The Side of Weight Loss No One Talks About



  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    Definitely the clothes thing. I've been trying to figure out my size for awhile now and bought so many shirts for next year, but I'm afraid they might end up too big. I'm thinking of doing a lot more thrift store shopping, or finding a good tailor.

    Also family members and friends ask me what I'm doing when I'm on my phone, or telling me I should "finish my burger" and whatnot when we go out. Though I just tell them I'm too poor to not get 2 meals out of one :P
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not mine, but the belief that you can completely change your body shape through weight loss and exercise and that everyone who works hard will end up looking like a fitness model. The idea that your fat distribution pattern and goals have no bearing on how you work out, especially if you are close to your goal.


    The misguided belief that my booty butt will transform it's self into a perky gym bunny butt because I'm doing squats, when in fact I had booty before I started losing weight, I have it now, and I will always have a big @ss.
    Thanks. That's what I meant. Not that what you're doing isn't great for your body and overall sense of well-being. But exercise does not bring about miracles.

    Is this basically like when people say "I'm fat. You're ugly. At least I can diet!"

    What point exactly are you trying to make? That people should dwell on their negative qualities and embrace the idea that they will always suck? :ohwell:

    ^This...and I hope the answer is no and people try to learn how to think more positively...especially about themselves.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Not mine, but the belief that you can completely change your body shape through weight loss and exercise and that everyone who works hard will end up looking like a fitness model. The idea that your fat distribution pattern and goals have no bearing on how you work out, especially if you are close to your goal.


    The misguided belief that my booty butt will transform it's self into a perky gym bunny butt because I'm doing squats, when in fact I had booty before I started losing weight, I have it now, and I will always have a big @ss.
    Thanks. That's what I meant. Not that what you're doing isn't great for your body and overall sense of well-being. But exercise does not bring about miracles.

    Is this basically like when people say "I'm fat. You're ugly. At least I can diet!"

    What point exactly are you trying to make? That people should dwell on their negative qualities and embrace the idea that they will always suck? :ohwell:

    Absolutely not. My point was that people should try to have realistic expectations. Projecting much?
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    losing weight, seeing the numbers go down... but thinking "oh, the tape and scale are fooling me. I actually didn't lose anything"
  • Eat2Win
    Eat2Win Posts: 123 Member
    First I would like to suggest to those who don't want to spend much on new clothes to try out Thrift Stores if you never have.
    If you have never gone, it's worth a try and if not to one store try another. Where I live there are some really awesome ones
    that have lots of well worth clothes to be tried on. Even a boutique section for NEW stuff. Hope this helps.

    What bothers me is when I hear "oh, I can't make anything for you since now your one that BIG diet." As if we stopped eating instead of just watching and being mindful. LOL. Grrrrr.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not mine, but the belief that you can completely change your body shape through weight loss and exercise and that everyone who works hard will end up looking like a fitness model. The idea that your fat distribution pattern and goals have no bearing on how you work out, especially if you are close to your goal.


    The misguided belief that my booty butt will transform it's self into a perky gym bunny butt because I'm doing squats, when in fact I had booty before I started losing weight, I have it now, and I will always have a big @ss.
    Thanks. That's what I meant. Not that what you're doing isn't great for your body and overall sense of well-being. But exercise does not bring about miracles.

    Is this basically like when people say "I'm fat. You're ugly. At least I can diet!"

    What point exactly are you trying to make? That people should dwell on their negative qualities and embrace the idea that they will always suck? :ohwell:

    Absolutely not. My point was that people should try to have realistic expectations. Projecting much?

    Taso? Projecting negativity? No..just no. This is one of the best peeps to have in your corner. He's just saying it as it is. What you wrote totally came off that way.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Who is complaining? I've got a great butt now, it can only improve from here. However, the shape of my body is the shape of my body, and I need to be realistic when setting goals. I can get fit, I can drop body fat %, but I can't change genetics.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Not mine, but the belief that you can completely change your body shape through weight loss and exercise and that everyone who works hard will end up looking like a fitness model. The idea that your fat distribution pattern and goals have no bearing on how you work out, especially if you are close to your goal.


    The misguided belief that my booty butt will transform it's self into a perky gym bunny butt because I'm doing squats, when in fact I had booty before I started losing weight, I have it now, and I will always have a big @ss.
    Thanks. That's what I meant. Not that what you're doing isn't great for your body and overall sense of well-being. But exercise does not bring about miracles.

    Is this basically like when people say "I'm fat. You're ugly. At least I can diet!"

    What point exactly are you trying to make? That people should dwell on their negative qualities and embrace the idea that they will always suck? :ohwell:

    Absolutely not. My point was that people should try to have realistic expectations. Projecting much?

    Taso? Projecting negativity? No..just no. This is one of the best peeps to have in your corner. He's just saying it as it is. What you wrote totally came off that way.

    To you, not to everyone.
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    that people will forget you were once overweight. I lost 50lbs, my sister is still heavy. She now refers to me as "the lucky one" because I'm thin.. umm?? I used to be fat?? I'm not lucky, I don't get to eat what I want and I get to workout. ...
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    How differently I would be treated.I kind of resent it sometimes.

    I'm the same person with the same personality and the same brain.

    Yet I was with the same company for 14 years and didn't get any of the promotions I put in for until I lost weight.

    P.S no longer with that company and have a much better job!

    This is a big one for me. Years ago when I had lost 20 lbs and reached my "ideal" weight, I started receiving more and more attention from people who previously would barely acknowledge me. It was nice at first but then I really began to resent it after a while because as the the above poster pointed out, I was the same person w/same personality etc....
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Absolutely not. My point was that people should try to have realistic expectations. Projecting much?

    No, just reacting to your frankly miserable posts in this thread, and every other thread I've seen you in. You're one of those anonymous blue users, yet you stick out since you're always posting something negative. Do you need a hug? You sound like you need a hug.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Not mine, but the belief that you can completely change your body shape through weight loss and exercise and that everyone who works hard will end up looking like a fitness model. The idea that your fat distribution pattern and goals have no bearing on how you work out, especially if you are close to your goal.


    The misguided belief that my booty butt will transform it's self into a perky gym bunny butt because I'm doing squats, when in fact I had booty before I started losing weight, I have it now, and I will always have a big @ss.
    Thanks. That's what I meant. Not that what you're doing isn't great for your body and overall sense of well-being. But exercise does not bring about miracles.

    Is this basically like when people say "I'm fat. You're ugly. At least I can diet!"

    What point exactly are you trying to make? That people should dwell on their negative qualities and embrace the idea that they will always suck? :ohwell:

    Absolutely not. My point was that people should try to have realistic expectations. Projecting much?

    Taso? Projecting negativity? No..just no. This is one of the best peeps to have in your corner. He's just saying it as it is. What you wrote totally came off that way.

    To you, not to everyone.

    Came off that way to me too.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Sex is better.

    This! And since it's the least depressing comment in this thread, that's what I'm going with.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Yes, the sex is better...Yes there is more loose skin...yes, there is boob loss....BUT, overall, I have more energy and love the thrill of competing with myself with my exercise routines everyday! I still have those mental "fat" moments, but I am still maintaining my size after almost 2 years! I am doing this! Compliments from others help a lot...helps to reinforce that I have done well!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Ooh yeah, that blend of body dysmorphia, disappointed expectations and actual tissue damage from having stretched everything out, and THEN figuring out what's real and isn't, while you're figuring out what to do about it.

    So yeah, being between a wrap dress and a bikini.
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    Too darn true, all of it! I just got back form shopping. Drat - had to buy a size i had not been in for years. Hated to spend the money, but I want to look nice along the journey and show off some. Tee hee! Enjoyed window shopping in stores I could not have even considered in past.

    I have days where i eat anything not nailed down, but overall eating better, feeling better ( knees and back do not hurt anymore) and I have better stamina, sleep better, and a better attitude about myself. Even less negative self talk (still working on this! )

    I may be a Tarus, but when it comes to this, I am not patient at all.
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    First I would like to suggest to those who don't want to spend much on new clothes to try out Thrift Stores if you never have.
    If you have never gone, it's worth a try and if not to one store try another. Where I live there are some really awesome ones
    that have lots of well worth clothes to be tried on. Even a boutique section for NEW stuff. Hope this helps.

    What bothers me is when I hear "oh, I can't make anything for you since now your one that BIG diet." As if we stopped eating instead of just watching and being mindful. LOL. Grrrrr.

    lol. thrift stores for the win! i got a fancy pair of pinstripe slacks for 4 dollars. too bad they'll be too big in 4 weeks. :sad:
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Trying to keep the weight is so hard!
    We need a new group for the
    trying to "keep it offs"
    I lost 112 pounds but have gain to only lost 105
    (Can you believe it complaining only losing 105 pounds!)
    My goal was to lose 100 ( 227 to 127)
    I am 5'2 and currently weigh 120, I want to stay at 117
    I wear a size 4 and have bought a lot of new clothes
    at 112 pounds I was size 2, I like being size 4 better
    I know losing weight is very, very hard
    (the most I ever weight was 264)
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I've been on and off on the weight loss journey most of my life, and I'm only 26. Some of the things that I don't really hear others talk about it the days when you do want to turn to food for comfort and you have to tell yourself no. Sometimes you have an argument inside your head about what or how you should and shouldn't be eating something or that you should be exercising instead of watching tv, reading a book, etc.

    You can exercise consistently and eat, staying under calories and maybe not lose a pound for weeks or even months. This can get disheartening.

    All the extra clothes you have to buy in order to continue looking somewhat professional at work, or not looking homeless. What to do with those clothes you shrink out of, because in my experience it tends to come back.

    All the comments of the people around you, and how to deal with them. Sometimes they are real congratulations, and other times they are backed up with jealousy. You have to be careful of the jealous, because sometimes they will try to lead you down the wrong path. People thinking that they have to fix you something special to eat, or that you can't eat certain things because you're "dieting".

    Having to be cautious about everything you eat because you feel like you are one brownie from doom. Having to determine what portions really are, especially at restaurants.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    That you can lose weight and NOT change your eating habits...all you have to do is reduce calories. But I also learned is that when you do that <<< you will also REGAIN the weight (get in a yo-yo syndrome) AND you can be sick and still in PAIN!

    I have also learned that being "Slim" is NOT being HEALTHY...HALF of the people in the hospital or with chronic diseases are "Slim"! To BE HEALTHY you MUST BE HEALTHY! And Being Healthy Starts with Diet (What you eat and DRINK). That is a GOOD place to Start...Everything else WILL follow. I don't know ANYONE who is particular about what they eat and drink who can keep unhealthy Lifestyle habit for long.