% carbs / protien / fat / etc per day OR just calories



  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I am eating a lower carb eating style called primal/paleo (20% carbs, 25% protein, 55% fat) but there are a wide-range of possibilities based on your preferences/viewpoints/etc. I also focus on calories though, and for weight loss, calories are the most important factor IMO. However, your macros can play a more important role in your overall health. I am no expert though, but I'm sure some quick googling on high protein diet vs low carb vs low fat could help you out a bit :flowerforyou:
  • PAB1962
    PAB1962 Posts: 1
    I pay attention to the individual percentages. That's how I discovered I was consuming way too much sugar and not enough carbs and fat.
  • jerryallegood
    jerryallegood Posts: 31 Member
    I find that if I eat the right foods, my ratios usually end up close. It is when I eat too much junk that my numbers don't balance. So eat right and the only thing you have to balance is the calories. I watch both, but don't worry if the ratios awe slightly off. Then if I am eating way too much sugar, I just cut down on foods with sugar.
  • yocupcake
    yocupcake Posts: 32
    Thanks nolachick. Well, they can STFU.

    :laugh: It's an open forum. You say something idiotic people are all over it. Heck we're all here to learn. Or at least some of us are. Relax. It's Friday! :smokin:

    I didn't write anything idiotic - you misunderstood my post by assuming I was eating 20 grams of protein. LOL that would not work out to good while I'm doing P90X.

    The best way to get the right stats is to see a dietician. They take out all the guess work & tell you what percentages to eat that are specially designed for you.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Wow type a mistake on here & people go ape ****

    Im sorry. I thought I was being friendly because it was obviously a typo. Im sorry I interacted with you but you didnt have to call people monkey feces. That goes against the Terms of Service and Community guidelines.

    Report it. No one was being rude to her and there was no reason for the response everyone got back.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member

    definitely composition is important. You don't just put any liquid in your car, you put the appropriate TYPE of fuel for your car. Lame analogy I know, but the same with your body!

    Check my diary if you want an idea. My last week hasn't been great as I'm away from home, but you get the idea :)
  • Joe7178
    Joe7178 Posts: 105
    first create deficit
    1G protein per lb of lean body mass..1G=4 cals
    .45x bodyweight for fat intake. 1G fat = 9 cals
    than rest of calories fill with carbs. 1G carb= 4cals

    You don't need to follow macros, Calorie deficit will work just fine
  • I try to stay under on everything, I have my settings at 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat. I was a 40/40/20 person but my trainer told me to up my carbs because of my workouts

    Wow that's almost exactly what I did haha, except I just today decided to go from 40/30/30 to 50/25/25 and will probably stick with that for a while, work on my feet about 45 hours a week.

    You notice any difference with more carbs?
  • Currently I am just worried about calories and it is working. Once I hit a plateau I will then need to rethink my strategy.
  • yocupcake
    yocupcake Posts: 32
    Wow type a mistake on here & people go ape ****

    Im sorry. I thought I was being friendly because it was obviously a typo. Im sorry I interacted with you but you didnt have to call people monkey feces. That goes against the Terms of Service and Community guidelines.

    Report it. No one was being rude to her and there was no reason for the response everyone got back.

    Putting words in my mouth then calling me idiotic & saying my advice is so bad then posting GIFS of a pool wipe out - here's a newsflash: that's rude. I don't care if you report me for sticking up for myself & someone else that didn't want heat.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    All this hostility for no reason.. no need make person plural and then proceed say we should "stfu" cause no else did anything to you. No one called you idiotic.. huge difference between calling someone a name and saying their STATEMENT is idiotic.

    If you're having a bad day, stay away from the forums. You always have the option of reporting a post that you find is personally attacking you or is against the rules.

    To anyone who read that original post, please eat more than 20g of carbs/proteins/fats over MFP recommendations without being afraid that it's going to make you fat. That won't happen.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I try to stay under on everything, I have my settings at 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat. I was a 40/40/20 person but my trainer told me to up my carbs because of my workouts

    Wow that's almost exactly what I did haha, except I just today decided to go from 40/30/30 to 50/25/25 and will probably stick with that for a while, work on my feet about 45 hours a week.

    You notice any difference with more carbs?

    If you work on your feet for that long every week, 50/25/25 will probably work well for you. I used to set my macros at 30-40-30 and I found I barely had the energy to complete my workouts and it made me really cranky. I upped it 10% and that's been working for the last few months. Let us know how it works out
  • yvnursechick
    yvnursechick Posts: 94 Member
    1755 cal and 40%/30%/30% carbs/ fat/.pro
  • ldbuster0
    ldbuster0 Posts: 207
    Right now I'm just trying to meet my calorie goal 1600 TDEE -20% . I am losing to slow. Some weeks I don't lose a pound. Hopefully, it will change or I may try lowering my carbs. I'm set at 40%carb/30%fat/30%protein
  • shortfritz
    shortfritz Posts: 21 Member
    I am also wondering the same thing. I would love to know the answer to that:):happy:
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I didnt put words in anyone's mouth. I laughed at an obviously silly typo.

    just came back to make sure she knows I wasnt being mean and thought I was laughing with her, since she also called herself on it.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Right now I'm just trying to meet my calorie goal 1600 TDEE -20% . I am losing to slow. Some weeks I don't lose a pound. Hopefully, it will change or I may try lowering my carbs. I'm set at 40%carb/30%fat/30%protein

    You could try lowering your carbs but if you begin to get moody, irritable and tired you may want to stick with the 40% carbs macro. Just a heads up from someone who originally tried 30-40-30 :laugh:

    You also could try increasing your caloric intake.. just add extra healthy snacks or try to fit in whatever you need to meet your macro goal.. for example, some days I want the extra cals but I still need to meet my protein goal so I may have some whey protein or greek yogurt, etc.