Women - exercising during that time of the month?



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I actually went on birth control specifically because of very heavy and very painful periods....

    My first period on the pill was amazing. hahaha I swore it was the greatest invention of mankind. :laugh: I was so happy!
    My cramps used to be so bad that I would crumple to the floor in the middle of a hot shower (which usually helps) because I couldn't stand up any longer. I would be curled up in a ball for 10 minutes unable to move.
    Now they are light and practically pain free.

    Talk to your ob/gyn about it. Birth control isn't for everyone, but it definitely helped me!

    A friend of mine also had issues with periods but bc gave her migraines. She did some research for more healthy remedies. She takes a lot of different vitamins and is feeling better now.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I second the potassium suggestion. You can also take potassium supplements-- I use one called Stim O Stam whenever I get muscle cramps.
  • nikb1983
    nikb1983 Posts: 44 Member
    I was wondering about this too...haven't seen TOM since I started working out (of course its due to come this weekend, when I'll be on a trip to visit the in-laws...ugh) I'm really hoping that being more active will reduce my cramping... I never had bad cramps before having my baby, and it's been lasting a couple days longer.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    You should probably talk to your gynecologist. I suffered for years with horrible, debilitating cramps. Found out I had uterine fibroids. NOT FUN! It got so bad, I had to have a hysterectomy. I don't want to scare you, but your periods shouldn't be that uncomfortable. If you get it checked out NOW, it may be fixable without surgery. And yes, exercise should be helping you, not making it worse. Take care of your body.

    In the meantime, ThermaCare heating pads are fabulous. Top that with about 3-4 Naproxen Sodium tablets (Alleve).
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Lots of women turn to BC for period relief. If you don't mind the hormones and are not actively trying to conceive, not a big issue. If you mind the hormones or dont like the idea of birth control, then dont do it. Simple. It's a personal decision, but it DOES help with the period hell that plagues us every month and I don't see any issue with women suggesting it as it does work for most...

    Not that we got that out of the way, I have those killer cramps too. I actually have them right now and it feels like Mike Tyson is having a training session in my pelvis! (blech) I usually do yoga-like exercises, stretches and light cardio on period days 1-2. Mine, thankfully, only last 3 days and the cramps only last the first 2.

    If I'm scheduled for a heavy cardio session, I take Aleve about 30 minutes before (gel tabs), stretch my pelvis area (hip rolls, deep squat) TMI ALERT pop in a tampon, layer my pads TMI OVER and work out. After the workout, I add banana to my protein shake and make sure to stretch again.

    Besides the physical pain, my period gives me the blues, so I will have cinnamon tea or cranberry-orange tea as a "pick me up"

    If all else fails, just plan for your days 1-2 to be days off of heavy workouts. Do armwork or easy walking or something like that...
    hope this helps!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I get possibly the worst cramps ever. I carry a heating pad with me to work, I take NSAIDS, I cry and want to curl up into a ball and die. I have found that actually working out alleviates all or most of the pain - and it stays away for a few hours after I am done. I just do it. I suck it up, and go.

    The work outs are never as good as when I don't feel like crap but its still a work out and I still feel better when I am done. So I will say this not in a mean way but just pull up the big girl panties and go - If you have to do a tampon, and 2 pads, or take a break half way though to change it do so but honest just work out - even if its a brisk walk or something. you will feel better.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    birth control messes me up and doesn't make my periods that much better, so i get mefenamic acid & tranexamic prescribed.
    they seem to fix pretty much everything!

    there are lots of options to try if you have an understanding doc.
    and if your doc isn't understanding, get a new one!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I always exercise during TOM even if it's just something light. I find it helps. NOw that I am on BC the pain isn't nearly as bad.... there are tons of options out there so it's something for you and your doctor to look into. I know you mentioned medical issues however there are a lot of BC options out there that one may work for you.

    When I wasn't on BC I got terrible cramps and pain. It was brutal and was so bad I could barely move for a few days each month while crying in pain. What helped was at the first bit of pain I took Advil. I would have to take it daily for two to three days but it made things so much better! If I caught it early enough I barely noticed the pain as long as I kept up with the Advil. I don't take medication often so taking Advil for a few days a month was ok for me.

    Try taking Advil (or whatever meds work best for you.. I find the liquid Advil pills or the generic version worked really well!) when you first start to feel the pain. Than try just doing something light like going for a walk, using a stationary bike, etc. If the pain is bad and heat helps you can buy little things (kind of like huge stickers) that you place on the outside of your underwear and it heats up from the air. They last for 8 hours.... wonderful little things! They help with bad cramps. I had some made by Playtex... I'm sure there are other brands out there.

