Extremely Disappointed!

Hey everyone, I know alot of you have been doing this for a while now & I am officially 1mth in today, how do you keep motivated when you kick *kitten*, have an amazing week & then the scale disappoints? I have 15lbs gone as of this morning which I know for a month is great, however when I look at the bigger (much bigger) picture, I still need to lose about 125lbs so compared to that, 15lbs seems so little! This morning, for the first time ever, my scale showed only a 1lb loss. I feel defeated. Last week was a rare exception & I got in more exercise then I normally can & I didn't allow myself a break mid week because I really wanted the scale to show it this week.

Now I feel like all that was for nothing! I know it might show in measurements but was only planning to do those monthly. My first measurements were done 2wks into this (Feb 25) so was planning to wait til Mar 25 to do them again. How often to you measure? If you have a bad week on the scales do you measure then to find encouragement?

Thanks for listening (reading) & answering my questions :-)


  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Im a little different in that I not so much trying to lose 'weight' as I am 'fat %', but let me ell you how much I trust the scale.....I weighed myself last monday, it gave me one number. I weighed myself again 3 days later and it said I weighed 7lbs less. Water weight, scale fluctuations....dont get hung up on the number. Just keep going with the good work and you'll get what you want.
  • IIFerdi
    IIFerdi Posts: 47 Member
    it sucks that your disappointed but remember this ain't a sprint. and you are still doing more then all the people on the couch.

    Just keep going. In 6 month you will be thankfull you did.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Please don't give up! I'm on here the 3rd time and realized that was a huge mistake! Take one day at a time. From past experience, know that you will have setbacks, but they are temporary.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Congratulations on losing 15lbs. in a month! That is awesome! For some people weight loss is faster the first few weeks then it slows down. That's how it worked for me. I would suggest you try making mini goals to reach instead of looking at the total loss which seems so far away. Yes, I measure if I have had a bad week on the scale, but if my scale reads anything less than it did the last time it is not a bad week! Remember, you didn't gain the weight overnight or even in a couple of months, you will not lose it that fast. Best of luck to you! =)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So you're more than 10% to your goal, in only one month. That's pretty frickin' amazing and you should be proud.

    Progress will be slow, and it will probably get slower. But every step, every pound is going to get you closer to your goal. Plus, you're in this for the long haul. It's a way of life, like brushing your teeth. You don't brush your teeth for one month and think, "Oh, man... I have to keep this up for DECADES???" You just do it, because it's what you need to do to live the kind of life you want to live.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Set smaller more attainable short term goals. 10 lbs in a month, 2 pant sizes in a month, X minutes of exercise a week. Then reward yourself with something tangible but non-food related, mani pedi, new exercise video, etc. The big number for most of is us just too daunting to deal with. for me, It's every 5 lbs on the scale. that resets my goal for the next go round.......
  • bnbestme
    bnbestme Posts: 9 Member
    You did good. You lost a pound. You LOST A POUND. You could have gained or stayed the same. You are on a long journey. But if you do not see immediate results please know that you are still doing what you are suppose to in order to get healthy. Stay encouraged. You exercised and ate well doing the week. It will show up on the scale; but the scale is not the only tool you can use. You keep working your program.
  • Tachyonic
    Tachyonic Posts: 64 Member
    The scale fluctuates so much on a day-to-day basis. Especially for us ladies... hormones can really screw with the scale. So can water weight and muscle! I totally understand. I have been at this for about two weeks, and when the scale agrees with me, I have lost about 3 pounds... but when my body decides to rebel, the scale says I haven't lost anything!

    I know it seems daunting. I am at my heaviest weight I have ever been, and the 50 or so pounds I want to lose to be in as good of shape as I was in high school seems a long ways away. But just take each day at a time. If you can, get your loved ones and friends in the loop, too. Let them know that you're on a journey to a healthier you. Quite a bit of the time, they will be supportive and notice when you've lost weight or have gained muscle.

    It might also be worthwhile to set non-food related rewards for yourself every 10-15 pounds you lose. Things like a small (or big!) vacation, a spa trip, new clothes, a special date with your significant other, etc. I find that it really does help to keep your spirits up if you have small goals along the way that have rewards associated with them.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Hey everyone, I know alot of you have been doing this for a while now & I am officially 1mth in today, how do you keep motivated when you kick *kitten*, have an amazing week & then the scale disappoints? I have 15lbs gone as of this morning which I know for a month is great, however when I look at the bigger (much bigger) picture, I still need to lose about 125lbs so compared to that, 15lbs seems so little! This morning, for the first time ever, my scale showed only a 1lb loss. I feel defeated. Last week was a rare exception & I got in more exercise then I normally can & I didn't allow myself a break mid week because I really wanted the scale to show it this week.

    Now I feel like all that was for nothing! I know it might show in measurements but was only planning to do those monthly. My first measurements were done 2wks into this (Feb 25) so was planning to wait til Mar 25 to do them again. How often to you measure? If you have a bad week on the scales do you measure then to find encouragement?

    Thanks for listening (reading) & answering my questions :-)

    Try to remember a month ago you had 140lbs to lose,...you are closer than you were a month ago and you already know 15 lbs in 1 month is nothing short of amazing.

    If you've exercised more this week than normal keep in mind you may be a little swollen and possibly gained some water weight as a result. Hold of on your measurements for another 2 weeks I'd suggest.

    As far as encouragement, well what other choice do you have? Give up? Put the 15lbs back on, possibly more? No...that is not an option. This is a life changing process. Do you sleep everyday? yes Do you brush your teeth everyday? yes Do you shower every day? yes. You dont think oh man I have do all those things for another 60 years. You just do it. Think of eating right and exercising the same way. You have to change the way you are thinking about this.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Congrats on your success thus far. However, this is a marathon not a sprint. Patience and consistency are the keys to this long term. Your loss is going to slow dramatically. You just have to buckle down and keep going.
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    1 lb loss for the week is perfect! Kudos! Trust me, I get the I want to lose weight and fast feeling, but been there, done that, and it doesn't last. You have done great. Try changing up your ticker to reflect a goal for just the next month or two instead of the full amount. The scale is a good tool as long as you remember it is not an accurate measurement. By that I mean it measures your weight, which encompasses everything not just fat. There will be times when you do everything right and that scale doesn't budge, even goes up a bit, but keep going. Look at the total loss over a longer period of time. You'll get there!
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    only staying the same for one week might seem bad but I sts for a whole month and I still have over 70lb to go
    I could have given up but I didnt and was rewarded for my efforts with a 2lb loss this week - so in 5 weeks I have lost 2lb not a lot but what is my other option to give up
    not a chance as I am doing this for me
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Its so hard to read posts like this.... 15 lbs in one month? Are you serrious for positing anything that has the word "Disapointed" cut the crap and be happy for yourself. Thats a great sucess.
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    The "weight loss" is only one of the measurements of success. Eating healthy. Exercising more. Become more fit. Not all of these will show up on the scale. 15 pounds loss is a big achievement ~ whether it took you a month or a year.

    Also, it is my personal opinion that it is best that you "sneak" the weight off, so your body doesn't try to hold onto it.

    Seriously, be proud of yourself.
  • Amas77
    Amas77 Posts: 118 Member
    15lbs in one month is AMAZING. There's no reason to feel disappointed, much less "extremely disappointed." You'll get there. Keep at it.
  • katoabes
    katoabes Posts: 15 Member
    Just one pound? Get thee to the supermarket and go lift 1lb of sugar, or some meat. That's a substantial weight there, and you lost it! The first month is always a belter, as you've shown with your 15lb loss, but you need to keep at it!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    1 lb a week is great! In the beginning people tend to lose a lot, but you should realize that it will slow down and that you can't expect to lose 4 lbs per week every week. Weight loss isn't linear. Scale weight can fluctuate a lot just in one day (about 5 lbs for me) and that can mask fat loss. Some weeks you'll lose more, some weeks less, some you'll stay the same and some you might even gain. You can't let it get you down. Just remember that this is a long-term commitment. It's not going to happen overnight. Getting fit isn't an event. It's a process that you'll be doing for the rest of your life. Trust what you're doing and don't put so much stock in the scale. And I strongly recommend that you mentally prepare yourself for the probability that your losses are going to slow considerably as you go along. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I understand where you're coming from, but you have to adjust your expectations. The first pounds are almost always the easiest to come off. I highly recommend using some kind of tool - even if it's just graph paper and a pencil - and graphing out your progress. The important thing is the line from where you were before to where you are now. It's sloping down, and that's something worth celebrating.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    15 pounds in a month? Holy cow, I've NEVER lost that much, even when I was at my largest! You are a ROCK STAR!

    That being said, don't get discouraged. You certainly didn't gain all of the weight that quickly, so there is no reason to expect it to come off quickly. Weight loss is NOT linear, or steady, often there will be weeks or even months of no movement, then suddenly, 4-5 pounds come off at once. If you KEEP GOING.

    Don't worry about the big picture That can be overwhelming. Focus on losing 15 pounds. You already know you can do that, right? So, do it again! Then, do it again! Before you know it, you will be closer to the finish line than the start!

    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    The first pounds sometimes fall off pretty quickly as your body adjusts. But for long term success and a lifestyle that reflects the new you - you are going to want to only lose 1-2 lbs per week. That is realistic and going to prove more successful for you in the end.
    Keep up the good work and mentally remind yourself that no matter WHAT the scale says, you are moving now more than you ever did before, your heart loves you for it, and your body is better off for it.
    Too much emphasis is put on a number (scale).