Recruiting new members, all welcome (PSB week 11)



  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Never to late to join, Tillytotiny63. Welcome. :happy:

    Good morning everyone! I think I've finally plateaued. :frown: Wasn't able to weigh in while in Allentown. This morning the scale says I've only dropped .2 lbs in 6 days. Ouch. My official weigh in day is tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    Never to late to join, Tillytotiny63. Welcome. :happy:

    Good morning everyone! I think I've finally plateaued. :frown: Wasn't able to weigh in while in Allentown. This morning the scale says I've only dropped .2 lbs in 6 days. Ouch. My official weigh in day is tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

    Trust me, it can always surprise you. I weighed the day before my weigh in day and I was 4 pounds heavier. When I actually weighed in the next day, I nearly fell off the scale. TRUST AND BELIEVE!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Never to late to join, Tillytotiny63. Welcome. :happy:

    Good morning everyone! I think I've finally plateaued. :frown: Wasn't able to weigh in while in Allentown. This morning the scale says I've only dropped .2 lbs in 6 days. Ouch. My official weigh in day is tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

    Trust me, it can always surprise you. I weighed the day before my weigh in day and I was 4 pounds heavier. When I actually weighed in the next day, I nearly fell off the scale. TRUST AND BELIEVE!

    Lol, thanks Nancy. I'm just planning on drinking a ton of water today and flushing out any sodium and extra water weight. Even if it doesn't go down tomorrow a loss is still a loss. Even if it is only .2 lbs! :laugh:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well I blew away my 3500 calories this week with 3854. Back on the treadmill it keeps me going more then the ellitpical since I create challenges each time I get on it.
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Ok so I was supposed to weigh in yesterday but had a total brain fart and didn't get to it. Weighed in this morning and was thinking I would be up and was pleased to see a drop. And a pretty significant one compared to what I have been dropping.

    SW (before MFP) - 300
    5/1- 272.6
    6/12- 263

    I am down 3.6 lbs in one week YAY
    This next week I have these mini goals:

    Mini Goal # 1 : Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    Mini Goal #2 : Log my calories every day so I stay accountable to what I eat
    Mini Goal #3: Work out for 30 min at least every other day!!

    Hopefully I will loose another 3.6lbs this next week!!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Way to go rostrum and shawnae2! I didn't have a goal this week. Been super lazy about that lately...

    Not sure if NewMe will be posting the new thread for week 12 tomorrow or if rostrum or I will be doing it. If you guys have ideas for weekly challenges send them our way.
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Hello PSBs! I forgot to check back yesterday with comparison numbers! So I'm here today!! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend.

    I have to say, I'm quite proud of myself. Normally the weekend is my time to eat whatever, and usually I do and completely OVERindulge. Not today though!! I'm so excited!


    The last time I weighed in with the group I think I was at 194 and on week 2.

    SW: 280
    PSB weigh in week 2: 194
    Weigh in 6/18: 189
    Goal weight: 150ish

    Good luck ladies!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I wanna join!! My name is Tausha and I'm a mommy to an 8 month old gorgeous baby boy Eli. I've been married to my husband Evan for almost 6 years. I have gained around 70 pounds since we got married! AHGGGHHH!! haha. Oh well cause now I get to make friends with all y'all while we take the weight off. I want to lose around 90 pounds altogether.

    Heaviest weight ever: 245 while pregnant
    Weight when starting MFP: 232
    Current weight: 226.5 ( I lost 5.5 pounds my first week! woo hoo!)
    My goals are posted in my siggy
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Congratulations to ican♥and♥iwill on the loss. Keep up the good work.

    Welcome to the group Tausha, it's nice to meet you. :smile:

    On a personal note, when did I become so lazy? I used to go to work in the morning and think all day about going to the gym. While I was at the gym I'd be thinking about what video or Wii game I'd do when I got home. I was loving every minute of it! I can't remember the last time I even logged exercise. Seriously can't figure out where my motivation went. Anyone else go through a phase like this? Really hoping that it is short lived.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Svey that happened to me the last couple weeks. It started when I got sick and then was preparing for friends to visit. It took everything in my power to get in a decent work out. I think I broke through it today. Went back to the treadmill from the eliptical and set a challenge for myself. I decided to do what I call the mountain climber on the treadmill raising it up 0.5 incline ever 30 second up to 12 incline at 3.5 mph and then head back down "hill" and it actually almost felt like I was going down hill so I upped my speed to 4.0 and then 4.5 and ended up maintaining 4.5 at incline of 10 with some 5 mph intervals. It felt so good to get back to jogging on the treadmill that I am now wanting to go back for even more. I was only doing the eliptical since I tend to burn more on it but it is sooo uninteresting to me that I think that also hindered my motivation.

    I am sure you will break through it soon.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Hoping so. The hotel that I'll be staying at this week has a (crappy) fitness room. I won't have my own car to drive to the gym, but the treadmill will be a change of pace for me and hopefully I can get into it.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    The treadmill is easy to come up with a challenge for yourself. I have done speed, time, and incline intervals to keep it interesting. Also if you have a yoga mat bring it along and you can do core in your room.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I always have my work laptop with me when I travel so I'll pack a couple work out DVD's. When I got dropped off at the airport yesterday my co-worker took my bag out of the car and wondered why it was so heavy. I'd packed 30 day shred, so I needed to pack weights too. That had to be funny for the x-ray guy in security.
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Congratulations to ican♥and♥iwill on the loss. Keep up the good work.

    Welcome to the group Tausha, it's nice to meet you. :smile:

    On a personal note, when did I become so lazy? I used to go to work in the morning and think all day about going to the gym. While I was at the gym I'd be thinking about what video or Wii game I'd do when I got home. I was loving every minute of it! I can't remember the last time I even logged exercise. Seriously can't figure out where my motivation went. Anyone else go through a phase like this? Really hoping that it is short lived.

    Thank you!

    And I'm going through the same thing! I use to wake up at about 5am, workout for at least an hour. Do another 30 minutes on my lunch break mid-day and then a little more before bed. Now I'm good if I get 30 in on my lunch break and then another 30 minute walk with the kiddo after dinner.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I will have the new post up later today.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Quote of the day: Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. (Malcolm S. Forbes)
  • jesse134
    jesse134 Posts: 4
    Hi Ladies :) I want to lose 50-60 lbs....can I still be a part of your support group? I really could use it....and from reading your posts I really love your strengh and energy!

    ~ Vanessa
  • vanessalatimore
    OOOPS! DISREGARD THAT MSG FROM JESSE134! That's my wasn't him posting, it was me! I didn't realize he was still logged in. HAHAHA! I am again....

    Hi Ladies :) I want to lose 50-60 lbs....can I still be a part of your support group? I really could use it....and from reading your posts I really love your strengh and energy!

    ~ Vanessa
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Hi Vanessa you are welcome to join at any time. The new week officially starts today at