Looking for VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) Friends

Hey everyone I'm new looking for VSG friends men and woman are welcomed I'm 4+ weeks post op I need someone to talk to about my surgery. I'm from NYC and I'm in my Mid 30's..... No one in my life knows I had this done so I have no one to talk to.. Thanks everyone..


  • Hi! I had the sleeve 5 years ago. Got rid of 150 lbs and gained back 40. Friend me and we'll chat!!

  • rycry
    rycry Posts: 5
    I had the sleeve in 2009 lost 100 pounds and then had a baby and have gained 40 back! SO I am in the process of losing my 40! Add me as a friend and we can support each other!! :)
  • rycry
    rycry Posts: 5
    Hey everyone I'm new looking for VSG friends men and woman are welcomed I'm 4+ weeks post op I need someone to talk to about my surgery. I'm from NYC and I'm in my Mid 30's..... No one in my life knows I had this done so I have no one to talk to.. Thanks everyone..

    I was very secretive about my sleeve at first too! you might check out www.obesityhelp.com
    its a great website that has lots of great support!!!
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    I got the sleeve in late November, 35 lbs down so far. I need support too!! Friend me :)
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    can I ask why you didnt share with friends/ family???
  • JillyInAZ
    JillyInAZ Posts: 44 Member
    I was sleeved March 2012, have had great results and have about another 110 lbs to go. Feel free to friend me.

  • Hi! I was just sleeved 10 days ago. So far I am doing well with the recovery. I too am looking for friends who can relate to what I am going through.
  • frankb69
    frankb69 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi ,i was sleeved on oct 3rd 2012.. i'm down 110 lbs feel free to add me...
  • joshputt
    joshputt Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I was sleeved on Jan. 16, 2013 and have lost 38 pounds since my last pre-op weigh-in (my heaviest). I am, 44, married w/ 2 children and – thanks to Facebook – have made no secret about my procedure. Feel free to add me.
  • laynedj77
    laynedj77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello fellow sleevers! I'm 35 and have 1 child. I was sleeved on 11/15/12 and am down 57 lbs. :happy: I have had a great experience thus far, and am so glad I had the surgery. It has truly changed my life. So glad to have found you on here. Also make sure you download vertical sleeve talk app. It has really given me a place to share and learn.
  • smkilgore21
    smkilgore21 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, I was sleeved on 11/28/12 and have lost 54 lbs. I am loving my sleeve. I too am looking for friends for support and motivation on here that have been sleeved. Friend me.
  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
    I had my Sleeve on January 30th feel free to add me I need more sleeve friends
  • Fair2bslimLady
    Fair2bslimLady Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys I was sleeved 1-28-13 and doing great would love some more sleeved friends.
  • mitzi1006
    mitzi1006 Posts: 8 Member
    I just had my sleeve done 2/20. Still feeling a little weak but walking 30 minutes a day and getting in all my protein which is tough. Glad to meet others here for support and ideas.
  • Hello all. I am getting sleeved on March 13th. Also, from NY (long island). Feel free to add me :)
  • llcourage
    llcourage Posts: 1 Member
    I am also looking for VSG friends, I need some accountability, I had VSG April 2011 and have lost 120 pounds, still have 40 lbs to go to goal and have been stalled for a few months, need some help and support to get it moving again. Anyone want to add me feel free, I'd be very happy to have the support.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124

    I am so EXCITED!

    I had my VSG done November 2011 I was 330 pounds. I got down to 190 and then gained back 30 leaving me at 220. That's when I came on here.

    I am 27 and 5'7. ADD ME!!! I'm always looking for new friends!

    I haven't told anyone except my parents, my brother, and my fiancé. I don't have any supportive people in my family that's why I didn't give them the privilege of knowing my business.

    ETA: I signed up on here DEC 2011 but I never came on here. I was too busy on my VSG website. I forgot about this one until just recently.
  • I'm 55, large frame and almost 5'9". Had my surgery in June 2011. Hoping to drop another 20 lbs to make my goal weight. Here for anyone who would like support. or needs to talk.
  • lsplavec
    lsplavec Posts: 1
    You all should start a private Facebook page. I am a member of one for people who were sleeved last summer. What a great support system!

    Good Luck tomorrow mfernando6! Walk, sip, and do the breathing excercises, repeat! Ask for an abdominal binder while in the hospital. You will be so happy you chose the sleeve!
  • suzee279
    suzee279 Posts: 58
    I was sleeved on Jan 24 2013 and am down 35 lbs post surgery. Friend me...it is so important to have others who know what you are going thru!!