

  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    jmkmomm: I guess I see your gain as not so bad. I think if it were me, I'd be relieved that it was only that much and not more! You'll be back down in no time. I'm sorry though that you felt physically so lousy from it. Unfortunately, I could eat an entire horse made of candy and not have any reaction except more fat and higher weight.

    This coming Saturday is our company's 50th Anniversary. I have co-chaired the event for the past year, and boy, am I ready for it to be over. Tonight, however, we have an engagement at the venue to view the new room, complete with cocktails and appetizers. Appetizers are my favorite! I could eat them all night and skip the entree, so I'm really hoping I control myself. I usually control myself far better with others than on my own, so I should be okay. I cannot do the cocktails though, and that should be a-ok.

    I had great numbers at the trainer's today, so I'm pretty motivated to not fall off the wagon tonight.

    Hope everybody enjoys their evenings and has a "healthy" night!

    Oh, and I am an abstainer, until I decide I want "one"--at which point I lapse into moderator (and eat it until it's gone).

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello all - since reading about abstainers or moderators (thanks for that post thread it has been really interesting) I have been wondering which I am and have been watching my reactions! I have decided that I am mainly an abstainer from my dreaded 5 Cs (chocolate, cake, crisps, cookie and cheese) and a moderator on other things. I will have cheese if it's in the recipe that we are eating or a low fat triangle at 25 cal so that is moderating my intake. I have cut out crisps completely and only having cake if it's a tiny piece for someone's birthday. Biscuits and cookies have to be abstention, unless it calorie counted in a small packet during a long walk and I have a low fat hot chocolate every night but chocolate itself is an abstention!
    So complicated! But it is working for me, thankfully! Last night I was at agility with my doodles and they are both getting much better, even the pup who has only been going for a month. The only problem with this is that they are now quicker at getting around the course - which means that I have to be quicker to keep up with them! A bit of abstention or moderation now and then is well worth it - to be able to get around the course and not let the dogs down!
    MA in The Midlands England
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I only have a quick minute before I need to start dinner but I'm so excited I had to share...I took my DD shopping for her b-day at her favorite store: anthropology. She was so excited because this purple lace dress she has had an eye on since last fall was on the sale rack (we only shop the sale rack there:smile: ) and she looked fantastic. I tried on several dresses and they all looked good. I had to choose between them. It has been so long since I've been shopping and gotten clothes in these smaller sizes and most importantly felt pretty in them. I felt pretty today.:smile: While I'm still not quite to my goal, this experience has proved that all the hard work and sticking with it when I was so frustrated I wanted to quit was worth it

    So don't give up - stick with it and you will see improvements and activities like shopping which were so frustrating and depressing can be fun :smile: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: Jodios
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Jodi! How nice to hear about your positive experience! It encourages me so much. It is such a HARD journey! Congratulations on the fun shopping trip... and finding things on the sale rack!

    My DH commented this week, "I mean this as a compliment, you really are getting smaller." That one little comment made me feel like I had just won the lottery! I was so much more excited to work out and eat healthy because of that one little voice of encouragement.

    Have a happy day! :flowerforyou:

    Tammy in Va Beach
    (spring is springing here!!! yay!)
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I’m so glad that you all let me vent here! :smile: My hubby has no concept of diets, and it’s good to “talk” with someone who can understand the frustrations. 2 of the 4 lbs. I gained overnight were gone this morning, so that’s a step in the right direction! This Fitbit is already doing it’s job, as it’s motivated me to take a few extra steps today. It’s pretty cool how it can sync to MFP. It’s also reinforcing my belief that MFP gives too many calories for exercise.

    Warning: Whining Ahead! I just looked at my calendar, and see that my parents have 13 doctor appointments over the next 4 weeks, with a couple more expected which haven’t been scheduled yet. I also have appointments for my foot, and I’m trying to have a life and a job somewhere in between. I’m planning a 5 day trip to visit my daughter during this period, which really isn’t negotiable since I haven’t seen where she’s living yet and I miss her. My son may need to take a doctor appointment or two. Never mind me – I’m happy to help my parents out, but just start feeling overwhelmed at times. My brother lives in Hawaii, so can’t help.

    I have to wonder when enough is enough. My dad has to make the decisions about his treatment, and I think most of it is necessary, but do we really need to put him through testing to find out if he has certain conditions which we wouldn’t be able to treat anyway, given that he couldn’t survive a surgery? And then there are the just-plain-silly things, like them wanting him to have his teeth cleaned – he only has 4 teeth, for goodness sake!

    MA – I’ve never heard of a duck popcorn popper. How very cool. I want one!

