4 Week weight Loss Challenge- I Need Some Buddies



  • caryn7780
    caryn7780 Posts: 54 Member
    I am currently sitting at 200 lbs and I would like to be at 140. My goal for the next 4 weeks is to lose 10 pounds. Can I join?
  • karrianne32
    karrianne32 Posts: 51 Member
    I'd like to join in. I am 180lb and in 4 weeks I'd like to lose 6lb.
    Please add me as a friend
  • Roxie8611
    Roxie8611 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey feel free to add me! I joined this week and would love to lose 7lbs by mid April.

    Starting - 224

    Mid April - 217
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member
    I'm bored at work, so I'm starting a group and inviting everyone who says they want in.
  • karrianne32
    karrianne32 Posts: 51 Member
    This is really close to mine. I am 180lb and want to lose 6lb in 4 weeks
  • mandytriv
    mandytriv Posts: 13
    I'm in! I am 153 lbs and my goal weight is 140. My goal for the challenge is to lose 5 lbs.
  • skhudson33
    skhudson33 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join also!
  • karrianne32
    karrianne32 Posts: 51 Member
    That sounds great as Wed is my weigh day anyway!
  • Thanks for the great slogan! Weigh In Wednesdays! Woooooooooooohoooooooooo
  • I'd love to join too if there's still room!
  • nightdragon70
    nightdragon70 Posts: 94 Member
    Why not ? I'm in too...

    currently at 226, already setting my own personal challenge to be at 215 in 6 weeks.... so let's say for 4 weeks I'll try to be at 219 ? I'll set it low and still give myself some wiggle room

    7 lbs in 4 weeks

    ready ? GO !
  • @LeighAnna115 Of course there is always room for more people :happy:
  • cjosling
    cjosling Posts: 13
    I am interested!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    all of you can add me count me in

    CW 180 pounds
    Gw for 1 month: reach between 170-179 pounds

    I wanted to set mine to be a realistic goal I can reach.
  • zeke3413
    zeke3413 Posts: 29
    I'm in and would like to lose 5lbs in the four wks :)
  • sd0104
    sd0104 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in :) I've sent you a friend request as well.
  • gogo99999
    gogo99999 Posts: 23 Member
    :smile: I am in. I would like to lose 5 lbs in the 4 weeks.
  • TBeauty01
    TBeauty01 Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to join in on the challenge. I would like to lose 8-10lbs
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    This might be just what need to get back at it again!
  • Hi

    You CAN do this! I know it's hard to loose weight! I lost 4 dress sizes for my daughter's wedding 2-1/2 years ago and IT WAS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE in my adult life!! Keeping it off is hard too..no lie! I have been able to keep most of it off but it's still hard work!

    I know what it's like to be in a dressing room and cry!...you CAN do this but it isn't easy!!

    You have to start by vowing to NOT give up!! One bad day is not every day! I still eat my gummy bears and I will not give up my Dove chocolate and once a week, I get a Caribou Coffee. Life is too short so DON'T deprive yourself, just CONTROL yourself. I don't eat a whole bag of gummy bears in a sitting but 2 or 3 is OK. No more then 1 or two pieces of chocolate if I need it and I get my Caribous small with skim milk. As you control these habits, they become less demanding. Loose it slow so it has a better chance of staying off.

    If you don't reach your goal...do NOT give up...modify the goal. Doesn't matter how many people believe in you...YOU need to believe in you! IT IS SOOOOO WORTH IT! I am off certain medications due to the weight loss and my eyesight is no longer at risk because of the high blood pressure stressing them out...it's true. I am not a big person to begin with but I was over weight enough to not only put my heart at rick, my eyesight was at risk too.