Help I have trouble eating under 2000 cals a day!



  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    OP, I read I a lot of your responses....and it just doesn't seem like you really want to change anything. You want to eat massive amounts of junk and have the weight just fall off. You're not willing to replace fatty choices with healthier ones. People have tried to help you and you make a lot of excuses. I'm honestly not trying to be mean, but....unless you help yourself, no one here can.

    I understand wanting to eat "normal" food...but you can't expect to eat the way you do, every day, and expect to lose weight.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    its hard to give great advice since all of your meal entries are just quick entry of calories. but based off your description, here are a few of my thoughts.
    If you are going to have a burger for lunch, is there a way you can cut out the stuff you don't actually need (i.e. bun/bread, cheese, fries). Go with foods that will be filling and not waste calories.

    Generally speaking, you don't need processed carbs in your diet because they are just a waste of calories and don't really do much for you. Instead, get your carb intake through fruits and veggies....if you are like me and love bread, make it a once in a while treat, not an every day food. Also, ditch the fries, they have ZERO nutritional value, try a different alternative, maybe steamed veggies or a salad (I know it doesn't have the same feel good sensation as a burger and fries but your waistline will be happier)

    Packing your lunch and having healthy snacks on hand is going to be the key to success if you work long hours. Make sure your snacks have protein in them so that they actually satisfy your hunger. Also, if you feel like you are constantly hungry, make sure you are drinking enough water. Days that I drink less than normal (for me) I feel very hungry throughout the day.

    What time of day are you eating? Are you spreading meals out evenly? Are you eating late at night? Trying to spread out your intake through the day will help you stay full longer also. Try spliting your 1500 calories up into 5-300 calorie "meals" you can do this and still be satisfied (ex for dinner, 5oz grilled chicken breast, 1/2 medium baked sweet potato, 1c. steamed green beans is about 315 calories, sounds like a pretty decent dinner right?) Also, make sure your breakfast has some protein in it too! This will get your metabolism off to a good start and again, keep you full to start the day.

    Good Luck with your journey. Its all about finding the right balance for you, but I think if you have a hectic schedule and can't always rely on working out consistently, you need to make your food intake a priority, put in good food, you will see good results. If you need meal or snack ideas, feel free to message me and I would be happy to help (or look at my food log too).
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    If you want to keep weighing the same, keep being "normal".

    If you want to lose weight, find a new normal.

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    There's a whole lot of food shaming going on here, and I think everyone applying the word "normal" or "abnormal" is the problem. Healthy people eat 900 calorie meals. Healthy people eat eggs (and even waffles and bacon) for breakfast.

    You can do these things and be healthy and lose weight... so long as you are monitoring the calories in vs. calories out. Some people don't do well eating breakfast. Some people find they feel hungrier from ingesting starchier or sugary foods. Some people do all of this and can make the rest of their day work.

    OP, more accurately enter your food choices and stop focusing on what's "normal" or not. Figure out a good number of calories to eat to lose weight sustainably (I recommend finding your TDEE-20%), then figure out what foods you can fit in to reach those goals and not be hungry still. Perhaps work on portioning out food (have that burger and fries, but perhaps half it so the rest is for dinner and you're not left wondering, "I have 10 calories left for dinner... what to do!"

    You don't have to go from "what you like" to boiled eggs and iceberg lettuce. But if you're not having success with what you're doing, perhaps change portions would be the first, simplest step for you.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    like for breakfast i had 2 homemade soft tacos and a baked potato and it came out to @ 900 cals for two small tacos and a baked potato...

    for lunch a homemade hamburger and fries almost 600 cals.. and it not like im using fatty meat... 90% lean ground beef is 200 for a quarter pound, bread is 100 cals, cheese 100, condiments about 50, potato and ketchup @ 150 cals...

    you get my point... is anyone eating like a normal person and losing?


    So you think eating 2 potatoes plus 2 soft tortillas plus a hamburger bun and 50 calories worth of condiments all within 2 meals is "normal"? Admittedly I did not read through all the other posts but my only suggestion here is for you to visit either a nutritionist or a dietician. You need perspective on what food choices are going to help you make the most of the calories and time you have allotted yourself for eating.

    Also, if you are on your feet all day then I cannot fathom why you are limited to 1500 calories/day. Standing burns more calories than sitting and a 1500 calorie/day diet is more typical of someone with a desk job that is fairly short in stature.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    It sounds like your definition of "normal" needs to change. 900 calories for one meal would be normal for, maybe, a linebacker. Or an unhealthy person. I think I eat like a "normal" person. I don't restrict anything, if I want it, I have it. And I am usually right where I need to be for calories. If I am going to eat more I exercise and "earn" some more calories. Check out my diary, it is open.
    Are you serious? A line backer eats 2 soft tacos and a baked potato.. LMAOOOOOooo um okay.. im not sure what kind of linebacker you're accustom to, but definitely not a normal one!

    how easy it is to have a 900 cal breakfast.

    2 small flour tortilla shells 100 cals each, 90% lean beef @ 400, 1 oz cheese 110, 1/4 cup beans 60 cals, medium potato 150... yea because a linebacker eats just enough meat to fill the small tortilla shells, 1 0z of cheese between two tacos and a quarter of a cup of beans and 1 potato ::eyeroll::

    Anyway I watch all the people at work eat garbage everyday this typical day for one of my coworkers is taco bell or fries and a dbl cheeseburger... another one she had a bag of marshmellos eating them like candy and a big bag of bbq potato chips and sour cream to dip them in and a bag of twizzlers.... i jut watch these people and im like wtf am I in bizarro world they all eat normal meaning just whatever nothing extra special or even healthy and are skinny to average body type.... i know i have to lose the weight in order to be able to eat "normal" but it would be nice to be able to eat what is considered a "normal or whats considered average amount of daily cals which is 2000 and lose" probably wont happen.. if anyone has done it let me know!

    You're eating a half pound of beef mixed with beans for breakfast??? That is a lot of food- especially when you add in the two taco shells, cheese and a potato!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Yupe... a line backer I am... lol... Active people need more cals!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have not read through all the responses so this may have been covered, but how do you know how much you are are not logging your food - just a bunch of quick adds. Start logging.
  • Helenotero48
    Helenotero48 Posts: 11 Member
    Drink lots of water, I also drink Diet Cokes( I know they are not healthy) and that way I feel full with 0 calories. Don't eat from the vending machine, pack your own snacks and you need to eat more protein and less carbs and sugars. When I started in January for the first week I was going over by 2000 calories and that made me realized how much I was eating . Then I started making myself eat at least 300 calories less everyday until I got a hang of it and didnt feel deprive. I also exercise everytime I have a break at work like walking at slow pace or running in place. Even at home when I clean it counts and that gives you extra calories to eat. Good Luck! :happy:
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I like when people assume that they're different. I see all these people eat X and when I eat X I get fat and they don't. Yea, but for example what if that's there only primary meal for the day. I had a 1000 breakfast today and still hit my goals just fine. You need to learn to separate mental hunger over real physical hunger if you can. The best way is to cut simple carbs / sugars and make sure you hit your fiber and daily water consumption.

    Frank Yang and Michael Phelps eat 5,000-10,000 calories because they expend that much energy. The average person doesn't. The real answer is. If you can't find anything that works food wise to get you a caloric deficit you have to burn it off through exercise.
    That wasnt the point of the post. The point of the post was, I could never eat like that. even if i consumed what they consumed just on their lunch break if that was my meal for the whole day I would not lose, i would likely maintain and I would have to be way under the average daily intake of 2,000 even with exercising everyday and having a physical job.. im just saying that sucks for me!

    FYI at nearly 300 pounds with a physical job and exercising I am always in a deficit.... yet i lose no weight eating 2000 cals, which means i cant eat 2000 cals. SImple as that it sucks and NO. I DONT EAT CALORIES BACK IF I CANT LOSE AT A DEFICIT HOW CAN I LOSE AT A SURPLUS SMH..

    I understand what you are saying. I also understand your frustration. I found out early on that I simply could not eat as much as other people and stay slim. I have never 'accidentally' lost weight like some people I know. I compared my diet to men around me and thought I was eating so much less than I was.

    The only time I could eat 2500 and maintain, was when I worked as a baggage handler for a major airline and lifted heavy in the gym 3 days a week, plus 45 minutes of cardio. I was 30 at the time and 5'6", 150-155 pounds.

    When I had a disabling injury that put me in a wheelchair for a couple of years, I gained a lot of weight, and am now working on getting it off at 49. It IS hard. It SUCKS that I can't eat like 'normal' people. But considering that 2/3 of the US population is overweight, and 1/3 is Obese, then 'normal' is definitely not healthy.

    I fought it for years. I would 'diet' for a week or so, lose a couple of pounds, then the scale would stop moving and I would get frustrated and quit, and go back to eating 1800 cals a day. Yeah, I maintained on between 1600-1800 cals a day. Being extremely sedentary will do that.

    Six months ago, after losing my mom to diabetes, and turning 49, I joined MFP and made the commitment to lose the weight. WHATEVER it took. I knew that if I didn't, I would be unhealthy, immobile, and end up with Diabetes very soon. And not be there for my kids and grandkids for all the important events in their lives. My mom died 3 weeks before my first grandchild was born.

    When you finally get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and reach the point that you are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to lose the weight and get healthy. THEN you will succeed.

    It sucks. It is not fair. But not much in life is fair. I had to finally put on my big girl panties. Accept my reality. And just do it. And the next day get up and do it again. And again. And here I am 6 months later, much slimmer, much stronger, much healthier, and much HAPPIER!

    Yeah, some days I'd love a Big Mac and fries. But it just isn't worth it anymore. My priorities have changed drastically. My biggest regret is that I didn't figure all this out when I was 30.

    Will I ever be able to eat like 'normal' people again? Not the definition of the average person's 'normal', no. But I have a 'new normal' and it is SO worth it.

    When you decide that you are indeed ready, there are many different ways to get started. Sounds like you could probably benefit from a carb detox. The South Beach Diet plan is a very healthy Mediterranean style diet that has a 2 week beginning phase that breaks your addiction to sugar and simple carbs. You then start adding back in healthy carbs after the first 2 weeks. It is a lifestyle change and once you get a couple of weeks into it, you will see great results and will feel so much better, then you will want to eat that way for life.

    If losing weight was easy, there would be no fat people in the world. It takes commitment, patience, planning, hard work, and often times telling yourself "no".

    When you are ready, you can do it.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member

    You say all posts are welcome yet you mock them.....most people who eat 900 calories for breakfast are fat.
    The point of the post wasnt for you to harp on the 900 cals for breakfast it was posted for a reason, which you seem to fail to realize... it's to understand that it is hard for one to eat "normally" and eat under 2000 cals... 2 soft tacos with or without the potato seems like a normal meal to me.... the tacos would have been over 700 even without the potato.... thats a lot of cals for not a lot of food. Its normal to eat two tacos with ground beef, taco shells and cheese... mine where the edited version. I in fact wanted tacos again but had a hamburger instead because tacos are far too calorie dense. My question is, is there anyone who eats like an average American/person goes to the grocery store gets food, prepares meal, and eats and is at 2000 cals and is losing... apparently thats not you, so you can go on your way now... i know 900 cals is a lot for breakfast which is why i posted it, but it is normal and this thread is for people who eat normal food in this case from the grocery store and prepare it, i cant help the calories...which is the point of the post, apparently you missed that. You seem to think its about giving me your opinion on what is a lot and what isnt a lot and who is fat and who isnt fat and is that your current picture because if people who are fat eat 900 cals... then.. *no comment*:indifferent:

    :flowerforyou: its late and im on tom there is a lot of good post in here minus they few:indifferent: Sorry for all the cranky post..please everyone, who actually lost eating 2000 cals and eats normally give your advice, story, and so on...

    FYI - Beef tacos for breakfast - NOT NORMAL; Bags of marshmellows you saw your coworker eating - NOT NORMAL. Thinking a burger and is not as dense or high calorie as a beef taco - NOT NORMAL. You have a very skewed perception of what normal is. No one can come to you and say that the way YOU EAT will help you LOSE WEIGHT!

    You need to stop making excuses for why it is so bloody impossible, and decide if you have ANY desire to change. Because if you haven't noticed - WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS NOT WORKING! So perhaps, you should TRY TO HEAR some of the advise from the successful friends on here that were nice enough to take the time to offer you help after YOU ASKED!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    No need for us to get mean here...
    I've also checked out your diary and agree you probably should start logging more. Also, probably cut back on the sugary meals for breakfast and increase it with more filling foods like protein and fiber. Increasing water intake is also good and exercise is also good. I'm also guilty of eating sugary stuff but since I love them (like you do,;-)), I'd replace the cupcake for a good tasting protein bar. Again the protien bar is more filling than the cupcake and tastes just as good. I'd also suggest lowering your base calories to about 1500 or 1600 a day... I think 2000 is a bit high if you want to lose weight.
  • stufielding
    stufielding Posts: 49 Member

    I work 10 - 11 hour shifts... desk job too, making it way too easy to snack, spend some time out on the road too which makes it hard to keep things constant too...

    But this is the main difference - the op spends her entire shift walking around. I'm hazarding a guess she is in the very active range at work- plus she exercises. I'm actually not sure she needs to be eating under 2000 cals/day.

    No one will know the answer to this unless she logs all food honestly and correctly....

    Only then can you compare your food intake to your burned cals!

    If you don't know how much you are eating... how much you are burning and you are not losing weight.... you are f*cked..

    and the comments about going to see docs etc are valid and good comments... however... in my opinion way too soon to go down that road until she can be f*cked to listen and try some of the advice people have kindly shared!!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    It sounds like your definition of "normal" needs to change. 900 calories for one meal would be normal for, maybe, a linebacker. Or an unhealthy person. I think I eat like a "normal" person. I don't restrict anything, if I want it, I have it. And I am usually right where I need to be for calories. If I am going to eat more I exercise and "earn" some more calories. Check out my diary, it is open.
    I eat 900 calorie meals :angry:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Okay, so basically I need SOME ADVICE from people who have had trouble eating under 2000 cals a day...

    I know all the simplistic answers make healthy choices, pack your lunch, stay away from junk etc... but i work long hours on my feet all day and at work i grab the nearest thing around, ive been good these last couple of days about not eating a crazy amount of cals but still i ate way over 1500 and felt like was darn starving myself.. how do you do it? Seriously my stomach grumbles and im having hunger pains.. i dont see how people sustain themselves off salad and a few chunks of chicken breast or fruit and water.. i feel like i ate nothing.. plus who wants to eat two hard boiled eggs for a meal wtf.. you know how it(2 boiled eggs) is on the menu in every restaurant:huh: :indifferent: ... i want to eat like normal.

    like for breakfast i had 2 homemade soft tacos and a baked potato and it came out to @ 900 cals for two small tacos and a baked potato...

    for lunch a homemade hamburger and fries almost 600 cals.. and it not like im using fatty meat... 90% lean ground beef is 200 for a quarter pound, bread is 100 cals, cheese 100, condiments about 50, potato and ketchup @ 150 cals...

    you get my point... is anyone eating like a normal person and losing? I mean at work im gonna grab something convenient if i missed breakfast and am starving and the only thing in my vending machines are junk! chips and cupcakes etc... im not going to be hungry... this seems way more difficult than it should be.. Eat Less Cals, Exercise = Lose Weight.. but Doesnt seem like it works like that for me.. seems like im going to have to be in pain and starve and eat carrots and grass...
    If you're on your feet all day you might be able to eat 2000 calories and lose. With that said, make no wonder you're hungry. First off, I wouldn't consider hamburgers fries and tacos and potatos a 'normal persons' diet. We feel hungry for reasons other then not eating enough food. People get hungry when they're missing something in their diet, are thirsty, or aren't getting enough food for example. Looking at the things you listed, they are not exactly well rounded in the nutrient spectrum. Calculate how much protein you should be getting, how much fat, fill the rest in with carbs, and make sure you're making an effort to get your micronutrients too.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member

    I work 10 - 11 hour shifts... desk job too, making it way too easy to snack, spend some time out on the road too which makes it hard to keep things constant too...

    But this is the main difference - the op spends her entire shift walking around. I'm hazarding a guess she is in the very active range at work- plus she excercises. I'm actually not sure she needs to be eating under 2000 cals/day.

    If this was the case, then she wouldn't be gaining weight when she went over 2000 cals.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    I work 10 - 11 hour shifts... desk job too, making it way too easy to snack, spend some time out on the road too which makes it hard to keep things constant too...

    But this is the main difference - the op spends her entire shift walking around. I'm hazarding a guess she is in the very active range at work- plus she excercises. I'm actually not sure she needs to be eating under 2000 cals/day.

    If this was the case, then she wouldn't be gaining weight when she went over 2000 cals.

    She may not be logging correctly, especially after someone noting her use of 'quick add' calories. 2000 is not a huge number for someone who is on their feet all day. Especially if they feel famished.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    idea of a "portion size" was so wonky that I have resigned myself to the fact that I have to completely learn how to feed myself "correctly". I still struggle with trying to keep my calories below 2,000 a day. I'm ok if I've made it to the gym or done a workout to go to about 2,100 or so but even then I feel like I've been denying myself. I know this isn't the case, it's just old habits dying hard in my case. I have MFP set to lose "1 pound per week" and that gives me a base of about 1,770 calories. The old me thinks every day how hard it is to keep within those walls...but the new me thinks "YES YOU CAN!"

    Good luck!
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    What you are doing isn't working, and frankly, it's going to kill you. With a busy life (and don't we all have a busy life?) you need to plan healthy choices so you aren't eating empty calories from a vending machine. Maybe start with planning one healthy meal a day that includes lean protein, fruits/veggies and whole grains. You need to retrain yourself to what real food tastes like. It's not the sweet and salty treats you get from a bag. You have a long road ahead of you, but you can do it!