
  • GrammyDanni
    GrammyDanni Posts: 11 Member
    I do pop my own pop corn. Those ready made ones or micro wave packs usually have too many calories and are packed with butter. I never put any butter on my pop corn. But I do sprinkle on some salt.

    Then I say, go for it! I agree with you about the micro wave packs and I think that could be why everyone is saying "NO" to popcorn. Anything that is pre-packaged may be convenient, but there is a price for that convenience. As long as you watch your salt content, I think popcorn is a perfectly acceptable snack.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
  • GrammyDanni
    GrammyDanni Posts: 11 Member
    LOL... I completely messed up trying to respond using quote. Sorry Ladies....

    Just wanted to comment about the popcorn comments.

    I love popcorn which is only 93 calories for 3 cups. Instead of using the microwave pouches. I pour 1/4 cup of kernals into a brown paper lunch sack, fold the top over twice and place in the microwave for 2 minutes 30 seconds. It comes out perfect. I add spray butter and Mrs Dash.

    I sure do love reading your posts. I am a moderator, but I should probably switch to abstainer :-)

    Hope everyone had a great day.
    Cheers to a beautiful evening !!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I am going to ahve to go buy a pair of size 14 jeans and hang them over my clothes rod as my inspiration. I am wearing my last inspiration. it hung for quite a while. My sister bought me some size 1 X for tops my birthday and I am anxious to try them. i still am a doubter that they will fit. I to have quite a few clothes that if I would weed through them I don't know what would be left. Last summer I took a lot of the clothes that I probably could be wearing now and took them to Goodwill. I wish I knew then that I would go on a diet. I hate shopping for a bunch of clothes to fit me now and they won't fit me in a couple of months. Basically I don't like summer clothes at all. I have psoriasis especially on my lower legs and I wear long pants all the time. My family tries to convince me that when I am with them only not to worry about it. So next month when we are on vacation I may just do that. I don't own a bathing suit because of my weight and psoriasis and will wear shorts and top in the hot tub at out cabin.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    So much for the warm up...I walked to the bank (DD has the car to meet up with friends) and it really started to snow. The ladies at the bank laughed at me when I got there...I looked like I had a major case of dandruff - huge flakes where stuck all over me.:laugh:

    Cheryl - I never heard of Irish Twins until my OB told me that's what I had...maybe he had it wrong.:blushing: My kids were born 1 year, 1 week, 1 hour and 1 minute apart (at least according to their birth certificates - frankly I wasn't looking at the clock)

    I think we should see if we can get a northern Illinois lunch together at Red Lobster. Besides Cheryl and I is there anyone else out there in the far northern burbs of Chicago? I think the Colorado ladies have a great idea that is definitely worth stealing.

    I also love making my own popcorn in the MW. I actually have an old MW bowl and lid that was sold specifically for popping corn. I think it is a great low cal, filling snack made that way...I think I might just have to have some tonight:laugh:

    Got to get back to work! Have a great evening:flowerforyou:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I just managed to lose all of my responses. I not only lost the word processor, but also the bar at the bottom where you shut down the computer. I called hubby, who says that he'll have to come home and see what I did, so I guess they're gone. I wrote to several people I haven't written to before, too. :grumble: It's so annoying, as I know most of you can attest. If you said anything I should have answered, please assume that I did and that my responses were spot-on and amazing! (Might as well go for the gold, since I can't be checked up on!). :bigsmile:

    I do know that I told Linda Sundance that her scooby site also said that I don't eat enough calories. I'm really bummed today, because my scale jumped up 4 lbs. overnight. It HAS to be water! (Do you hear me, powers-that-be????). I've been good for the past several days, logging my food and drinking my new Isagenix. Last night I had salad bar (not the pasta salad stuff) with balsalmic and a cup of tomato soup. I stayed within my calories, so what gives? This is the most I've weighed in 6 months, and I can't see any good reason for it. :noway: :noway: :noway: If I'd known this was going to happen, I'd have eaten cake and ice cream instead of lettuce! Thank you for letting me rave. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow!

    My new Fitbit came this morning, so I'm trying to figure out how to sync it to everything. I know that I don't move nearly enough, so hopefully this will provide some motivation.

    Jane in Colorado (who won't be thin for Friday's lunch). :angry:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I just found that bar again. I had stopped commenting after I lost the word processor, but here are some of them. Not as spot-on as I asked you to imagine, so just pretend! For an intelligent woman, I just feel technology challenged at times!

    Robin – I hope your earache is better!

    Phyllis – Wow. I’m practically sweating just reading about all of your exercise. Good for you!

    Barbie – Interesting article on abstainers and moderators. I tend to be a moderator, except for a few “red light” foods that I just can’t stop once I start. For those, I’ll abstain most of the time!

