why isn't it working???!!!

I am 5'7 and weigh about 123 pounds. I'm trying to lose about 20 of those pounds. Been on this diet for about a week, and at my current eating/burning rate I should have lost about 2 pounds by now. But I haven't lost anything! I'm kind of confused. What's wrong? I'm sticking to the calorie plan VERY much, and exercising a lot each day. Help!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Well, to start with, you are already at the low end of the suggested weight range for your height. 20lbs is pretty unrealistic. Trying to weigh 103lbs at 5'7" (and only 18 years old - or younger) is unhealthy.

    I'm guessing you are eating 1200 cals or less, in an attempt to lose 2lbs per week? Your setting yourself up for failure and you might end up damaging your metabolism. You're so young too, so that makes me sad for you.

    Maybe you should consider doing strength training instead (and eating at a higher calorie goal) so you can can change the way your body looks, rather than aiming for a number on the scale.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Your goal is unhealthily low. Eat more and hang out with the girls on here who lift weights. They look amazing.
  • It's not working because you are currently at an ideal weight for your body. If you try to go down to 103 at 5'7, your body will think it is starving itself.

    Any medical or health site will tell you that at 5'7 103 is in the unhealthy range. Please don't try to lose that much - you will completely screw up your metabolism.

    If you are looking for a change, try strength training to tone.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    If it's not 'working', don't you think your body is trying to tell you something?
  • Actually, I eat about 1500-1700 calories per day. I'm a ballerina, and have to maintain a very low body fat percentage. I used to weigh around 105 pounds at 5'7, and I'm just trying to get back there. I'm sorry- I should have included more information.
  • How many hours a day are you dancing? With what intensity? If it is significant, you are still eating far too few calories.

    You probably gained because your body was telling you something - it was not getting enough fuel and now it is trying to hang onto it.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Actually, I eat about 1500-1700 calories per day. I'm a ballerina, and have to maintain a very low body fat percentage. I used to weigh around 105 pounds at 5'7, and I'm just trying to get back there. I'm sorry- I should have included more information.

    You can achieve a low body fat percentage without dropping to dangerously low weights.

    Trying to lose that much weight, especially so quickly, will probably result in muscle loss. Aren't muscles important for dancers?? Every professional ballerina I have seen is rocking some amazing muscles - especially in the legs. You probably don't want to sacrifice those.

    My advice still stands. Work on strength training, feed your body, and reduce your body fat percentage. You'll be healthier, stronger, and still get the results you want.
  • millzy64
    millzy64 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm on board with LoraF.

    "Maybe you should consider doing strength training instead (and eating at a higher calorie goal) so you can can change the way your body looks, rather than aiming for a number on the scale."

    At your height, ballerina or not, you probably shouldn't lose that much weight. Change the shape with strength training rather than just going by the numbers on the scale.

    Have you calculated your body fat percentage? What are your numbers?
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    You probably gained because your body was telling you something - it was not getting enough fuel and now it is trying to hang onto it.
    I'm thinking she gained weight because she can't remain a child anymore. She's only 18 years old. Her "before" is pre-pubescent childhood.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    While i agree with Lora, my guess is the weight requirement is so the guys can throw her around during a performance. There are lots of unhealthy expectations put upon performers.

    Losing 2lb/wk is not going to happen at your BF levels regardless of what MFP says in that handy calculator. I wish you would decide to work on adding some muscle, but it is your body. I know bodybuilders that slow down to a 0.5lb/wk loss towards a competition.

    Please make sure you are consuming enough considering the amount of exercise you do. A good way to judge is to keep track of your energy, mood and cravings. If any of those are poor, odds are you are not eating enough. Our bodies are smart and adapt to protect themselves.
  • Blessed4x
    Blessed4x Posts: 20
    Take it from a guy (please don't take any offense to this), but 5'7", 120 pounds sounds pretty hot to me. Maybe you are where you need to be and your body is telling you so.
  • Go see your dr. 123 is already a low weight.

    Unless you are planning on ballet as a career, AND you are in the top of your field, the health trade off of staying underweight and developing an eating disorder to do it is not worth it. There are plenty of dancers at healthy weights, and it's becoming increasingly common. If you have trainers who are encouraging this kind of crap with all the awareness that's out there about teen eating disorders, they should be charged with child abuse / endangerment.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    You probably gained because your body was telling you something - it was not getting enough fuel and now it is trying to hang onto it.
    I'm thinking she gained weight because she can't remain a child anymore. She's only 18 years old. Her "before" is pre-pubescent childhood.

    Yeah. puberty brings with it an increase in body fat pecentage for women. It just does. It is not realistic for a woman to expect to be able to get down to a pre-puberty body fat level without her body fighting her tooth and nail along the way.
  • rdcraner
    rdcraner Posts: 11
    Well, to start with, you are already at the low end of the suggested weight range for your height. 20lbs is pretty unrealistic. Trying to weigh 103lbs at 5'7" (and only 18 years old - or younger) is unhealthy.

    I'm guessing you are eating 1200 cals or less, in an attempt to lose 2lbs per week? Your setting yourself up for failure and you might end up damaging your metabolism. You're so young too, so that makes me sad for you.

    Maybe you should consider doing strength training instead (and eating at a higher calorie goal) so you can can change the way your body looks, rather than aiming for a number on the scale.

    ^^^ This.
  • calisunrise
    calisunrise Posts: 307
    i'm 5'6 1/2", i weigh 117 lbs and i can't imagine myself at anything below 110. maybe you should lose only 5 lbs slowly?
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    What is it with young girls on here that think it's a good look to be skinny, men love curves and the weight you want to be ain't gonna give you curves, don't go for the lollipop look and it's so not worth wasting your life dieting when you don't need to
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What is it with young girls on here that think it's a good look to be skinny, men love curves and the weight you want to be ain't gonna give you curves, don't go for the lollipop look and it's so not worth wasting your life dieting when you don't need to

    There are all kinds of people in this world, and for every type of person, I can guarantee that there is someone who is attracted to them. Probably more than someone.

    Please don't start body shaming here. Most of us are concerned about the OPs health - this doesn't need to be made into a "you're not a real woman without curves" thread.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    I am 5'7 and weigh about 123 pounds. I'm trying to lose about 20 of those pounds. Been on this diet for about a week, and at my current eating/burning rate I should have lost about 2 pounds by now. But I haven't lost anything! I'm kind of confused. What's wrong? I'm sticking to the calorie plan VERY much, and exercising a lot each day. Help!

    It is because you are already underweight regardless whether you think you are or not.

    You have nothing to lose, hence the lack of weightloss.

    Sorry, but that is how it goes and I strongly suggest you get to the doctors because wanting to weigh 103lbs (7 stone 5lbs for those in the UK) is dangerous to your health.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    What is it with young girls on here that think it's a good look to be skinny, men love curves and the weight you want to be ain't gonna give you curves, don't go for the lollipop look and it's so not worth wasting your life dieting when you don't need to

    There are all kinds of people in this world, and for every type of person, I can guarantee that there is someone who is attracted to them. Probably more than someone.

    Please don't start body shaming here. Most of us are concerned about the OPs health - this doesn't need to be made into a "you're not a real woman without curves" thread.
    I'm not saying that at all but to go too low could spiral out of control, ive seen too many people with eating disorders, so please don't put words into my mouth
  • I am 5'7 and weigh about 123 pounds. I'm trying to lose about 20 of those pounds. Been on this diet for about a week, and at my current eating/burning rate I should have lost about 2 pounds by now. But I haven't lost anything! I'm kind of confused. What's wrong? I'm sticking to the calorie plan VERY much, and exercising a lot each day. Help!

    It is because you are already underweight regardless whether you think you are or not.

    You have nothing to lose, hence the lack of weightloss.

    Sorry, but that is how it goes and I strongly suggest you get to the doctors because wanting to weigh 103lbs (7 stone 5lbs for those in the UK) is dangerous to your health.

    Note:123 is not underweight for 5'7", it's at the bottom of healthy. If the OP really wants to, she could even go down to 120 (maybe even 118), but 105 IS underweight.