Today i will stay on track because...



  • lcooke24
    lcooke24 Posts: 115 Member
    Today I will stay on track because.............I like the way I feel when I do.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    I like this topic :happy: today I will stay on track.....because I plan on having a couple drinks tomorrow night....:drinker:
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Because it's where I am, where I should be, like to be, need to be, have to be, am gonna stay.
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Great positive topic! Today I will stay on track - because it's time to reboot my program - ground zero day one is today!
  • honey_dew
    honey_dew Posts: 28
    Today I will stay on track because I hit my highest weight on the scale this morning.
  • vicrandom
    vicrandom Posts: 80 Member
    'cause I've been too sick to work out.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    ...I want to have lotsa beer tomorrow.
  • janahcarter
    janahcarter Posts: 42 Member
    Cause my husband, son and I are going on vacation in May with 2 of our friends and I want to be a smokin' hot b*tch!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I will stay on track today because I am worth it, I've made it this far am not turning back!:bigsmile:
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    because I made a commitment to myself. And that new bikini that I ordered will be here any day!
  • Because I lost another pound today, so I know that it is possible! :)
  • michellelanelane
    michellelanelane Posts: 1 Member
    Hay I started on 6th January and have also lost 19 pounds so far! I'm going to stay on track today cos it's my weigh day tomorrow!
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Cause my husband, son and I are going on vacation in May with 2 of our friends and I want to be a smokin' hot b*tch!

    Me too, but my trip is in about 5 weeks. :-) Be that smokin' hot b*tch, honey! You deserve it.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I will stay on track today and everyday because I am WORTH it.

    Also, hearing my husband tell me he's proud and bragging for me is the most awesomest feeling :)
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    Because I pick up my wedding dress in two weeks.
  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    Today I will stay on track because... yesterday I didn't.
  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    Today I will stay on track because I have a dress hanging in my closet that I'm itching to wear. More importantly - today I will stay on track because every day of healthy living is far better than where I was before.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Because I've done well all week and I'm not going to stop now!
  • joy5877
    joy5877 Posts: 168 Member
    Because I am worth the effort!
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Because I pick up my wedding dress in two weeks.

    Excellent reason.Congrats!