    Rori – Looking forward to meeting you, as well! My brother lives in Mililani and was in Aiea before that.

    Jen – So sorry about your son’s accident, but glad that he is going to be okay. Your worrying is very understandable!

    Lila – Be sure to show us your new haircut. I bet you’ll look terrific! Glad you had a good trip.

    Linda Sundance – 70s, huh? We woke up to unexpected snow again this morning… at least, I hadn’t heard that we were expecting snow! I just looked at the Scooby’s Workshop site that you posted. It says that I’m not eating enough, either. I know that I certainly have slowed way down on the weight loss, even when I’m working hard at it.

    Jane in Colorado (again!)
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Enjoyed the comments about popcorn. We love popcorn! I have a duck machine - we put the corn kernels into the hat to measure them, then we put them into his body and plug in. After a couple of minutes he starts to pop the corn and it comes out of his mouth! It requires quite a large bowl to catch it all. We eat the corn plain while watching films! We are now so used to plain popped corn that anything else is either too sweet or too salty! Much better than other high fat snacks!
    I have used my 'puking duck' at Sunday School as a vis aid that even if you are or feel small, in the right hands you can make something happen (like the loaves and fishes)! A four minute talk and a bowl of popcorn to share! My duck can be a vis aid for a number of different stories and the kids love it (the adults usually come and have their share too!!).

    Sending all good wishes to those who are in need of healing, for yourselves or family members, and rejoicing with those who are happy!
    MA in Midlands England
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: When I found out that the osteoporosis doctor won’t be able to schedule me for a few months, I called the dermatologist for the long postponed full body exam and found out that the first available appointment was in September so I made the appointment and got put on the list to call if there’s a cancellation.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, I hope you’ll read “The Happiness Project” as get as much out of it as I did……there were parts of it that changed my life……..I heard about it from a woman I admire on this thread and enjoyed hearing about the parts of the books that influenced her the most.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I guess “half a loaf is better than none”……but it’s too bad they won’t pay for the whole pair of glasses.

    :flowerforyou: Liz, your workout schedule sounds great…..enjoy “The Happiness Project”

    :flowerforyou: Lila, I went to a new haircutter awhile back and let her decide what to do with my hair and liked it a lot……left to me to choose, I’d have no idea.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, the only way I was able to free enough time in the morning was to go to bed earlier and get up earlier…….I noticed that I wasted a lot of time in the evening.

    :flowerforyou: LIndaS. If what you are doing is working and if it’s not, do something else……..I lost weight at 1200 calories plus exercise calories, but all my calories were from nutrition dense foods----no desserts, candy, alcohol, cream, etc.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, looking at your before and after pictures always makes me smile…..you continue to inspire me.

    :flowerforyou: Jodios, our 16 pound cat, Bernie, likes to sit in Jake’s lap when he meditates.

    :flowerforyou: Jmkmomm, I couldn’t sleep last night so I put on a sweatshirt to be warmer and read my book for two hours til I could fall asleep again…..I live in a cooler climate and wear long pants and long sleeves all the time,

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, the reason I avoid popcorn is that pieces get stuck in my teeth and I don’t digest it well.

    :flowerforyou: Debrawallin, welcome……”exercise whisperer” what a great title

    :flowerforyou: Robin, glad things are looking up for you at your work

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl, you do your dancing on horseback.

    :flowerforyou: Kate, I cried as I cleared out all my size 16 and extra large clothing……I replaced them with a bare minimum of my new size and wore the same things over and over for a long time and gradually acquired some more things….my wardrobe now is still very small and I’m fine with it.

    :flowerforyou: Janehadji, one of the best lessons I’ve learned on this journey is that there is no immediate correlation between weight and what you ate and exercised the day before (except for massive sodium intake)…..there were days of perfect eating followed by weight gain and days of sloppy eating followed by weight loss…..just keep doing the healthy things every day and the results will be good.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I’ll be in bed early tonight so we can be out of here early tomorrow to go to Seattle for Jake’s post surgery appointment…..since I’m driving we’ll leave extra early (6:30) so we are certain to get to the ferry in time……….it will be a great day……walking on the ferry and lunch at the great Asian restaurant near the doctor’s office.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my lovely friends.:flowerforyou: It’s another cool day here in Omaha but I think the snow will be gone in a day or two. Spent the entire day working on packets for my faculty and I had these binders with tabs that kept cutting my fingers all day long. Then I was supposed to help proctor a test at 11:30. I went down there and the students were hanging around and one finally asked me why I was there. I said “To proctor your test.” They said “IT was at 9!” Seems the instructor of that class changed class times and didn’t tell me. So they had a good laugh at my expense!:glasses:

    Janie: I’m like you; I never leave “on time” and often work during holidays and shut down days. I need to get more in control of my life since that impacrts my working out too. The best thing will be when I no longer have to pick my daughter up from school!

    Rori: I was born and grew up in Hawaii. I lived on Pearl Island, which is in the middle of Pearl Harbor

    Jen: holy cow! I am so glad your ds is ok!!!

    Renny: did you say that to the optometrist? I’m a little aggressive when it come to that kind of thing. My friends always have me call places to complain for them! I think customer service has gone way downhill recently which surprises me since the economy is bad, you’d think places would be all over customer service

    Cooky: glad to see you made it back!

    Michele: the beans sounded interesting. Yes, the decongestant is a two way sword….more water means more bathroom trips!

    Jolene: how are you feeling these days? Hope you get rested up!

    Lila: can’t wait to see your new do! I am bucking the trend and have grown my hair out to just about shoulder length and am loving it! I either blow it under or just scrunch it…I have very curly hair. It’s funny because I always thought the same about shorter hair but I have been getting told I look younger! Woo hoo I’ll take that! Well post a pic and let us see the new you! Spring? What’s that??? :tongue:

    Viv: what is sugar soap?

    Lindasundance: sounds like your weekend was great! Fruit trees. YUM

    Amanda: have fun with the grandbabies!

    Grandmallie: how old is DD? My DD#1 is kind of like that too….she only works 8-12 hours a week, right now is not taking any classes, and just sits around all day long…does not want to make any decisions about what to do with herself.

    DeeDee: so glad your headache went away! It sure is different when they stop asking for toys, isn’t it? Omg wait…you said 12 year old granddaughter???? You look way too young for that! I had to read that twice!:noway:

    Moxie: a pox on TOM! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    Jersey: welcome and love the pic!

    Jodios: keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that the flood does not materialize

    Jb: good cantaloupe is a sure sign that spring is on the way. Good for you on the weight loss.

    Lin: sounds like your plans to be healthier are working out! Good for you for being able to come off so many meds!

    Jmkmomm: do you think thoughts of your mom and your traditions were keeping you awake last night? That’s awful when you eat too much and then feel gross. Don’t beat yourself up though…we all have days/nights/weeks like that. You will be back on track in no time. :flowerforyou:

    Phyllis: what an interesting story! You must miss your son though. I don’t eat much popcorn but there are all kinds so I guess health wise it depends on what you get.

    Debra; welcome!

    Robin: well isn’t that interesting that your boss would sabotage you that way. I’m sure you will be glad when all this is over with

    Wessecg: that’s great about your weight loss!

    Lucy: I find that too…about being hard to get back to exercising once you have gotten away from it. Glad you are feeling better!

    Kate: keep up that breathing! Will you be shopping soon?

    Jane: I have 4 college degrees and still think that there is a squirrel inside my computer and if I make him mad, well here come the crashes and viruses! LOL.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Don’t feel bad; there are worse things than being technology challenged!

    MA: oh your popcorn duck sounds fabulous and so much fun!:happy:

    Barbie have a safe trip into town. I wonder why it takes so long to get a doctors appointment there?

    Well I’m off for the evening. It’s already 7:30…where does the time go? Take care, Meg:drinker:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Had day 2 of the carbs and fruit...tomorrow is protein and veggies...will be challenging for me...will start with a veggie omelet, a big salad with lean protein for lunch and fish and veggies for dinner....but I usually need a couple of snacks during the day...not sure...almonds maybe not sure what else..any ideas?

    Thanks for well wishes for ds...he finally called last night...sounds pretty good, has followup on knee Thursday. He said its healing but not ready to start running again yet...it sounds like he is doing the right things for it.

    I bailed on kettlebells this am...will need to get to it tomorrow...hopefully I will sleep better tonight.

    Have a good night all...hugs and high fives
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. Well I just returned from my first meeting with the library board at church. Not sure why I agreed to be on it except that I like to read and Nancy who sings in Joyful Accord and choir with me and leads our church book club asked me. Oh well, one more thing to add to my busy life.

    Sue in SD
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Sorry. I did this quote thing wrong again.

    Sue in SD

    If your church library has books other than religious, I could recommend books by Karen J. Hasley. She is a fine Christian woman who writes historical fiction. He latest book ""The Dangerous Thaw of Etta Capstone"" is up for an award from Amazon. She has written several other novels as well.

    Eileen in the other SD
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    bump for now :smile:
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Jodios – Glad you are enjoying time with your daughter and that she is getting refreshed being at home – I’m really looking forward to my daughter being home next week. :happy: Honolulu sounds fabulous – I’ve never been :grumble:
    Jb – The pain free book sounds interesting – my husband has pretty severe arthritis and he might get something out of it
    Phyllis – Thanks for sharing about your life in Egypt – must be hard to have your daughter and grandchild far away :heart: Regarding popcorn – way better than chips as long as you don’t eat the micro kind smothered in butter! Have also heard that the material in the micro bag can be carcinogenic – eekk!
    Debra W – Good luck on the weight loss journey – trainer sounds great, something I’d like to do too!
    Robin – Glad you got the antibiotics and that you are filing complaint against your boss! Sounds like it was needed!
    Lucy – Glad the vertigo is better – my husband also gets it sometimes – from sinus infections and/or pinched nerve
    Kate – the closet thing is scary/exciting! I have been lucky at the thrift store – especially for the more expensive things like coats, blazers, etc… The Chicago area has quite an array of thrift stores, Goodwill to Upscale designer thrift – so lots to choose from
    GrammyDanni – just recently heard about the brown bag popcorn – I’m gonna have to try it!:smile:
    Barbie – I actually gave The Happiness project as a gift to someone without having read it – now I will have to buy it for myself!
    Had a dash of snow here again :sad: soooo ready for spring and sun!!!
    Tomorrows already hump day - have a great one everybody :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. Originally, I was planning to only do 30 minutes of HIIT and then 30 minutes on the AMT stepping, but someone got on that machine before I could so I just continued with the HIIT. Tomorrow I'll do a step DVD at home. We have the Newcomers general meeting. This one lady (to lots of people, including Vince and me, she's really not with it) decided it would be nice to have a breakfast so she's having someone else do all the prep work. Well, there is another group that meets in that room before us (I told them this months ago), but they're still going to have this breakfast. I really don't know how this is going to work out. When we have our meetings, I usually get there early, have to clean up from this group, wipe down the tables, set up the greeting tables. Well, I was told that they were taking care of it all, so we shall see what happens. The breakfast will be catered by the restaurant that's there. I already know of at least one person who told me they were coming but as far as I know they haven't told them. And, of course, they need a head count.

    Renny - I'm the same way as Lila - I don't check in with the f&v challenge, but I certainly add them.

    grandmallie - your trip sounds heavenly!

    DeeDee - glad your gd gave up on the iphone. Sounds like you had a great day shopping, tho. So sorry about your headache, but glad it's gone now.

    Went to Big Lots to get more stools for our kitchen. Really, I'm not that impressed with them, but Vince is in his "they're a good price" mode right now. To me, you get what you pay for. I'm not expecting that they'll last a long time, but if this makes him happy, what's the harm?

    bollingrox - welcome! So sorry about your father. Check in often so we get to know you.

    Lin - I love your mindset "I may not succeed, but I won't give up!"

    jmkmomm - happy belated birthday. Good for you putting in your binge of chocolate. It's good to be accountable for everything, the good and the bad. So proud of you.

    debrawalin - welcome!

    Glenda - what was your call about? Nothing serious, I hope

    Yes, Colorado lunch ladies, we'll be thinking of you

    Robin - sounds like things are going your way. Wonder why she would encourage you not to attend the meeting you are supposed to run??

    Lucy in DE - yup, it is the cookie that I'm talking about (the snickerdoodle with white beans in it) I wish the "eat more to weigh less" theory would work for me, too. It doesn't.

    I probably won't be responding to too many. Know that I've read all the posts. I have a kink in my neck (I guess it's a trap muscle). I'm going to go for a massage tomorrow. It is just a pain. It's a bit uncomfortable to be looking at the computer screen.

    Did a little food shopping today. I hadn't been to this store in quite a while. Not much has changed, but you never know.

    Beth in SC - I just got a rebounding DVD. It's a very good workout.

    The only time I use the microwave popcorn is when I want to take just a small amount with me to the movies. Also, I have some that I bought a while ago down at the condo, but once that is gone, no more.

    Kate - it feel so good to have an empty closet, doesn't it? Don't fill it up with too much because you'll just be getting rid of all that too.

    Welcome to everyone that is new. So glad you found us

    Jane in CO - I would say I'm like you, a moderator for the most part but there are a few items that I had to be an abstainer about.

    MA - love your popcorn duck

    Need to go now. You're all in my thoughts, even if I didn't respond to each one of you. That stupid muscle is still bothering me. Can't wait to get it massaged tomorrow nmight. Hope that does the trick.

    Michele in NC
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    bump 7
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Better day today. Logged everything I ate. Just reading everyone's comments is encouraging.
    Wessecg, I think you are right. Winter has been hard this year but it almost over and I look forward to riding my bike outside.
    Keep coming back,
    MaryC, SE WI
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Seems like the times goes by so fast these days. Played golf for 5 hours (72 degrees) then came home and put a chicken in the oven. After dinner I took a long walk. Tomorrow I'll try to get on earlier and give some shout outs.

    Sue in TX
  • joy2320
    joy2320 Posts: 19 Member
    cute story:smile: