Snacking at nighttime? Haaaalp! D:



  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I know that eating after a certain time is supposedly not good for you
    Old wives tale. Have a look at some of the incredible looking people here who eat until the moment they to to sleep.
  • nation001
    I have the same problem with snacking. I try not to bring things into the house that will temp me. It's not easy getting through the day without Ice Cream. Some days i win and other days, I snack on an orange or banana.
  • nation001
    Don't worry so much about the time you eat. It's more important to spread your 3 meals and 2 snacks out during the day and night so, you are not hungry. The main thing is not to skip meals. Skipping meals will get your in trouble.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Listen to your body! Don't have a huge meal before bed - but eat if you are hungry.

    I usually have some fruit and tea before bed, as I often get a little hungry a couple hours after dinner.
  • AJ020
    AJ020 Posts: 1
    I personally try not to eat after 8pm because I'm not moving around as much which means I'm not burning anything so everything just kind of sits there, you know? I don't think that there is anything wrong with snacking healthy but just make sure you're not just snacking just to snack. I don't know about you but I find myself snacking at night because I know that it's there or I'm just bored. It's really helped me to do something to occupy my time after dinner like scrap-booking or knitting or a puzzle or reading or something to just keep me busy so that I'm not over eating or eating just to eat. Just because you have extra calories for the day doesn't mean you have to use them. if you're full then stop eating. Go by what your body is telling you. We've trained ourselves to want more than our body actually needs to operate. I hope this was helpful.
