what's your breakfast cereal of choice?



  • IRollC30
    IRollC30 Posts: 54 Member
    I have 1 cup of Fiber One Original combined with 1.5 cups of Kellogg's Raisin Bran. I realize that not many people would enjoy this but I think it's delicious, filling, and I'm excited to get out of bed every morning to have a bowl.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    All time favortie is Post's Cranberry Almond Crunch, I also like raisin bran, grape nuts with a 1/2 tsp of sugar, whole grain cheerios, any chex variety. I love cereal and as long as you stick to the serving size and maybe add some fruit to it I think it is a delicious part to a healthy lifestyle. (I don't religiously follow macros so if mine are off but I am within my calorie goal it doesn't make a huge difference to me)
  • chica6578
    chica6578 Posts: 76 Member
    i like to eat half cup kakahi go lean cruch, and 1/2 cup of Special K Protein cereal. i think its sooooo good. this is coming from from a hardcore captain crunch fan
  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    If I eat it, plain Cheerios or Rice Krispies
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    Kellogs Frosted Mini Wheats in Cinnamon Roll flavor.
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    Special K cinnamon pecan or oat's n honey. Those are my go to choices.
  • rockabettyvintage
    rockabettyvintage Posts: 9 Member
    Nature's path organics oatbran/ flax plus multigrain flakes. Only 4g of sugar and 5g of fiber. And they taste good too. I only have them once in a blue moon though.

    These!! Yum. I put a shake of cinnamon on top, too.
  • chica6578
    chica6578 Posts: 76 Member

    i'm always so interested to know what "research" and blogs/online articles say this week. next week it will be something else demonized. i'm not perfect nor do i pretend to be, but no i will not stop eating carbohydrates/breakfast/cereal because someone tells me to. now i'm off to go buy a box of Satan-Os.

    i want me some Saton-Os too
  • wsuduce
    wsuduce Posts: 68 Member
    Lucky Charms... om nom nom

    Agree! nom nom nom!
  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    Cheerios, or Cinnamon Life are my staples. But I do like the new Cinnamon Chex. And I treat myself to Capn Crunch once in awhile!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    For me, breakfast cereals are nibble food. So I am careful. My faves are:
    Great Grains Cranberry Almond Crunch
    Kashi Cinnamon Harvest
    something that's kinda like frosted shredded wheat in a blue box - forgetting the name (no HFCS).

    If I'm feeling silly, I'll mix Cinnamon Life with cheerios, drown them in milk, and snuffle them down. Oink!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Cinnamon Toast Crunch and now...Peanut Butter Toast crunch :tongue:
  • I'm all about Raisin Bran. But recentally I discovered Raisin Bran Almond Crunch. It's cinnamon flakes with raisins and almonds. It's pretty good for your heart and it's not too high in calories! It's the perfect winding down snack for me as odd as that sounds. I usually eat fruit for breakfast but I like a bowl of RB Almond Crunch at night to satisfy my sweet tooth without eating ice cream or cake.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    i'm always so interested to know what "research" and blogs/online articles say this week. next week it will be something else demonized. i'm not perfect nor do i pretend to be, but no i will not stop eating carbohydrates/breakfast/cereal because someone tells me to. now i'm off to go buy a box of Satan-Os.

    Seriously, I'm just trying to be healthier, I'm not running for Jesus or anything.
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    Mmmmmm cereal.....

    Apple Jacks
    Frosted Mini Wheats
    Fruit Loops
    Coco Pebbles
    Count Chocula

    lol...I could go on for a LONG TIME!! I love cereal. But recently (Jan '13) it's plain Essential Everyday Puffed Rice or Puffed Wheat. At 60/70 cals per cup I can eat 2 cups for breakfast with a cup of unsweetened almond mile for about 200 cals. I do add 2 packets of Splenda.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I don't normally like healthier cereals. But, I just recently bought and tried Honey Nut & Oats Greek cereal. And I love it! yay. Still a lot of calories but they are healthier.
  • CamillaBeaumont
    CamillaBeaumont Posts: 56 Member
    I like to snack on dry Multigrain Cheerios at night while watching tv, or Kashi Go Lean Crunch with fruit and vanilla greek yogurt. I prefer oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I rarely eat it.. but occasionally i'll go in for the organic granola cereals, usually get the ones with cranberries in it... or plain and I add my own cranberries. I like Special K berries too.. but would pick the granola over it. becuase it tastes better.

    I used to eat frosted mini wheats.. but the sugar overwhelms me now. I cant' do it.

    Great Grains Cranberry Almond Crunch - this used to be a staple cereal of mine too.. I wonder if I stll like it? Might have to try a box soon..

    Anyway.. whenever I buy cereal my son eats it before I get any.. says he doens't like my healthy cereals though.. so I guess nobody visits and eats it all.. LOL So really it's pointless unless I want cornflakes.. which I don't.. they just sit there. lol
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Costco sells a bag called Wildroots something rather and it has little puffs as well as flakes and dehydrated fruit that is quite good.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    cocoa puffs. cereal of champions