    Barbie – You’re right, of course. Continued healthy eating habits will win in the long run! It’s just so frustrating to see the fluctuations along the way. Sometimes it really helps to be able to vent. :flowerforyou:

    Meg – There is definitely a squirrel living in the computer – LOL! I’m challenged at the workings of computers, but am expert at shopping on Ebay and playing games!! :bigsmile: How frustrating about the test proctoring. It would be nice if others respected your time.

    Katia – I’m glad you had such a nice visit!

    Michele – I hope your neck is better after the massage. I had a 90 minute deep-tissue one yesterday, and my neck/shoulders are greatly improved today.

    Lila – How is the haircut??

    Laura – Glad you had a good visit! I could never travel anywhere with just a backpack, either. :glasses:

    Cheryl – Let us know if you find an answer on the Fitbit. I only got mine yesterday, so I have no idea, but I’d love to learn.

    BJ – As I told Cheryl, I only just started with the Fitbit, but I noticed that on MFP it said Fitbit was projecting calories for the entire day based on what I had done so far (this was still morning), so maybe it changes as the actual numbers sync.

    Jackie – I hope the anniversary is a smashing success after so much time to get ready for it. I laughed at your abstainer/moderator comment! I can see that we have a lot in common.

    Jane in Colorado
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Lasagna cupcakes :smile:
    use a cupcake pan 12 or mini cupcake pan 24 Use your normal lasagna recipe. Cook the noodles as per package.
    spray the non slip cupcake pan with pam spray. The noodles will need to be cut so they can cover the inside of each of the cupcake spaces on the pan.
    My daughter made 4 slices of noodles and over lapped them into the pan so it was covering the entire hole,with a little over lapping. You just then layer the fillings like normal. Bake on 375 for about 15 mins. They are so yummy. DD use the mini cupcake pan and she only had the outer layer of noodle and one layer of tomato sauce, ricotta cheese and mozzarella.
    So, that's it's lasagna in cupcake form.Nice little bit sizes and our were about 83 calories/one. You will have to calculate your calories based on your ingredients.
    My daughter saw the recipe on you tube.:flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: Today we found that organic powdered peanut butter.You just mix 2 tbsp of powder with water. DD wanted the chocolate peanut butter,,,,,,,,oh my it is SO good. 2tbsp is 40 calories, 1 gm of fat, and 3grams of sugar.

    Enjoy,Linda S :drinker:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    Evening Ladies
    I have had it... My heel is now just hurting so badly that I will call the dr's office tomorrow and see if they can see me, all I can do is hobble now ,and 1- it looks funny and 2 my gait is off and I dont want to injure myself anywhere else...
    I was bad today had frozen marshmallow mini eggs,they tasted great but , I think I stayed within my calorie count.. I am not good with sweets, I really shouldnt even have them in the house...
    I have an eye appt tomorrow, and some errands to run, then back home to try and rest the foot. I want to feel good again, be able to go for a nice long walk ,
    well enough of my venting Ill stay quiet:tongue:
    Jodie so great to hear about your shopping, I am hopping I will get to that point sometime before the cruise.
    The last time I had an experience like that was when I lost the weight the last time, many years ago,I went to a dept store with my daughter she was about 7 and had to get a bathing suit, well I tried on an 8 and it was to big, I ended up getting a size 6 , and there I was balling my eyes out in the store:laugh: happy tears of course...
    I am hoping for another moment like that, but will never see size 6
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Today was day 3...protein and veggies, low carbs...I am mostly making this up as I go along...if nothing else it is making me re-focus and eat mindfully..something I always need a reminder for. I also did the kettlebells and had some extra time so I did some upper body weights...always feels good when I'm done.....we will see how sore I am tomorrow. Tomorrow should be the treadmill...now I watch a show that is streaming from netflix on my kindle...it makes the TM tolerable:wink:

    Hope everyone has a great evening..hugs and high fives
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    wessecg: I’m not a fitbit user so can’t help with a solution, but I’m sure sympathetic about the problem. How can you make good decisions as you go along without correct information?:noway: Good luck.

    Cheryl: I also agree wit Glenda that 25 pounds of loss over a year is terrific. I had 25 pounds of gain almost every school year, and I’m here to tell you that 25 pounds is a LOT. :grumble: Of course you already know that.:wink:

    Jodios: I’m happy you had a great day with your daughter.:smile:

    Abstainer vs Moderator: I have to abstain from anything with milk, cream or butter because of lactose intolerance. I also have to abstain from many nuts, plus peppers, and anything that produces acid because of the nasty effects they have in my body. So for everything I Iove and CAN eat without digestive upset, I’m a moderator. :heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    debrawallin - "self-adopted-sister" sounds like my "sister-from-another-mother" -- I have two of them! (Plus my two sisters, so I'm extra blessed!)

