Can't stop eating the puddings!!!



  • chkn_WANG_Train
    find a delicious protein bar that can be like a dessert! I like square bars, because I love chocolate and they have nice flavors like almond, peanut butter, and coconut. I was having ONE, in replacement, but the mental richness quickly brought me down to just half and now I just have a quarter of one when I'm feeling the need to satiate my sweet soul.

    I also have a protein shake that is sweet, that replaces my treats now, it has stevia instead of added sugars and 16 grams of protein, which I've been focusing on maintaining a high level of protein for this next couple of weeks to try something different out.

    I was obsessed with brownies, mmuffins, scones, and cookies and just slowly weaned myself off. Allowing myself to have a BITE or the best one.... as in the vegan or gluten free one, or vegan gluten free one if it was an option. Try slowly replacing those options (if its at home) with healthier ones, slowly the craving will change a little bit and then you can literally have control over it. Now when I'm craving a sweetness, instead of eating something full of butter, flour and mostly bad fats, I'm drinking a healthy raw protein shake (sunwarrior) or having a nibble of an organic, vegan, gluten free all natural protein chocolate bar. Your body will love you for it and give back!
  • kharper85
    kharper85 Posts: 44 Member
    I really like eating Arctic Zero frozen dessert when I have a sweet craving. It is only 150 calories for the whole pint and all natural. It also has whey protein in it.
  • visabsoluta
    visabsoluta Posts: 138
    eat them in front of the mirror, naked.
  • jody0726
    jody0726 Posts: 34 Member
    I side with many and say if you are under your daily calories, and if it's in moderation, why give it up? For me, my addiction was ice cream. Before I began MFP, I would/could eat an entire 1/2 gallon in 2 settings. When I made up my mind to change, I knew that I could not even purchase ice cream in that size or I would just devour it. I tried to go cold turkey and found I would bing on other things, all the while still craving ice cream. Long story short, what worked for me was single serving ice cream containers in 100 calories. I allowed myself one a day and worked it into my daily allowance. There are now days that I find I don't even crave ice cream as I used to.

    Bottom line, this is a lifestyle change. Personally, I could not give up ice cream for the rest of my life - but I realized if I wanted to be healthy, I had to give it up in mass quantity. Moderation is key.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    eat them in front of the mirror, naked.

    I love this advice!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    FYI for the North Americans...I have a feeling the OP is from the UK where "puddings" is synonymous with "dessert".

    tHAT'S KINDA what I thought, too.....and their puddings are very rich and delicious!!!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I really like eating Arctic Zero frozen dessert when I have a sweet craving. It is only 150 calories for the whole pint and all natural. It also has whey protein in it.

    arctic zero cures all :)
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I love puddings so much, and so I am in the habbit of eating them after every dinner. I've tried switching to fruit to eat but I just end up eating it with ice cream or chocolate!!! Which isn't good.

    Need some motavation and tips to stop eating puddings and any ideas for healthly alternatives!!!

    Stop buying the puddings.

    Problem solved.


    That was easy enough. :bigsmile: