Walk of the dead.



  • I'm in! Feel free to add me. And OP I love your style!
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    Ooohh, this looks fun and motivating:-) I wanna play!
  • I'm In!
  • gonnasee33
    gonnasee33 Posts: 163
    im in !
  • Littlethings_
    Littlethings_ Posts: 20 Member
    It is all up to you! If you can the full half hour without stopping then do that, if not feel free to break it down like i gave to :) do 3 10 minute sessions over the day. Try doing at least an hour and a half in total this week, otherwise zombies will get you!
  • Littlethings_
    Littlethings_ Posts: 20 Member
    You’ve been travelling for days, you have not seen a single non infected since you started moving again. Everything is really getting to you now, the thirst is driving you mad and clean water is hard to find in these conditions. You stumble on through a empty mid country town to find a fresh water stream, you down cup after cup, face full after face full. Through this **** time, it's the little things that help.

    Make sure to drink as much water in a day guys! Try to aim for 8 cups :)
  • toothwalker_
    toothwalker_ Posts: 32 Member
    here a a few other cool zombie exercises I found
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA1XuOSAznY ( I take no credit for this video )

    Alas, blocked in Germany re: music content :\
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Count me in ... sounds like fun :-)
  • Kingacat
    Kingacat Posts: 33
    I'm in too!
  • webutmirrortheworld
    webutmirrortheworld Posts: 52 Member
    Count me in too!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Rehydrated by the eight glassfuls of clear stream water, C4RL05 spent 75 minutes (Yoga Flow) getting ready for the next chase from the infecteds and climbed the tallest tree he could find (pullups 30 mins) - at least tonight, he would be safe. ......
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Should we start a group?
    Also, does the 6lbs start from our weight on Monday? And when are we weighing in again?
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    A circuit around the town showed it was relatively safe. Relatively, since nothing is really safe anymore (Couch to 5k). A partially collapsed building appeared to be a possible safe resting place. A cautious scouting of the building proves positive (walk, 3.5kms/hr). No easy exits; the rubble blocking them. After a refreshing drink from the spring, the rubble is scaled (rock climbing) and a room is found with a solid roof to keep out an weather. Multiple exits for a quick escape, no easy entrance for the flesh munchers to get in. A good place to sleep.
  • Atojiso
    Atojiso Posts: 15
    Count me in! Those zombies sound dangerous... ;)
  • divandisguise
    divandisguise Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds fun!
  • yurika975
    yurika975 Posts: 71 Member
    OOo anything zombie related I'm in.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Mission Complete! Safe for another week.

    I've walked for an hour and 10 minutes.
    Did C25K for 30 minutes
    Rock climbing for 45 minutes (estimate 10 minutes actually ascending the wall)

    I've lost 1 lb of salt-gain. Have not made any new progress toward my goal, but I am starting in high.
  • Wolverine13ft
    Wolverine13ft Posts: 19 Member
    I'll give it a go.:smile:
  • I'm in!
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    I'm in! Got to work hard to outrun those pesky zombies!