Insanity - tell the truth



  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    i think i wanna try it :smile:
    Go for it!!
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I usually get through the workout but I can't keep up with the faster paces in the intervals. It's definitely not easy!
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I complete every workout yes.Do I take breaks?Of course I do,then I jump right back in.I make sure I don't take too many or too long breaks.

    I push my hardest,I give it my all.I'm very happy with the results.Round 2 here I come :smile:
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I just finished up 2 rounds of P90X and am now doing Insanity tomorrow is my 2nd fit test). I could get through the P90X workouts fairly easilly (I used to run 5-10 miles 5x a week but when it started getting dark early, I decided to try P90X), but I definitely think the Insanity workouts are tough! I've been able to complete every workout and can keep up with the people on the DVD (i take maybe 2 breaks that are maybe 5 seconds, just enough to rest for a sec, especially when my foot cramps up!). So that being said,I consider myself to be in really good shape and I think the workouts are difficult-like I'm dripping sweat on the floor and it's somehow running up my nose by the end of a workout. Don't get discouraged...practice makes perfect :)
  • t2kburl
    t2kburl Posts: 123 Member
    Only super athletes could do these workouts without breaks.
    For those of us that are a little older ... well, we just have to do the best we can, modify exercises as needed and give it our best.
    Tomorrow is day 61 for me, and I'm down 20 lbs.
    I really enjoy the workouts and the fact that I get better every day.
  • CherishQuick
    Only super athletes could do these workouts without breaks.
    For those of us that are a little older ... well, we just have to do the best we can, modify exercises as needed and give it our best.
    Tomorrow is day 61 for me, and I'm down 20 lbs.
    I really enjoy the workouts and the fact that I get better every day.
    this was certainly encouraging!!! I'm on day 6
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I don't have "Insanity" but Sean T. is coming out with a new system called "Focus T25". These are supposed to be 25 min workouts. This will probably be a shorter version of Insanity. Maybe this system will be 60 days also. To me a 30 min or shorter workout is great.
  • tenintwenty
    My 13 yr old niece does insanity.
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    Some days are worse then others for me. Depending what I eat the day before, crappy foods, seem to make me struggle more with soreness. Also If your not pushing yourself tehn your not taking the full advantage of the program. This is my second time and I am have 14 days left. I still take breaks, but they get shorter, I try and go the speed of the trainers.
  • the1captain
    the1captain Posts: 24 Member
    Is it worth it? Well I just finished week 3 and and weighed in. Don't know what happened but I lost 5.5 pounds!
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I don't have "Insanity" but Sean T. is coming out with a new system called "Focus T25". These are supposed to be 25 min workouts. This will probably be a shorter version of Insanity. Maybe this system will be 60 days also. To me a 30 min or shorter workout is great.

    Ah very interesting, thanks for the heads up. The Insanity Fast and Furious is a pretty cool 20 min workout so maybe that was a tester for a longer series. In any case, am very excited to learn more about it.
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    I definitely finish the workout but I do take breaks as soon as my form starts going south. I take a few seconds and jump right back in where I left off.

    Some of the exercises are more difficult for me like the globe jumps. They seem to just suck the energy out of me, so, I do what I can and keep on digging deeper.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Yes I completed every workout, stretching included (very important). Yes I took breaks. I was also slower on the drill type exercises so ended up doing less reps of these.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I am on my third straight round of Insanity, yes I am in month 6, I still take breaks every now and then. It doesn't matter ow much in shape you are, if your not giving your all and you can do the workout with out any breaks, whats the point? You should be working yourself so hard that yes, you will need a break. Thats why you see the people on the videos breaking every now and then. If Insanity becomes so easy that I wouldn't need a break, I would move onto something new. :O)
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    If you can get through it, with no breaks...and it seems easy. You need to push yourself harder.

    Oh and please send me a video of you doing the whole thing! :laugh:

    Dig Deeper everyone!
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Its barely a 40 minute workout with about 10 minutes of stretching, so YEAH it's not that hard to finish it.

    What's hard is when it starts getting fast towards the end. But you just go at your own pace. Even the people in the video are taking breaks during the workout. ShaunT tells the people to step out when he sees them getting too tired. So just go at the pace you can. The whole point is that after awhile, your build up your stamina and can do more!

    Oh and my 7 year old daughter does it with me. So if she can do it, so you can you!

    I started doing it, got through with 2 weeks and I hurt my knee, I had to stop. But I will tell you that I was starting to see my chest get cut, which I really liked. So once my knee is healed, Im back on it!
  • wilki089
    wilki089 Posts: 38 Member
    Just starting. Completed Day 2 plyometric circuit today. I took about 2 extra 10 second breaks because my form was slippin'.
  • AngelsInThighHighs
    AngelsInThighHighs Posts: 247 Member
    I just finished month 1 of Insanity im currently in my recovery week and struggleing only because im a little under the weather ;). I just started in my fourth week of month one finishing every workout with only the allowed breaks, when i first started i took many breaks but once i caught my breath and my HR went down i jumpe right back into it!

    The entire workout says go at your own pace, know your limits, take breaks if needed. Truly there is no reason to turn the DVD off you need to start trying to work through it dig deeper! You can rest as much as you want and take as many breaks as you nee the more you do it the better you will get and hte stronger you will be and feel.

    Good luck :) press play everyday! I didnt get this body without Insanity its been a godsend for me anyways~<3
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member

    Oh and my 7 year old daughter does it with me. So if she can do it, so you can you!

    So do my kids - 11, 9 and 4 year old. You should see my 4 year old do the suicide jumps (burpees). He makes it look so effortless :laugh: :laugh:
  • gcadays99
    gcadays99 Posts: 23
    I started it the first time in January being very over weight and out of shape. The first workouts were brutal. I took breaks when I had to but I made sure I kept moving as much as possible during the whole video and didn't stop it early. Repeated month 1 in february and just about to finish month 2 week 1 this week. If you stick with it and don't get discouraged by having to pace yourself at times it is very doable but if you expect to go into it and keep up with Shaun T at first and will get discouraged if you can't it might not be a good idea. It is a rough workout.