

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :love: Had a lovely part-day with DD and grand-baby, shopping for shoes and other such things.

    :love: Then, when I came home, there had been a call from my older sister. I LOVE my sisters, one older, one younger, living so very very far away. My older sister is turning 65 in April, and - when I called her back - I asked her what she would like from me for her birthday. She asked for childhood stories :love: :love: and she had send me some of her own. How quite precious. Oh, yes I can write down some childhood stories, oh yes I can.

    How about any of you? It's part of our legacy you know.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :love: Then, when I came home, there had been a call from my older sister. I LOVE my sisters, one older, one younger, living so very very far away. My older sister is turning 65 in April, and - when I called her back - I asked her what she would like from me for her birthday. She asked for childhood stories :love: :love: and she had send me some of her own. How quite precious. Oh, yes I can write down some childhood stories, oh yes I can.
    Vancouver Island, BC

    Your sister is brilliant What a great idea. I envy you. (Only child-no siblings.)

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    bump till tomorrow:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wow so many posts! Great to see this thread grow. Love the support, encouragement you get and can give.

    Busy weekend like normal ate out a lot looking forward to just eating simply for the next week.

    Not sure who said this but someone mention spring cleaning. I always clean as I go but I also deep clean in spring too. I enjoy the immediate good feeling from it. Growing up my family was very poor never had much but my mom made sure ar were clean and our house. She say maybe we don't have a lot but we can be clean. She so drummed it into my head that seems like I am.always cleaning.

    Will be back later and hangouts longer.

  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    Sometimes fear of success is about fear of change, sometimes it is about my definition of myself ( I am such a loser, I am stupid, I can never do anything right) and sometimes it is about fear of the What If. What if i lose the weight and don't look great (those thighs are not just fat, some of that shape is DNA) or if I lose the weight and don't get the guy or get the marathon ribbon or get pain-free in my knees or get compliments from anyone or get happily ever after just because the scale says Iam in the right range of weight for my height.......It's nice having something to blame for my problems or my sadness or my bad habits or my laziness. And what if I lose the weight and the nusband who says he loevs me just the way I am misses the soft and squishy parts of me? What if I lose the weight and still don't get to be 19 again? What if I lose the weight and I still want more, and what if I don't know what "more" is? What if they take chocolate off hte market while I'm eating tangerines and drinking water?

    Bob Dylan said someting to the tune of "There's no success like failure and failure ain't no success at all."
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :angry: Having computer problems today - might not be able to get back until later tonight. We have an engineer calling today to change us over to super fast broadband (fibre optic) it's on special offer - but I'll believe super fast when it happens!!!!

    :embarassed: :embarassed: Haven't logged since the site went down for maintenance on Friday, time seems to run away with me, no excuse I know, but I still haven't quite got my head in the game. Reading all your posts though is spurring me on to do better and to log my food. :smile: so thank you ladies.

    Barbie love the thing you said about living in the moment - I'll try to do that today.

    I know part of my problem lately is that I am not moving, I'm sitting too much (for hours some days :embarassed: ) not sure why I am so demotivated.

    Well best get a move on the engineer can be here any time between 8am and 1pm so I'd better move a few things so he can get to the telephone socket :laugh:

    I'll be back - honest.

    Have a good day :heart:

    Viv x
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    What great discussion on this board. Makes me glad I have insomnia tonight!!
    The past two weeks has been definitely a curve in my routine. I am trying to read a lot of information about changes to make for my husband (kidney stone and nutritional changes). Tomorrow is the follow up with the doctor. I have my questions ready and hopefully we'll know more about what the next steps are. He has been doing great recovering from the surgery.

    I came to the site and looked for the message ( why else would I be up at 3am). The first blog I opened was one about patience with this journey---did I need to read that today! I am struggling and not making good choices in my struggle. Reading your words--getting up and putting one foot in front of the other is what I need to do.

    March goals:
    Plan meals and log everything, every day
    Drink at least 64 oz of water/day
    Get to the gym daily (20 to 30 minutes) for light activity.