    Those who mentioned potassium are onto something as well. Eat a few bananas a day and that should help as well.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    If you're getting cramps at regular intervals - you said monthly - you should look into what you are eating or what exercises you do before you get those cramps. I think the suggestion of birth control is a little inappropriate for an exercise-related issue and that's not withstanding the moral issues.
    With love,

    Epic troll

    THAT MADE ME LOL :laugh:
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    Add a couple extra cups of water and lower your caffeine intake when you start (or a couple days before you start cramping if you're regular enough to predict that). I used to get major cramps and my boobs would swell for like a week and be unbearably sore. Since I started tracking my water intake both have been greatly reduced. Also, when cramps do happen, try a pinch of cayenne pepper under your tongue. the capsaicen in the pepper will slightly dialate your blood vessels and allow blood to travel more freely - menstrual cramps are caused by blood clots. That's also why heat pads work (or a bag of rice microwaved for 30 seconds).
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I think the banana suggestion was an excellent one to try. When I was younger and got a lot of cramping, it was due to too much sodium. The potassium in the banana can help counter-act this.

    Now, I just push through and exercise anyway.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I used to have terrible cramps- wake me up in the middle of the night kind of pain. Running has actually helped immensely, and the last time Aunt Flo visited I ran 24 miles. (you know, substitute one pain for another lol) Seriously, though, TOM has become much easier since I started running, and even though it's hard at first, it gets easier as you exercise, and you will feel better afterward!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    If you're getting cramps at regular intervals - you said monthly - you should look into what you are eating or what exercises you do before you get those cramps. I think the suggestion of birth control is a little inappropriate for an exercise-related issue and that's not withstanding the moral issues.
    With love,

    :noway: Really? :noway: :huh:

    It's sarcasm.

    In any regard, OP, exercise helps eleviate the symptoms, so I would keep going.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    i tried everything. i eat low salt anyway, don't drink tea or coffee, work out.
    i've tried heat pads, evening primrose, various vitamins & minerals, changing my diet.
    i've tried more birth control pills & jabs & such than i can keep count of.

    my doc told me that the tranexamic & mefenamic acid are often the one thing that prevents hysterectomy for many women in my situation. nature really does give us a bit of a bum deal! it must be hellish to have to go that far just to live a relatively normal, pain free life.
  • kiannarb
    kiannarb Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks to the wonderful suggestions. especially since i wan to avoid BC as much as possible. I already take pill for high blood pressure so avoiding any more rx drugs would be great for me. I'm definitely going to try the banana, cinnomin tea, and some of the other natural suggestions. And if push comes to shove, both my OBGYN and i will need to talk about BC. Thanks again ladies. This site ROCKS when you truly use it :wink:
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I've heard of a temporary solution. No cramps for 9 months.
    Lots of cramps at the end of those 9 months though, so you must decide if it's worth it for you.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I actually went on birth control specifically because of very heavy and very painful periods....

    My first period on the pill was amazing. hahaha I swore it was the greatest invention of mankind. :laugh: I was so happy!
    My cramps used to be so bad that I would crumple to the floor in the middle of a hot shower (which usually helps) because I couldn't stand up any longer. I would be curled up in a ball for 10 minutes unable to move.
    Now they are light and practically pain free.

    Talk to your ob/gyn about it. Birth control isn't for everyone, but it definitely helped me!

    A friend of mine also had issues with periods but bc gave her migraines. She did some research for more healthy remedies. She takes a lot of different vitamins and is feeling better now.

    Agreed. I was permanently anaemic, heavy periods for up to 14 days, 23-day cycle. From the age of 13 to 37 periods ruled my life and I simply didn't exercise when I was on due to pain and leakage. I saw a gynae and went for a scan. Everything was fine but blood tests showed I had a hormonal imbalance.

    I'm now on Cerazette (a back-to-back mini pill that you take all the time). It has stopped my periods altogether and I just wish I'd done it sooner. It really has set me free (and the fact that it's a contraceptive is a bonus!).
  • leslieirving1970
    leslieirving1970 Posts: 41 Member
    When I started out I could never train during my period. It made me feel awful and made my period heavier!!! That was really annoying as I would not excercise for up to a week! But Ive now lost 5 stone and have now, in the last couple of months, been able to train all month. My symptons have got so much better, I assume its because my body is getting closer to a health weight and is working better! :happy:
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    "Exercise will make it better" was one of the things PE teachers used to say when you tried to get out of games:tongue: Some it helps, some it doesnt!

    I've not had a pain since my eldest was born - rather a drastic way of stopping it! - and now I just get tetchy and suffer from water retention. I've started taking magnesium because I was getting very achy joints (before I started losing weight) and that plus weight loss have helped the joint thing. So I can recommend magnesium for a lot of things!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Yes, I do, it would be counterproductive to not exercise 25% of the month. Try Midol or asking your doctor about BC options that help with heavy cramping.