litre of water - 227 cals and will normally fill me up until lunch. Perfect.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member


    Cereal \ Porridge for breakfast... in UK we have sachets of Quaker oats... bowl of this with a coffee and a pint of water ... job done till lunch

    That's exactly what I have in the morning - sachet of Quaker (or Alpen porridge - it's fantastic), 150ml almond milk, 2 cups of coffee with skimmed milk and a litre of water - 227 cals and will normally fill me up until lunch. Perfect.

    Or, you can actually skip breakfast and save more calories for later :)
  • stufielding
    stufielding Posts: 49 Member


    Cereal \ Porridge for breakfast... in UK we have sachets of Quaker oats... bowl of this with a coffee and a pint of water ... job done till lunch

    That's exactly what I have in the morning - sachet of Quaker (or Alpen porridge - it's fantastic), 150ml almond milk, 2 cups of coffee with skimmed milk and a litre of water - 227 cals and will normally fill me up until lunch. Perfect.

    Or, you can actually skip breakfast and save more calories for later :)

    If that works for you happy days... me personally, if I skip brekkie and then go lunch shopping im like a dog with two d*cks and want to buy and eat more than i normally would because im starving at that point...
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    i dont follow tdee i dont calculate the cals i lose from my job, one night i wore my hrm and it said i burned over 8,000 cals in a 10 hour shift... even if i cut that in half and say i burn 4000 plus the exercise i do, plus i walk from work most days which i also dont factor in.... the only days i see loss is when i eat under 2000 cals days like today when i ate 2300 i'll get on the scale and see nothing....

    I know you two dont understand...

    Have you seen a doctor, and discussed your diet, activity and weight-loss with them?

    It may be that you have an extremely low metabolism. If so, you will not burn the same amount of calories as other people, no matter how physically active you are. There are several reasons for this, PCOS and hypothyroidism are among the most common in women. You may also have a food sensitivity or intolerance, or some other health issue such as insulin resistance, which causes bloodsugar to be stored as fat rather than used for energy.

    If you have an activity level that says you should burn 8000 calories in a day (which, just for comparison, according to some calculators is 7 hours of high impact aerobic for a person weighing 220 pounds), I am really impressed with your job, and it should keep you slim even if you eat immense amounts of food. However, you are here and you are trying to lose weight, so something is obviously off. Either you overestimate how active you are, you eat a lot more than you believe, or you have some other reason why you don't burn those calories, such as the mentioned health issues.

    To use myself as an example, even if I don't try to eat 2000 calories a day: In order to maintain my weight, I should eat about 1700 calories a day, when I don't work out. With my regular workouts, according to most calculators, I should be over 2000 pretty regularly. If I do that, I gain weight. I need to stay between 1500 and 1200 in order to maintain, even when I work out quite a bit.

    I have hypothyreosis and food intolerances. I need to keep the amount of sugar I eat down, and I can't eat wheat, rye or barley. This means a pretty low-carb diet, where the carbs I eat have a low glycemic index - they are slow carbs. I can't eat bread, pasta or cakes, but I don't have celiac disease, I have an intolerance which gives me some of the irritation and all of the water rentention and low energy. Luckily I don't get as sick as a real celiac sufferer gets. In weight loss terms though, I am a lot healthier and lose weight easier when I manage to avoid these things. I use unpolished (brown) rice, avoid potatoes, and I use a lot of different other vegetables with my meat or fish.

    I also avoid alcohol and keep the salt down. Both alcohol and very salty food makes me retain large amounts of water. Last week, despite staying under calorie wise, I gained 4 pounds. I am pretty sure it was due to having a glass or two of wine with dinner every day, because I was travelling, had guests, went out with friends and generally celebrated. This week I am trying to avoid it, and have already lost one of those pounds.

    What I am trying to say is this: There is no normal. According to the average calories in vs calories out, I should eat a lot more than I do. I can't, because I am individual, and have unique needs. You need to find what works for you. My best tool for that is by tracking every detail of what I eat and how I work out, because quality is as important as quantity.