    So glad you all are here tonight!!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Here it is almost 7am again:noway: , I get up at 5am and I still have no time:grumble: . One of these days maybe I`ll be able to pop in during the day and reply like I would like too!

    I`ve read all the posts, I so enjoy hearing about what`s going on the life of my friends here :heart: !!! You all certainly keep me motivated...thank you!

    Another training day today and I`m actually looking forward to it:huh: , yes, I did say that:laugh: ! I spent the weekend not doing a lot in the movement part, just a few little walks, my body is ready to move at a faster pace today!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in at the moment dark NC, soon to be sunny and warm today:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Morning my Lovelies,
    Hope your weekends were good. cloudy today but not to cold, somehow without alot of exercise I have dropped another 2 lbs!!!! whooo hooo, I am keeping very close eye on what I eat and I log faithfully so that helps.So starts another work week and this daylight savings time is kickin me in the butt. I didnt sleep well again last night woke up cause the dog got sick ,then couldnt go back to sleep my mind was working overtime, then got to the gym and didnt really do a whole lot, but at least I went...:wink:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    good Monday Morning ladies,

    It is a PNW day here in SWOnt, rain, warm, drizzly and cloudy.....and yet because it is soo warm, spring will be here! hooray!

    I saw Quartet with DD2 while the guys watched hockey... and the movie is all about grabbing second chances to live life to the fullest, so it has some lovely moments.

    the news is filled with the Worlds dance ice skating which is taking place here this week.....wonder if anyone will see them in restaurants or out and about in town...hmm...more likely they stay focussed on training... I suppose even the local arenas will be barring visitors who might want to watch a practice.

    Spring break for the grandkiddies is here, and we will have to do something with them....even though this is a really tough week for us, since the uni students are handing in essays and projects, and the marking is almost non-stop. Still, I am up for some laser tag....although Gramps is not too wild about it. Perhaps their uncle will come along too...

    It is a wild and rainy day, but that is ok with me....hope you all have a great day!

    BJ, SWOnt
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning! Had a good weekend - kickboxing Saturday morning followed by the MDA Muscle Walk. I took my lab puppy (he's 9 months old and as big as a horse) so he really gave me a workout just trying to hold him back because he wanted to run the whole thing!

    More later - back to work

    Beth in SC
  • GrammyDanni
    GrammyDanni Posts: 11 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Monday !

    Enjoyed the time change last night. Sat outside in the sunshine til after 7 PM. Beautiful weekend in Texas. Planted our garden and took the plants out of the garage. Hoping I'm not jumping the gun. Ideally, we will not have another freeze this season. Cross my fingers.

    Love reading this thread, you all are inspirational and have great attitudes. It helps to read through, as I struggled through the weekend. Going out for dinner and lunch was tough. I really need to focus on making better choices from the menu. It is all about my choices, right ? and the wine, love my wine :-) Back on track today !!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful week !!

    Danni - Texas
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Ladies! I've been gone for longer than I care to remember but hope I can start up with you all again? I recognise some familiar faces and many others too! Hope you are all doing well, it seems that most of you are! Looking forward to catching up with you all! Keep well, Linda :flowerforyou:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Good Monday Morning Ladies!!!!! I need a favor please. I had written down the "pain book" info but have managed to lose my note. I can't remember who had read it and recommended it - - :blushing: Can you please post again with this info?? Many thanks in advance!

    Brooke from Colorado
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Marvelous Monday, the easiest day of the week to march forth with our methods of moderation. Let's not forget the meaning of measurements! Measure your middle, measure your meatloaf. :bigsmile:

    Brooke, the book that I use is called Pain Free (A Revolutionary Method For Stopping Chronic Pain) by Pete Egoscue. I believe that's the one being discussed. It's fantastic! It teaches sets of exercises to realign your entire musculoskeletal system. It took 5 months of doing the exercises daily, but my sciatic nerve problems are completely gone!

    We had a beautiful sunny Saturday here, then the beloved clouds came to visit again yesterday. It's gray out there again this morning. I have some indoor projects needing attention (cobwebs) which will no doubt turn into a couple hours of cleaning. Must make a grocery run early for veggies.

    A quote from sparkpeople website:

    "Every time you misstep on your healthy journey, you have two choices: to keep walking backwards, which will surely take you even further away from your goals; or to accept your lack of perfection as normal and forgivable, and take not one, but two positive steps down the path that brings your closer to the future you want."

    Today I start with those steps. I wrote about it in my blog last night, feel free to read if you like. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jb_2011/view/two-steps-502498

    Have a wonderful day!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I am just not gettin in here on the weekends:blushing: and then it's Part 2 and I'm so far behind!

    So I guess I'm just marking a spot to say HI to all of you. Hoping you have a good weekend and today is a successful day for you. I have too much to do:grumble: and there are never enough hours in the day.

    Have a good Monday and keep up all the hard work to getting to the new and improved 50+ women that we are.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy Monday morning! I've actually gotten through all the posts:bigsmile: .

    We are having a great visit with DD. She is sleeping right now (I think she is trying to catch up on 2 months worth in a mere week). Yesterday was DS 20th b-day. Hard to believe I have a 20 year old. He'll be home on Friday night to spend 1/2 his spring break with us. The kids overlap for 1 1/2 days so we are going to do a b-day party next Saturday (DD turns 19 next Sunday - I had Irish twins!). I need to cram in a bunch of work before I get to spend time with my DD this afternoon so no time to respond to everyone.

    I've been spoiling DD with all her favorite home cooked meals so was thrilled to actually see the scale down this morning. I think all the weekend activity helped with that :smile:

    For all those who are experiencing troubled times I'm sending you positive thoughts...hang in there: just keep moving and remember to breath. Find joy in the moment and things will improve

    Congrats to all those experiencing success!

    I'll do my best to try and keep up with this very active thread while I have the kids home, but know I'll fall way behind given lack of time.

    So everyone have a great week. :flowerforyou: Jodios
  • sunnyheart100
    sunnyheart100 Posts: 13 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I joined a challenge on MFP about a year ago to do a timed plank every day……I started with one minute and gradually increased the time in 5 second increments…….the challenge fizzled out but I have continued with a plank a day.

    :flowerforyou: Sally, good luck to you, I know how stressful it is when hubby has surgery and then needs your help as he recovers

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, congratulations on citizenship in the country you’ve been living in and loving for so long.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, it’s a sensational Saturday up here, tool

    :flowerforyou: Katla, thank you for your kind words…..i joined this thread in February 2009 and I don’t know how long it had been going already…..sometime later, the woman who started it went on vacation and asked me to start the new thread for the next month and I’ve been doing it ever since…….I would be lost without all of you.

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, I am so sorry to hear about your mom……my mom’s last years were in the same town with me and it was still stressful

    :flowerforyou: Janie, you have so many decisions to make, no wonder you are stressed…..thanks for the reminder to drink water even if you HATE it……I treat it like a prescription.

    :flowerforyou: Janehadji, put a few berries or a small amount of unsweetened applesauce or cinnamon in a vanilla shake and you might like the taste better….blackberries in a chocolate shake taste good too……also if you are faithful about two shakes a day with clean eating for your other meal, they will start to taste better to you.

    :flowerforyou: Candy, who walks the dog the days you don’t?

    :flowerforyou: Christschild2, you have some great goals….my favorites are sending cards and “not get discouraged”

    :flowerforyou: Esther, that’s a great idea to take “try” out of the resolutions…..just do it.

    :flowerforyou: Helen, my mother stayed in her own home with caregivers until the end of her life…..she and I argued a lot but now that’s she’s gone I remember her by being grateful for the many things she taught me that continue to make my life wonderful

    :bigsmile: :brokenheart: This morning I enjoyed the feeling of gratitude for the last morning before daylights savings time comes and dumps another hour of darkness on my walk with the dogs……the darkness is fine in the winter but now that spring is coming, there is so much to see (flowers, leaf buds, birds) that I really like the daylight
    oh, well, it will be better again in a few weeks.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for March
  • sunnyheart100
    sunnyheart100 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank goodness for spring:flowerforyou:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    So how many times am I going to write huge posts just to discover after I've hit the Post Reply button that the topic was closed.:explode: