What kind of results are you seeing with an elliptical??

I just bought me an elliptical machine being I see how many people swear by the results, burning calories and toning their bodies. I am curious to know how long you excercise a day/week, and what kind of results are you seeing. I am realling trying to lose 25 lbs and tone up this body after having 4 kids. I am on a 1200 cal diet and been using my elliptical for 3 days and I just wanna know what anyone thinks about it. also looking for buddies!!! :))


  • najla56
    najla56 Posts: 195 Member
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Hiya :)

    I use it 4/5 times a week at the gym and I'm on it for 11-15 mins. 2 mins warm up then I do 1 min fast, 1 min slower and keep doing that until times up. I do other things not just the elliptical!

    My bum is not so squishy and my legs are stronger. My waist has shrunk a bit too. Just wanting the love handles and belly to go!
  • miya727
    miya727 Posts: 12 Member
    Cheack out bodyrock.tv they have the most intense FREE workout vids, high fat burn and you can do it for only 12 mins a day!
  • rabbitlord3
    I just got an elliptical too! I needed to add cardio to my routine, and I need a lower impact cardio workout. I used a readmill for years, and do tons of walking (over 10,000 steps per day on fitbit) now, but needed to get my heart rate higher and start toning some muscle. 2 workouts in, I'm also wondering what to expect, but I can sure feel where it has targeted. Many complain about the unnatural stride, but its kinda fun, and its works different areas than walking, so I think it's good.

    I need buddies too! I have lots of cheerleaders, but no one who is challenging themselves like I am, or even being honest about food logging.
  • kelcileigh
    kelcileigh Posts: 23 Member
    I've been looking for this thread!

    I've been doing the elliptical now for about a month 3-4 times a week for an hour per day. When I started, I was doing 4 miles in an hour. Now, I'm doing 4.85 miles in an hour and it's much easier! My work pants are SUPER baggy and people are starting to tell me I look like I've lost weight.

    I haven't checked the scale because it's discouraging for me, but I feel better and my workouts are getting easier!
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Elliptical is my favourite machine at the gym. I can burn 10+ calories per minute, so I usually burn at least 300 calories for a 30 min session. Love it!

    My legs feel much firmer, especially the front of my upper legs and thighs. I have asthma, and after a workout on the Elliptical my lungs feel much better and less-tight.

    It's a great cardio workout.
  • MsQuacklady
    I too have an elliptical.....Love the thing....when I get on it. I bought it to do some 'cross-training' I play tennis 4 x's a week and wasn't working any other muscles. It really has been an all over toner for me. I do 15 minutes every other day. I am also looking for buddies as well. Just started this journey and have about 100lbs to drop. I'm not in hurry. As a last resort, I am doing the day by day approach....little by little....small changes, smarter changes, healthier changes. I have nothing but time....
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    I use the one at the gym around twice a week for 30 minutes. Due to joint problems I have to alternate
    with water aerobics but the elliptical has helped me to slim down and tone up. I like the results it
    brings even from only being able to use it such a small amount
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I've only had it for a month, but I love it already. I see some toning in my bum and legs. I do 20-30 minutes 4 times a week, with strength and other cardio stuff. But, ever since I got it, I smashed through my 3 month plateau. SO, I'm a fan. :]
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Love the elliptical. I can burn more calories, and it's easier on my joints. It firms up my legs, too! I usually go about 45 mins.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I go 6-7 days a week and do 31 minutes on the elliptical. I have seen the result in much firmer thighs and overall tone to my body. I love it, and love that it's low-impact.
  • wannalose25
    wannalose25 Posts: 69 Member
    The elliptical is GREAT!! I lost 15-20 lbs in 2 months using it. I did 30 mins/, 5 days/wk. Sometimes I'd do 45 min. I'm planning to buy one real soon. I wish I had bought the elliptical instead of the Fluidity Bar.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I mix up running, the arc elliptical and weights but use primarily the elliptical in the winter as well as the middle of the summer. I'll use it about 4-5 times/week for an hour. When I started, I was able to go 4 1/2 miles, but I'm at 6 miles now. It's a great workout and much easier on my knees than the treadmill. I keep my calories right around 1500 but may go to 1700-1900 depending on my workout.
  • sdhorne
    sdhorne Posts: 69 Member
    I use the elliptical 5 x a week anywhere from 45 min to 70 min a day. I have lost 20 lbs and gone down 2 sizes in my jeans. In 2 months.
  • scjl132
    scjl132 Posts: 85 Member
    I use the elliptical about 40 minutes 5-6 times a week at the gym. I like it for the cardiovascular benefits right now. At 58 I need to get my heart rate up and get the metabolism moving a little faster. I also use the treadmill and the arc trainer and alternate the rowing machine and free weights. It's not my favorite machine but it makes me sweat! (Don't like sweating either but I hear it's good for me!).
  • rschwimer
    I'm a fitness instructor/trainer and if you're looking for some great results, try 20 minutes of high intesity interval training. Studys show that people who do 20 minutes of high intensity drills vs. 40 minutes of a sustained pace burn more fat and calories and condition their hearts and lungs to recover faster. Warm up at a nice easy pace for a few minutes then really increase the speed or incline or both and push yourself as hard and as fast as you can. Start off with 30 sec....then back off and recover for 5 minutes and crank it up again, then recover. Little by little, you'll be able to increase your high intensity time. The results are great and I use this type of training with most of my clients and they love it :) Good luck!
  • lilbit0987
    I've been doing between 30 mins and 45 mins around 3-4 times a week. This is my favorite workout equip. because I have trouble with my knees and hips. Have noticed a little difference in my butt and calves , but have only started about 2 weeks ago.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I love the elliptical. I use it all the time and I find that it is helping me build my endurance.
  • beardedwarrior76
    I love the eliptical.
  • patbeharry
    I do 30-35 minutes 5-7 x week on a "fat burning/interval" program....and not only is it helping me with mt weight loss and muscle tone but my blood pressure and resting heart rate are significantly better than they were a year ago