    Those of you toting parents around are to be admired. It is a lot of extra work. You are earning stars for your crown! My MIL lived with us for almost 20 years and then moved in with one of her daughters. Shortly after that she became seriously ill and passed away within a couple of years, but we have done the parent care, too.

    Did 45 minutes on the TM tonight, plus about 25 minutes of weights (about 20,000 pounds).

    Tonight's dinner is the ham/potato casserole, which is in the oven heating up. Need to go do a veggie.

    Sweet dreams to all,
    Gail, metro ATL
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi everyone,
    thanks for the Fitbit advice, not sure if it helped Wesseg though! BJ
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. I have only a few minutes for a quick hello and hugs to all my friends here. I so appreciate you. I read your posts but do not have time to reply to all. Long day at work, even longer tomorrow. Tomorrow is adoption day....7 years since we got home with our daughters from Russia so we will be going to to celebrate. So I may not be here much tomorrow. Blessings to all of you with your trimphs and trials. Take care, Meg. PS DD#1 actually passed the test and has been accepted to cosmotology school. Hooray!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today was Jake’s follow-up visit after his surgery. I drove and we somehow got to the ferry early enough to just make the earlier ferry. We had to run a bit to get there and Jake said that this is the first time he has run at all in ages and now thanks to the new defibrillator that helps his heart function better, he was able to run. Later we took a walk around a few blocks near the doctor’s office on a steep hill and he was able to go up hill with many fewer stops to rest. It was all good news at the doctor visit. We bypassed the Asian restaurant that we went to two weeks ago and stopped at a great Mexican place after the ferry ride. I decided to treat myself to a day of not recording food and exercise but my pedometer has already recorded 30,000 steps. I had to get up at 3:15 to fit in the dog walking before leaving for the ferry so we’ll be in bed early again tonight.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, I read mystery books at bedtime for enjoyment and helpful books for edification (like Younger Next Year) in the bathroom.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I don’t know why it takes so long to get a doctor’s appointment----there’s no problem with my regular doctor but the osteoporosis doctor is a apparently a very sought after specialist so I was glad that she even accepted me…….as for the dermatologist, I’m a new patient and I said I just wanted a routine full body exam (I’ve been putting off calling for a year so I can’t very well fuss that it will take so long to get an appointment)

    :flowerforyou: JaneHadji, I remember how stressed I was when I was the only child caring for my mother during her last years and the demands were nothing like what you described…I remember some doomsaying friend telling me “you know this could go on for 20 years” and that’s when I decided that I would have to take it one day at a time or I would sink under the stress.

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, there are many staircases on the ferry so I went up and down stairs today along with my usual walk around the passenger cabin and the sun deck.

    :flowerforyou: I got a phone call this afternoon that the Friday morning line dance teacher had a fall and decided to not teach her class and asked me to fill in for her……I am very excited to be able to teach again.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Barbie, you are the one active gal! I have no idea how many steps I take, but I bet it is no where near your daily total.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    Barbie, you are the one active gal! I have no idea how many steps I take, but I bet it is no where near your daily total.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, get yourself a pedometer and attach it or carry it all the time......there is research that says that people who carry pedometers walk more than those who don't........just knowing that you're getting credit for your steps is an incentive to walk a little more each day.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an hour of Gin Millers Simply Step Classic DVD today. Then had the Newcomers breakfast and general meeting. I should know better, I shouldn't have depended on these ladies to do all the work, because members know that I'm usually in charge so they were looking towards me for answers to things like "where do I put my donations", etc. I don't think they realized that they'd have to set up the room and had no idea that the big tables are usually in the middle of the room, they originally had it set up one way and then decided to change. Oh well...live and learn. What I should have done was taken home any extra food we had and then donated it to the soup kitchen, that's what I usually do. Was good at the breakfast, had eggs at home, but just some fruit there. Actually, I was sort-of afraid they might not have enough food so I didn't want to take much.

    Tomorrow I'll do a Jackie Warner Ripped 1000 DVD (weights), then go to volunteer at the Green Room.

    After our general meeting Vince and I went to the senior bowl. I'm consistently inconsistent. 102, 83 and then a 169. We just got home when the gal who I was supposed to go to for a massage called and asked if I could make it earlier, she didn't have to work at the hospital very much. So I went at around 5. Had to get Vince's dinner prepared and then mine. I think I actually fell asleep during the massage! Even she commented on how tight my neck was, but it wasn't nearly as tight by the time we were 1/2 way through. Came home, had dinner, now I'm on the computer.

    moxie - sure hope you feel better!