    Perhaps you don't need to eat less, if you just learn to eat right?

    Oh, and don't weight yourself every day, and don't panic until you have a large sample of weigh-ins to compare. Random things can change your weight on any given day, so you need a longer-term sample.

    Good luck!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Water Water Water Water.. you might be dehydrated and confusing hunger for thirst! Seriously, it will help.

    But you have to make better choices, 2% American Cheese is 50 calories, instead of 100, Get lean ground beef, etc.

    You have to make better choices by swaping out higher cals for lower cals. That's the answer.
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    Good one Rotill.

    All good advice.

    Which is more than can be said for some.

    Seriously, you comment on this ladies choice not to come and start a thread with a negative comment, which you HAVE A CHOICE NOT TO POST.

    Ironic, indeed, hypocritical, definitely, constructive, never! Best get back to your flirting, high school threads I reckon.
  • shelby82009
    shelby82009 Posts: 1 Member
    For the longest time I felt the same way; It didn't matter how little I ate or how much I exercised, if I even so much as looked at a starchy, carb-y, or fatty food I would gain weight. not only was it frustrating but after a while it was depressing. Five years ago I learned that, many times, when people (women especially) have issues like you suggested, and I just described, its because of a hormone problem in the body... in my case my body could make insulin but didn't know how to use it; so that, along with all the glucose I ate, was stored (ie. turned into fat deposits) and released only when my body hit critical levels. This imbalance created issues in the glands with didn't allow them to function like they should. resulting in an inability to lose weight and a progressive weight gain regardless of diet content. And just to clarify its not Diabetes.
    Now I'm not saying this is whats happening but it would be a good thing for you to rule out, if you haven't already.
    Additionally, I would suggest watching a documentary ( its on Netflix if you have it ) called Hungary For Change. It will get into more detail, but essentially, it discusses MSG and how originally MSG was created for the sole purpose of quickly making rats fat, so scientists could study the effects of diet pills. Today MSG is literally in everything!!! and goes by MANY different names like partially hydrolyzed soybean oil, Glutamic acid (E 620)
    Glutamate (E 620)
    Monosodium glutamate (E 621)
    Monopotassium glutamate (E 622)
    Calcium glutamate (E 623)
    Monoammonium glutamate (E 624)
    Magnesium glutamate (E 625)
    Natrium glutamate
    Yeast extract..... just to name a few.
  • ladypenel
    ladypenel Posts: 88 Member
    Not the usual MFP supportive style post but here goes....

    I think you’re a f'cking idiot... and extremely f*cking rude!! Hence why you are getting a rude response here...

    Stop kidding yourself... you eat *kitten*!!... You are lazy with your food and lazy with your diary entries... how will you ever to figure out where it’s going wrong if you can’t even be bothered to log the food you are eating correctly??

    Write them down and log later if anything...

    What you are doing is clearly not working... so stop getting pi*sy at other people and do something about it... or stop coming on this site and continue as you are... makes zero difference to people in this thread who have made changes to their lives in order to start succeeding... They have shared their advice and ideas... just for you to be a massive d*ck to them!

    My diary is not perfect by any means and I don’t eat as cleanly as half of the members on MFP... but what I am doing for ME is working... I stopped logging for a while to see if I could continue loosing without this website... I didn’t gain but I didn’t loose much more... so I’m back using it again...

    Ill end with what I found helped ME...

    I work 10 - 11 hour shifts... desk job too, making it way too easy to snack, spend some time out on the road too which makes it hard to keep things constant too...

    First of all... water... lots of.... yeh I spend more times p*ssing than at my desk but it’s so good for you... and for me... it seems to curb the in-between snacking


    Cereal \ Porridge for breakfast... in UK we have sachets of Quaker oats... bowl of this with a coffee and a pint of water ... job done till lunch

    Lunch (which was the main cause of my weight gain in the first place)

    Soup with crackers (the crackers took away the need to snack on crisps and less cals than two slices of bread)
    Fat free yogurt
    Fresh Pineapple and mango (this was my godsend.. totally took chocolate out of my lunch at work and I love it)


    Pack of Salt and vinegar rice cakes


    Varies... if I have been to the gym... ill pretty much eat what ever I fancy. If I haven’t then I check my cals left and adjust accordingly... sometimes I go over sometimes I don’t...
  • parrrp
    parrrp Posts: 14 Member
    I've skimmed this, and seen other people saying similar in the last page...
    Definitely go to your doctor - If you have underactive thyroid or pcos you probably won't lose weight regardless of what you're consuming / expending... have a look online, there are lists of symptoms on loads of sites. It made me tired and bad tempered a lot the time, which made me even more likely to grab things in passing rather than making healthier choices.
    Look at eating oats, a big bowl of porridge or muesli should fill you up and keep you going for the morning, and take healthy snacks into work to tide you over if you want to snack - carrot and celery sticks are good I find.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    When I bulk, my breakfast is 1000 calories and I'm as 271lb bodybuilder in the offseason. I'd say think about my needs and yours and think if you need the same as me. I'd hazard a guess as no.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I work 10 - 11 hour shifts... desk job too, making it way too easy to snack, spend some time out on the road too which makes it hard to keep things constant too...

    But this is the main difference - the op spends her entire shift walking around. I'm hazarding a guess she is in the very active range at work- plus she excercises. I'm actually not sure she needs to be eating under 2000 cals/day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well if you're on your feet all day you're going to use up more calories.

    Personally having a shake has helped me fill up for 2 hours. Not gonna say the brand so I don't start another 10 page thread though... but it's helped me.

    Something you can do is eat low fat (like low fat cheese in your burrito). I have no idea how you can get 900 calories in two burritos and a small potato though.

    What gets me is that I think you're just using the wrong kinds of food. Even 90% beef has more fat than chicken, for example, and 'fries' (even homemade) and the bun are calories and fat you could have spent on something more filling... like plain yogurt, low fat cheese, chicken etc.

    I'm eating about 1400-1500 calories right now and my log is pretty full. For me a normal lunch or dinner is usually around 400 calories and 14g of fat.
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    i dont follow tdee i dont calculate the cals i lose from my job, one night i wore my hrm and it said i burned over 8,000 cals in a 10 hour shift... even if i cut that in half and say i burn 4000 plus the exercise i do, plus i walk from work most days which i also dont factor in.... the only days i see loss is when i eat under 2000 cals days like today when i ate 2300 i'll get on the scale and see nothing....

    Heart rate monitors are not meant for that kind of usage. They are meant to track your heart rate during sustained exercises. The calorie numbers on exercise tend to be high. The calorie numbers during anything else are complete fiction.

    Unless you are a doing heavy manual labor, you are not burning 4000 calories at work, let alone 8000.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    For me, I eat Pasta, w/ Fiber.
    Eat a serving size, of 2oz as a snack.

    Another snack I eat are Beans.
    Add Oiions, Mushrooms, pasta sauce
    100 Calories, 20 grams of carbs 5 grams of Fiber

    Try eating Greek Yogurt
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Okay, so basically I need SOME ADVICE from people who have had trouble eating under 2000 cals a day...

    I know all the simplistic answers make healthy choices, pack your lunch, stay away from junk etc... but i work long hours on my feet all day and at work i grab the nearest thing around, ive been good these last couple of days about not eating a crazy amount of cals but still i ate way over 1500 and felt like was darn starving myself.. how do you do it? Seriously my stomach grumbles and im having hunger pains.. i dont see how people sustain themselves off salad and a few chunks of chicken breast or fruit and water.. i feel like i ate nothing.. plus who wants to eat two hard boiled eggs for a meal wtf.. you know how it(2 boiled eggs) is on the menu in every restaurant:huh: :indifferent: ... i want to eat like normal.

    like for breakfast i had 2 homemade soft tacos and a baked potato and it came out to @ 900 cals for two small tacos and a baked potato...

    for lunch a homemade hamburger and fries almost 600 cals.. and it not like im using fatty meat... 90% lean ground beef is 200 for a quarter pound, bread is 100 cals, cheese 100, condiments about 50, potato and ketchup @ 150 cals...

    you get my point... is anyone eating like a normal person and losing? I mean at work im gonna grab something convenient if i missed breakfast and am starving and the only thing in my vending machines are junk! chips and cupcakes etc... im not going to be hungry... this seems way more difficult than it should be.. Eat Less Cals, Exercise = Lose Weight.. but Doesnt seem like it works like that for me.. seems like im going to have to be in pain and starve and eat carrots and grass...

    I eat 1900-2000 cals a day, and although I get hungry sometimes, I definitely don't feel like I'm starving.

    Here's what I had yesterday:

    Breakfast - 452 cals (homemade steak & egg burrito, 2 cups of coffee, 4T of creamer)
    Lunch - 362 cals (apple & 2T of PB, 2 mini Babybel cheeses)
    Dinner - 343 cals (1 baked chicken drumstick with breadcrumb crust, a spinach & red onion salad with dressing)
    Snacks - 729 cals (greek yogurt mixed with protein powder and raspberries, 1 oz of nuts, a bowl of Lucky Charms & milk, 1 piece of string cheese, and 4 sugar wafer cookies)

    Total calories - 1886

    I felt full and satisfied all day. I have to preplan my meals. I take my lunch to work most days, but I have found a lot of meals that I can get at restaurants that meet my intake requirements. I take snacks to work - I keep nuts and rice "chips" at my desk. I read all the labels at the grocery store and buy the brand/option that meets my needs the best (like the lowest calorie string cheese that I can find). It takes some effort, but it's worth it.

    I also want to say that you can still eat "normal" foods - you just have to change the way you eat them. I can have tacos that are WAY LESS than 900 calories. I'm just careful about how I make them. Chicken instead of beef (but even lean ground beef isn't that high just have to measure it out), lots of salsa, half an ounce of cheese. Hamburgers are the same way.

    I eat all the time. I eat all the foods I want. I just don't eat over my calorie intake.

    OP - you're being very rude and nonsensical. People are giving you great advice, but you just don't want to hear it. Good luck.
  • I think other people are right, you should change your idea of what is normal. I am not trying to be mean or too critical, but for instance, with your burger meal -- what if you used skim cheese, or 1/2 slice a cheese? Or 150 calories for ketchup? What about using half that? Maybe starting with really simple ways to cut out some extra calories (sodas? mayo, etc)

    I have made really easy modifications (and calorie deficits) just by identifying portion sizes -- I was using salad dressing that was adding up to almost 500 calories!!! Now I use balsamic vinegar (1 cal per tbs).

    Just some thoughts
  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    I only read through a few posts because your replies are ridiculous. I have a hard time believing you eat what you think you eat and/or you're as active as you think you are. At your size with that activity level you should be losing weight at 2000 calories so if you're not losing weight, something in your equation is wrong.

    But that's only part of your problem. Did you think this was going to be easy? You "can't" eat less than 2000 calories a day? Put on your big girl pants and find some discipline. Yes, you'll be hungry. There's a reason we got so big in the first place. We ate to much. To lose it we have to do the opposite. If it was easy I wouldn't be one of the smaller people in my office even though I'm 30 pounds overweight.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I eat between 1800-2300 cals x day. Exercise at least 50 minutes, 6 x week.
    I tried eating less, but that just doesn't work for me. I need FOOD.
    So, just exercise more. You say you're on your feet most of the day,
    so your TDEE is probably higher than mine - I'm 1750 without exercise at 5'0 ft.

    Less calorie deficit and more exercise has worked for me. Good luck!