Help I have trouble eating under 2000 cals a day!



  • carolynbergen1
    The so called "diet experts" wildly disagree so I surely wouldn't claim to know all the answers. There's the Atkins fans who think carbs bad, protein and fat good. I agree it's a great way for a quick way to lose lots of weight but I've know two people who tried it, lost a boatload of weight, then gained it all back when they could not eat that way anymore AND their blood levels were terrible, especially cholesterol. Then there's South Beach. Good carbs vs bad carbs. Pink Method, severe calorie restriction and NO exercise for the 1st couple of weeks because you will be too weak to do much of anything.

    I've seen the Weight Watchers method used successfully many times by friends and family. Like the commercial says "because it works". It's all about portion control and a balanced diet, plus exercise. A family friend lost 100 lbs just by walking every day. That's it. She started very overweight and her walk consisted of a walk up to the corner and back. Months later she was walking a few miles a day. My neighbor did the same thing. Started out at .25 miles and ended up at 6 miles per day. She is in her 80s.

    My doc's advice is to cut out the processed foods, watch the carbs and sugar, And MOVE. As well as do the math-calories in, calories out. If someone is burning a ton of calories by working out every day for an hour, they can afford a lot more calories than someone who is not. 2000 calories might be great for some. It would NOT be good for my body. The OP sounds like they are overweight, consuming 2000 plus per day and wondering why they are always hungry. I'm at less than 1200, more if I work out but always at a deficit. Since starting this journey here 6 weeks ago, I've lost 11 lbs and at last count 6". I never feel deprived or struggle with hunger pangs. Not once. I am not in good enough shape yet to work out for an hour or more, although I hope to get there at some point. I'm not in a sprint to lose weight either. Slow and steady and lifelong hopefully. But I also do not eat junk food on a regular basis. No donuts, potato chips, fast food...and I am not into chemicals either. Not going to eat fake butter, fake ice cream, low fat this, sugar free that....I feel guilty about the Crystal Light mix I put in my water, but I don't go overboard on it.

    Thing is? There is no good or bad advice in this thread. It's people telling other people what works for them, but it's not a one size fits all thing. Every body is different and will respond differently but seriously...the OP is overweight, does not mention any type of cardio or strength training and is consuming 2000 calories or more per day? The problem is obvious. Eat less, move more. The weight WILL come off. It has to.

    And I am outta this thread because it IS getting catty.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    - don't eat any empty calories. You know what I mean.

    - eat protein at every meal

    - change your definition of normal

    I don't know where you live or work, but what you describe is not "normal" where I come from - it's excessive and unhealthy. I am by no means a "health food" freak or a clean eater, either. Feel free to look at my diary, feel free to add me.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    This has been a funny read.
    Good luck IWantToo. Remember: keep complaining, feeling sorry for yourself, eating tacos for breakfast and burning 8000 calories at work. The fat will just melt off.

    ^^^ *kitten* ALERT!

    He's right. It's her attitude that needs to be adjusted. Until she stops the pity party, accepts that she won't reach her goals without making changes, is honest enough with herself to actually track what she eats, and is humble enough to admit that she's been making questionable choices, she will forever remain just as stuck and as frustrated as she is.

    Go back to her initial post. Her question wasn't, "How can I prepare more filling, satisfying foods that fit within my calorie budget?" Nor was it, "How can I fight cravings and stop eating the unhealthy way that made me overweight in the first place?"

    Nope. Her question was, "Who else eats like I do AND still loses weight, so I can do it, too." She wasn't asking for help in making changes. She was asking for reassurance that she can not make changes AND still lose weight.

    Does not compute.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Bump to read later.

    (So far, I'm having trouble reconciling all of the details provided by OP...physically active job, 250ish pounds, but gains on anything over 2000 daily. Doesn't seem to be physically possible to me, but maybe more illuminating facts are buried in those 10+ pages.)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Bump to read later.

    (So far, I'm having trouble reconciling all of the details provided by OP...physically active job, 250ish pounds, but gains on anything over 2000 daily. Doesn't seem to be physically possible to me, but maybe more illuminating facts are buried in those 10+ pages.)

    Not sure if my comment was address at all - the OP does not appear to log..that could have something to do with it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Bump to read later.

    (So far, I'm having trouble reconciling all of the details provided by OP...physically active job, 250ish pounds, but gains on anything over 2000 daily. Doesn't seem to be physically possible to me, but maybe more illuminating facts are buried in those 10+ pages.)

    Not sure if my comment was address at all - the OP does not appear to log..that could have something to do with it.

    Oh. I must have missed that post.

    If that's the case, then how does OP know she's staying at or around 2000 calories consistently?
  • oliviazab
    oliviazab Posts: 7 Member
    There is just no other way to say it, stay away from the deep fried and processed stuff. You can change what you see as 'normal', you just have to want to change it. You don't need to make homemade fatty foods, save that for your cheat days. You can make delicious meals for 300 cals and they feel like you're eating bad, trust me. Before you make a meal, google a healthy version of it. Cut back on the cheese, condiments, you don't have to eliminate them.

    Bake your fries instead of deep frying them, they barely need any oil. There are short cuts to making meals healthier. If you really want to lose weight, you will do it. If you don't care enough, then it will be a long, disappointing ride.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    With exercise I maintain at 4000. Just sayin'. If you want to eat that much exercise more.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    sometimes i can't keep it under 2000 cals too. Those days are usually days when i work long hours. It just helps to plan your day in advance, have food packed, etc. Buying crap at cafes is no bueno. I had a very unfilling single serve quiche for breakfast yesterday at a ended up being almost 500 calories. WTF?!?!

    Today I had a 160 calorie yogurt that kept me satiated untl noon.

    It helps to be prepared.

    ETA: also, protein is your friend.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    If you're working on your feet all day, you probably DO need to eat more. The biggest thing is to just prepare. Pack yourself a days worth of meals and snacks. That way when you get hungry at work, you have your own, better choices, rather than whatever is laying around or in the vending machines. It doesn't have to be salad and a few chunks of chicken. There are lots of healthy foods out there that are very filling.
  • Ruthannlandsman

    Instead of tacos and a potato.... try eating breakfasty food like oatmeal.... or peameal (Canadian)bacon and scrambled eggs and two slices of whole grain toast. Change it up a bit... try making a quiche the night before and zap it in the microwave.
    Skip the fries. Try chicken on a bun instead of hamburger. Eat simple... steak, bake some salmon topped with your fav spice. Eat veggies.... dont forget to treat yourself to dessert, but think it through dont chow down on half a chocolate cake! ;p

    I was going through something similar last week and read about how to get rid of always being hungry and it said to eat more protein. So far so good.

    I also notice that if I stay away from sugar... I dont crave it. But I have to be good for a few days before those cravings leave.
    Most of all move! I saw a program on TV and they compared excersers to folks who move. For example folks who walk a bit to work and are just busy doing stuff burn as many calories as those who go crazy and do cardio 3X a week.

    Having said all that, I suggest you read Covert Bailys book Fit or Fat. Lots of good stuff in there, and its a funny read too.
    But I still do cardio... lots of it, only because it keeps the old hot flashes at bay!! lol

    Good luck and keep up the good work
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Here! Pulling up a seat with my back when I have read more.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Time out everyone. Lots of great suggestions, but if OP isn't accurately logging her calories, then these changes are just shots in the dark. And without tracking, it's easy to unintentionally compensate for these little changes to the point that they're no longer effective.
  • rachaelheaney
    So, according to your logic, everyone who eats healthy food and enjoys it is abnormal. Lovely. :laugh:
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Beer is killing my calorie counts...

    i like you
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Time out everyone. Lots of great suggestions, but if OP isn't accurately logging her calories, then these changes are just shots in the dark. And without tracking, it's easy to unintentionally compensate for these little changes to the point that they're no longer effective.

    Don't want this to get lost in the responses. Totally agree!

    Logging accurately and honestly is a great place to start so you know what you're really eating and what your caloric intake is.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    When you cut out processed foods, your food cravings and hunger pangs go away. Eat clean to cleanse of processed foods and sugars. It usually takes around three days to detox from this. A way to tell if you're truly hungry is to ask yourself if lettuce sounds good. If it does, then you are hungry. If it doesn't then it is a craving.

    Again, it takes time to get used to. Begin by cutting a little a day and really focusing on change. Slowly, you just change. After my fruit and veggie cleanse. I am lucky to get 1,000 calories. Last year I ALWAYS ate over 2,000 calories. My stomach growled if I didn't. Now I eat under goal, but I listen to my body. If it isn't hungry, I am not feeding it more, no matter what MFP says I should do.

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    2 soft tacos and a baked potato... for breakfast?
    i might manage 2 soft tacos OR a baked potato for dinner.
    this isn't an especially constructive post, i know.
    but maybe you need to adjust your definition of 'normal'?


    Lmao @ two tacos OR a baked potato i couldnt possibly manage both and either would be far too large for breakfast maybe for dinner...

    lmaooooooooo sorry it made me LOL especially when most people have eggs, "toast, pancakes or waffles" a slice or two of bacon or sausage maybe both and lets not forget the condiments butter and syrup etc... breakfast is a big and fatty meal for a lot of people.... thats not an abnormal meal if you google breakfast you will likely get the above... so one baked potato for dinner is a large meal for you?

    I have coffee for beakfast.

    I like to save my calories for a bit later in the day because I like eating more at once, and later....I am doing just fine.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I've come to the conclusion that OP is trolling all of you.


    No I just think she is overwhelmed with all the responses and taking some time to digest it all.....hopefully.

    How many quick add calories would that be?
  • Stacemace83
    Stacemace83 Posts: 7 Member
    she IS logging. go back a few weeks in her diary. she has potato chips or fries with almost every meal, including breakfast