    Lucy in DE - I do hope your hubby finds work, too. I was always of the opinion that union electricians had jobs. Vince turned our timers back (yea) so now the lights outside come on around 8 (double yea)

    MA - I did a search on amazon for "popcorn duck" hoping to see exactly what it looked like, and I couldn't find it. It sounds so adorable

    debrawallin - good luck on the move. Jessica just told us that she bought a new table and we can "have" her old one. Translation? Store it at mom and dad's

    glenda - have a question for you (maybe I asked it of Gail, I don't remember). Anyway, don't you do catering for large crowds? Well, I had this one egg slicer (KitchenAid) and used it for slicing mushrooms. One of the slicer things broke. Vince bought me a new one (OXO) which doesn't seem to be as big. and I broke it. I think the mushrooms sometimes were just too big. Anyway, is there something you use to slice mushrooms for a crowd?

    Jackie - how great that your company is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Have fun at the engagement tonight.

    jodois - what an uplifting post you had. That's great that the dress was on sale, and great that you found things that you liked and how good you felt. I'm so happy for you

    Tammy in VA Beach - what a wonderful thing of your dh to say! And he's right

    janehadji - boy, do you have a lot on your plate! Whine away, we are here to listen. One reason we work out is so that we have broad shoulders for others to cry on.

    Linda - thanks for the recipe for the cupcake lasagna. I never thought of that. How neat

    grandmalle - hope you get relief real soon. When your gait is off, many times that affects something else and that hurts too.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie, the idea that carrying a pedometer motivates people to take more steps is food for thought. I wonder if I could get DH to carry one. :noway: Not likely. I need to remind myself that he is in charge of himself and I am in charge of me.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I understand that fitbit adds calories then takes them away if you become less active during the day, but I thought when you set it not to used negative calories then it wasn't going to do that.

    Jodios - how nice that you looked "pretty." Other than buying a couple of pair of size 10 jeans I'm not shopping until I am a size 8 and know that I can stay there.

    Janehadi -,I'm glad you like the fitbit. I think I'm addicted to it. Also, I heard that having you teeth cleaned can prevent all sorts of disease from occurring - I think it was a Dr. Oz episode.

    Sundance - I used to make lasagna roll ups from the Reader's Digest cookbook and they were awesome!!

    Granmallie - frozen marshmallow eggs are a HUGE weakness of mine. Especially Heavenly Hash eggs which I can't get here in this area thank goodness.

    And ladies . . . it's 26 pounds, not 25!!!!:laugh: I'm happy with the amount I lost, it's just that with gaining 3, then losing 2 of them, I technically haven't lost anything since November!!! That is going to change this week though. I am treadmilling every morning and I am staying under my calories as I am determined to lose the last one this Friday. Then on to another next week.

    And I agree, 25 pounds makes a HUGE difference. Hope I can get into the 140's again though. We'll see.

    Good night everyone.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Meg - I am assertive, but only on occasion aggressive about those type of things. I have to think about how to approach the whole "spectacles" thing. You have definitely given me food for thought. I also still think Costco remains partly responsible. I've been too busy this week to go back to the subject, but I'm kinda scheming

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - wearing a pedometer. mmmm, yes I think you are right. I do tend to pay attention to my walking habits when I wear it. I have NOT been wearing mine this week. And given my extremely busy and stressful workweek, that's not a great thing.

    :flowerforyou: wesscg - congrats on the 26 (NOT 25) lbs loss!!

    :flowerforyou: Robin - looks like things are starting to improve for you. I would be soooo happy to see your troubles go away.

    I had some 87% chocolate today. I think it cured me of chocolate. Not needing it, no ma'am. :tongue:

    Lil grandson has an ear infection in both ears. DD got ear drops from dr. today. Hopefully by Friday he will be a lot better, as his mommy and daddy are going away for the weekend, and Oma / Opa (that's us) are looking after him. We are soooo delighted to do so. :love: :love:

    Received word of a follow appointment for mammogram for March 28th. I am sure it will all turn out to be nothing to worry about.

    :tongue: Did I mention how busy this week is? Washer on the blitz and the Maytag Man is on vacation:sad: Car in for maintenance and needs expensive brake job:sad: PC acted up (was able to fix that myself). TV and DVD not working (I ended unplugging them, which serves them right!! :bigsmile: ). One of my friends called it the "revenge of the appliances" hahaha...no kidding. :noway: :noway: In addition, DH lost a grocery store "gift" card, on which there was ~$65 left :sad: :sad:

    If you don't hear from me for the rest of week, it's because of the above :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC