Has anyone seen impressive results with a kettlebell workout



  • sweatingatlunch
    sweatingatlunch Posts: 2 Member
    I did Kettlebells for 2 months. It was great. I felt stronger than ever. Sadly my instructor stopped doing it and there isn't anyone else around my area. Just be sure to get your form down first.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Disclaimer: I am a little bit drunk on white wine - BUT:

    An avid kettlebell fanatic, I just got home from seeing 30 patients in 10 hours, some of who I felt like saying "Oh - just shut the %%% up!", I got home and threw a few kettlebell clean and presses to some reggae music and suddenly everything is right with the world.

    You can only do that with a kettlebell!

    - sometimes the results are more than just physical.
  • kelsuha89
    kelsuha89 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm intersted in starting to do some kettlebell exercises.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what weight i should start with?
    I bought 5lb-ers, but from further reading I see it is good to also have a heavier one on hand too (15lbs)

    I'm really looking to loose fat and tone up.
    I'm female, 5'7'', 147lb

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I am in LOVE with my kettlebell! ????

    I have definitely seen results just by looking up youtube videos on form and different things to do with it. Last month, I went from 36.5 inch waist to 35 inches. Of course, it's not the only thing I do, but it's a major part of my workout.
  • kelsuha89
    kelsuha89 Posts: 15 Member
    I am in LOVE with my kettlebell! ????

    I have definitely seen results just by looking up youtube videos on form and different things to do with it. Last month, I went from 36.5 inch waist to 35 inches. Of course, it's not the only thing I do, but it's a major part of my workout.

    what weight do you use? Your starting and goal weight are similar to mine...i bought two 5 lb-ers today, should i return them for ONE heavier one, or keep them for kettlebell exercies that aren't 'swinging'?

    Any advise to my beginner self is much appreicated please! :)
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member

    Call me an Idiot but what the hell does "BUMP" mean??????

    It's just a way to keep the thread going to get advise and more people to see it. Moves it to the "top of the list" per se.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I am in LOVE with my kettlebell! ????

    I have definitely seen results just by looking up youtube videos on form and different things to do with it. Last month, I went from 36.5 inch waist to 35 inches. Of course, it's not the only thing I do, but it's a major part of my workout.

    what weight do you use? Your starting and goal weight are similar to mine...i bought two 5 lb-ers today, should i return them for ONE heavier one, or keep them for kettlebell exercies that aren't 'swinging'?

    Any advise to my beginner self is much appreicated please! :)

    I started with a 15lb. It's much easier to move around now, so I'm going to buy a heavier one soon. You would probably be better off returning them for something heavier. You are already capable of doing more than you think. If you can lift something easily and do tons of reps with it, you need something heavier. Heavy weights get results!
  • kelsuha89
    kelsuha89 Posts: 15 Member
    I am in LOVE with my kettlebell! ????

    I have definitely seen results just by looking up youtube videos on form and different things to do with it. Last month, I went from 36.5 inch waist to 35 inches. Of course, it's not the only thing I do, but it's a major part of my workout.

    what weight do you use? Your starting and goal weight are similar to mine...i bought two 5 lb-ers today, should i return them for ONE heavier one, or keep them for kettlebell exercies that aren't 'swinging'?

    Any advise to my beginner self is much appreicated please! :)

    I started with a 15lb. It's much easier to move around now, so I'm going to buy a heavier one soon. You would probably be better off returning them for something heavier. You are already capable of doing more than you think. If you can lift something easily and do tons of reps with it, you need something heavier. Heavy weights get results!
    Thank you for your advice!! I'll exchange them tonight...now can I ask, do you use dumbbells for anything like bicep curling or should i just forget the dumbbells altogether? I cant decide if one is better than the other or if there is a decent benefit to both?
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I am in LOVE with my kettlebell! ????

    I have definitely seen results just by looking up youtube videos on form and different things to do with it. Last month, I went from 36.5 inch waist to 35 inches. Of course, it's not the only thing I do, but it's a major part of my workout.

    what weight do you use? Your starting and goal weight are similar to mine...i bought two 5 lb-ers today, should i return them for ONE heavier one, or keep them for kettlebell exercies that aren't 'swinging'?

    Any advise to my beginner self is much appreicated please! :)

    I started with a 15lb. It's much easier to move around now, so I'm going to buy a heavier one soon. You would probably be better off returning them for something heavier. You are already capable of doing more than you think. If you can lift something easily and do tons of reps with it, you need something heavier. Heavy weights get results!
    Thank you for your advice!! I'll exchange them tonight...now can I ask, do you use dumbbells for anything like bicep curling or should i just forget the dumbbells altogether? I cant decide if one is better than the other or if there is a decent benefit to both?

    Dumbbells are good, too! But same goes for them about weight. If it's too easy, get something heavier.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    My former trainer says women (unless you have a medical problem) should start swinging with at least a 20 lb KB. Most people swing way too light.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    The original question here was about the Jillian Michaels workout DVD. Careful with the recommendations about how much weight a kettlebell 'should' have. While a heavier weight might be ok for starting with the classic swings, Jilllian's DVD is a fast paced cardio workout with weights, and she suggests using 3-8 lbs hand weights for them. Maybe some of you already have the strength to throw around 15 lbs right from the start, but when I first tried this DVD, I was hurting with little 8-10 lbs kettlebells. Over one year, I worked myself up to 15 lbs, but I still consider this training as HIIT with weights, rather than kettlebell training.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    The kettleworks program changed my body from an apple to hourglass. And they are quick to burn cals