

  • ClaraL22
    ClaraL22 Posts: 14 Member
    I just did an hour on the elliptical and I am about to do day 3 Level 1 of 30 day shred
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Hello. It was five circuits of the following, conducted over a 400 meter trail:

    1. Pull-ups (10);
    2. Push-ups (25);
    3. Alternating toe-touches (25);
    4. Walking lunges (25);
    5. Jumping Jacks (50);
    6. Air Squats (25);
    7. Barbell Squats (15 reps @ 60% intensity);
    8. Bench Press (15 reps @ 60% intensity);
    9. Farmer's Walks; and
    10. Running (100 yards).

    What's a farmers walk?
  • jumipyoon
    jumipyoon Posts: 2 Member
    Took advantage of the weather and went for a walk/jog outside for about 30 minutes (substituted some walking with lunges a few times in there). came home and did p90x ab ripper ~20 minutes
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    ran 6.25 miles and did 30 day shred...
  • rowerdc
    rowerdc Posts: 36
    a one-hour hike.. it was a beautiful spring day here in DC!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Turbo Fire Core 20 (minutes)
    Turbo Fire Stretch 40 (minutes)
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    Today I ran a total of 15 miles (5, 4 then 6) and did my Insanity Fit test for 14 days in. I'm sore and tired. But gotta be up at 4:45am to run 4 miles :)
  • feliligram
    35 mins walking/running. :D
  • mahirob
    mahirob Posts: 35
    The Chest & Back (phase 1) for P90X
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Today was a "B" day for Stronglifts for me and my buddy:

    Overhead Press
    Pull Ups
    Prone Bridges

    ~35-40 minutes
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    I done about 50 minutes total...37 min on treadmill which consisted of warming up for 2 minutes then alternating 6.0 incline/4.0 speed & 1.0 incline/6.0 speed including a 5 min cooldown. I also done some ab workouts with crunches, captiain leg raise, russian twist

    Weigh in is tomorrow :-) I feel good about this week :-)
  • Ophelia111
    Ophelia111 Posts: 40 Member
    30 minutes of jogging on a treadmill (3.20 miles) and 90 minutes of doggie walking for me :)
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Spread out throughout the day: 50 minutes of biking in the city, then 45 minutes of solo tennis in a racquetball court, then 65 minutes more of biking, then 5 sets of pushups averaging 17 pushups each and it's frikkin hot outside I AM TIRED @_@. I'm not used to all this exercise.

    That was like 1400 calories burned off, but I can't eat it all - I'm 500ish under today but I just don't want to eat more; I'm feeling full as it is. I've been eating a really healthy, wholesome diet with lots of protein, wonder if that's okay to not eat all my exercise calories on big days... ???

    Your body can't tell time--if you can't eat any more tonight, have a big breakfast in the morning. It'll average out.

    If you'd rather bring down the deficit to something smaller tonight, go have a glass of milk, and/or a spoonful or two of peanut butter. For me, 500 calories left over at the end of the day guarantees a bad day tomorrow, but if I can shrink that to 200 or so, I'll be fine.
  • jhwellness
    jhwellness Posts: 156 Member
    I biked for 9.5 miles and rowed 4 miles on the machine at the YMCA. I love the Y.
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    Kickboxing class and then Turbo Fire HIIT 40
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    60 min walk/run 4.78 miles. next sunday i plan on making it to 5 miles, come hell or highwater :smokin:
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,734 Member
    65 minutes on the elliptical. 3 sets of lat pull downs and mid rows to failure. 90 minutes walking showing around out of town guests.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Billy Blanks Jr Cardio Dance Party Bootcamp-45 minute workout, I love all his workouts they're super super fun. and 15 minutes with 18 Lb Kettlebells
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    20 minutes with the weighted stability ball, 30 minute brisk walk.