Binged today, any advice?



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    It happens.....

    I binged last night, the night before, and I believe one of nights this past weekend, if not both.
    I got some exercise in and the binge wasn't as bad....

    But it happens.
    I don't have "binge days", mine will usually last 3-7 days... hahaha (more like a binge week...) :ohwell:

    Just keep reminding yourself every day that this is not a diet. It's a change in eating habits. And changing eating habits doesn't happen overnight.
    Don't feel guilty about it, just make the decision to eat well tonight. And tomorrow is a new day. :flowerforyou:

    Also..... don't starve yourself tonight and not eat anything..... You might will find yourself binging late at night on something unhealthy, or binging again the next day.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    go back out and burn 1000 calories running.

    I'd advise against this. Working out shouldn't be a penance for being "bad," it should be something you love and look forward to.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Drink a glass of water and move on.

    And think seriously about "deprivation" type eating lifestyles and whether or not they're actually going to work for you long term.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That's all you can do with anything: learn from it and move on. A year from now you won't even remember today.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Advice? Yeah, don't sweat it. Tomorrow is another day. The world won't end becuase you binged today.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    such is life. luckily one day won't make or break you.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    What's done is done. Don't feel bad or guilty. Just move on from it. Really, you will feel so much better if you just don't sweat it.
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    Dont dwell on it...just move on like normal from here
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Look at this as a learning, once you lose your weight, and are on "maintenance" you will have occasions where you eat "unhealthy" foods or quantities. Evyerone faces that. The difference between where you were (or where I was) and a healthy response is that it does not become a lifestyle. I have noticed that Normal weight people vary in thier eating and seem to automatically adjust. They put on 5 pounds over the holidays, then take it off in spring. Don't worry about one day of being over, just learn from the experience, realize it is a trigger food and make plans for how you will address it in the future.

    Go forth, and BE healthy
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    next time "treat" yourself to a pedicure or shopping for new clothes instead of chocolate. Chocolate is not a treat.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Just move on. Don't try to make up for it. Thats where it all spirals out of control. I'm still trying to deal with binging and trying to make up for it the next day just leads to another binge and it becomes a daily thing to deal with.

    You lost 9! Congrats! Thats one binge didn't undo it all. You might feel bad from extra water weight for a bit but it will come off and you'll be back on track soon.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just keep moving forward and don't try to "make up for it". I learned the hard way. I had bad problems with binging when I got to my lowest weight and my nutritionist said it was because I was over-restricting and my body was doing everything it could to get the energy to keep going. So when I would try to make up for it and restricted even more, or worked out for hours on end, it just made things worse. Continue to eat like normal, and make sure you are eating enough on a day to day basis.
  • nannyal
    nannyal Posts: 50
    Well done for losing 9llbs. This already proves you can do it. Dont torcher yourself we've all been there, just get on with the job of losing weight.
  • wolfect
    wolfect Posts: 61 Member
    Ironically, that sounds a lot like my yesterday! :( I wasn't pleased with myself, either, but I realize there is a lot of support in this community and I feel motivated to stay on track as a result of that encouragement. I decided I will start each new day with the intention of it being a successful day and I will plan days off, intentionally. So they don't just happen. I've noticed that when I tell myself, for example, "on Saturday you can eat whatever you want", I end up eating a lot less than if I just let a train-wreck occur on a random day. Good luck......just let it go and look ahead!
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I binged advice, don't binge tomorrow! There is really nothing else a person can do about the binge. What's you've already done it, it's too late. You just need to get back on track the next day. If you do, it shouldn't have too much impact on your progress.
  • sfrewerd
    sfrewerd Posts: 2
    I'd say workout on your machine again and burn off some more calories. It's really as simple as that. I'd not stress out over the chocolate binge, it happens. Next time, maybe consider not bringing so much chocolate into your house or not have it around so all you can eat is a single serving instead of the whole thing. Idk. You're in it for the long haul anyway, not the short term, so just work off the calories and go on. Tomorrow is another day. Good luck!
  • ghostdivatonya
    ghostdivatonya Posts: 58 Member
    I want to know what you ate to add up to 3500 in chocolate. Pure chocolate? Milk Chocolate? Choco cake?
    The Chocolate Lava cake at Red Lobster is 3500 calories. lol

    As a chocolate lover myself, just curious!

    PS- Don't worry about it. Drink some water and forget about it.
  • supergirljen
    It happens.....

    I binged last night, the night before, and I believe one of nights this past weekend, if not both.
    I got some exercise in and the binge wasn't as bad....

    But it happens.
    I don't have "binge days", mine will usually last 3-7 days... hahaha (more like a binge week...) :ohwell:

    Just keep reminding yourself every day that this is not a diet. It's a change in eating habits. And changing eating habits doesn't happen overnight.
    Don't feel guilty about it, just make the decision to eat well tonight. And tomorrow is a new day. :flowerforyou:

    Also..... don't starve yourself tonight and not eat anything..... You might will find yourself binging late at night on something unhealthy, or binging again the next day.

    Good to know I am not the only one who has multiple day binge episodes!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I ate 6000 calories one day last week. A legitimate and disgusting binge day. Dusted myself off and stuck to my calorie goal the next day (was about 2000-I do not suggest having a super low day to "compensate" because IMO that leads to the binge-starve cycle). Everything was fine in the end and I maintained my weight last week. You will be fine. Hop back on track tomorrow.
  • cupboard_stalker
    cupboard_stalker Posts: 62 Member
    All of the above advice except the two who said get out and exercise again, you've done what you should for today.

    I would just like to add my two cents. Don't go weighing yourself for two days. The sugar/salt in a typical binge will cause your body to soak up water with the stored glycogen and sodium, plus sometimes the sheer weight if the food in your bowels will show a gain on the scales. This isn't fat weight. If you are like me, the guilt and disappointment at going backwards will just lead to comfort eating so my advice is don't look or don't take stock till at least a few days after.

    Congrats on your progress so far :)