The Side of Weight Loss No One Talks About



  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Loose skin.
    Losing lean body mass if you don't lift and have adequate protein.
    Slower metabolism, can't eat as much as you could when you were originally at that weight if you lost lean body mass.
    Stretch marks.

    If you lose the weight too quickly it will be a combination of water weight / lean body mass = yoyo dieting catastrophe.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I didn't realize that people I just met won't realize I have lost weight. I have lost 20 pounds, but I'm still obese. People from before the weight loss are surprised at how much I've changed, but new people (new students in particular) just think I'm as fat as usual and still make impolite comments. :(
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    My husband is so proud of me and tells me how great I am doing. Sometimes, I feel presson to keep going or make it to zumba on days where I either want to do another workout or just relax at home. I think he gets afraid I could slip into old habits. I suppose that's a normal fear to have. And a weird thing happened today when my son and my husband were at the store. He pointed out that some guy got a rubber neck trying to check me out. Felt weird to have my son notice guys looking at me.
  • sonhando
    sonhando Posts: 69 Member
    I've discovered that you can get addicted to the feeling of success when you lose weight. So when you get to a weight where you shouldn't lose any more weight, it can be hard to stop wanting to do it. At first I felt skinny, but after a while I started feeling fat again, even though my measurements were all the same.

    This exactly...
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Oh and your fat might redistribute.
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I've discovered that you can get addicted to the feeling of success when you lose weight. So when you get to a weight where you shouldn't lose any more weight, it can be hard to stop wanting to do it. At first I felt skinny, but after a while I started feeling fat again, even though my measurements were all the same.

    Exactly THIS!!!! So hard to maintain and not "succeed" on the scale every week or two.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member

    Absolutely not. My point was that people should try to have realistic expectations. Projecting much?

    Aiming for the middle is what got a lot of us fat int the first place. With lowered expectations you'll get lower results.
    No, just reacting to your frankly miserable posts in this thread, and every other thread I've seen you in. You're one of those anonymous blue users, yet you stick out since you're always posting something negative. Do you need a hug? You sound like you need a hug.

    I need a hug.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Oh and your fat might redistribute.

    Yeah that's a weird one!
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Dag, this thread is depressing. Why not talk about the POSITIVE side of weight loss that no one talks about (atleast, not at length). For example, lately it's been harder for me to find clothes that I like in my size. I always figured it would be easier if you're smaller, but the exact opposite has proven to be true. there's not many places that make a 31 waist pant. However, albeit annoying at times, I still consider this to be an awesome problem to have!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    my biggest issue is dealing with being "Mentally fat",

    THIS 100%.. Even after 85 lbs lost and 10 sizes smaller I still see fat Kim and it makes me angry.

    Also, that when you know you have an eating problem, and have also yo-yo'd, the intense fear and anxiety that you will gain it back when you have a small slip up or a large slip up. Almost to the point your friends think you are nuts and need counselling. People who haven't been morbidly obese and those who haven't yo-yo'd or ate themselves sick, just don't get it.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    the mentally fat thing is the worst. I'm 6 pounds from my goal, down 3 or 4 pant sizes and when i look in the mirror I don't see any difference.
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    my biggest issue is dealing with being "Mentally fat", Its so much more than just needing to lose weight but also a personal journey. I started in 2010 and i am still trying to emotionally deal with everything. One day at a time is my motto!
    Exactly this, it takes a bit for your mind to catch up. I am still working on it as well.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    the mentally fat thing is the worst. I'm 6 pounds from my goal, down 3 or 4 pant sizes and when i look in the mirror I don't see any difference.

    I've been in maintenance mode for at least a year now and doing well - but it's only in the last two weeks that I've started to feel like I finally lost weight. That mental block is tough, but it does fall down eventually. Then you do weird things like looking forward to working out and flaunting your 'new look'. Those parts are kind of fun though...
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    That being thin was the answer to happiness. - UGH man was I naive!
  • MrsFlotron
    MrsFlotron Posts: 39 Member
    I hate getting advice from people who know nothing about weight loss or have never been there. They say stupid things like just don't eat, or just eat like 100 calories a day, or drink slimfast thats healthy or eat ice chips that's what models do to lose weight! OMG where do these people come from??!!
  • sdstirrat
    I totally agree about thinking that the scale or tape measure are wrong! You think you must be fooled or something.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm going to add something positive to this incredibly depressing thread.

    Cool thing about weight loss for me that no one ever talked about was how incredibly empowering it is. I feel like going through this craziness of losing weight makes me feel like I can pretty much accomplish anything now. Cheesy, but good stuff.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    and everyone watches what you eat and drink because they see you losing weight.

    It's like they're either watching to see how you lose the weight,
    or they're watching so they can find something to comment on-- "You don't need that Oreo."

    Bish, I don't need your commentary on my lunch.
  • sassy_sandi
    sassy_sandi Posts: 21 Member
    I found the same thing not only with weight but with age. When I was in my 20's I could do no wrong.; but as I began to age and gain weight it was like I became invisible.....NOT FUN..! At least we have lived it and can work on not doing that to others!
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    Loose skin. In my case, almost disfiguringly so.

    People that judge you on how you lost your weight. (Oh, you had a lapband/gastric bypass/ate low carb/paleo/vegan/IIFYM? You did it all wrong, you'll just gain it all back.)

    People that judge what you do next. (I'd never have a tummy tuck, it's just wrong!)

    People that treat you differently because you aren't obese (or at least, in my case, morbidly obese, although I might be merely overweight now, I'll have to go check) because they treat obese people as though they are fat and lazy, and you're not One Of Them anymore.

    The fact that you can look back and see how different your life could have been if you'd just done this earlier.