Binged today, any advice?



  • lambchoplewis
    Been there - done that!! I have been maintaining for about 6 months and this happens about once a month. I am not sure why but something sets me off and voila - a full fledge pig out. I get right back on track the next day. You feel like crap for a few days and it takes a while to get back to pre-binge weight but... you can do it. I am beginning to think that people who don't have a weight problem do this naturally. I see people eat a ton of food and don't seem to gain. Maybe they just know to cut back for a while.

    Here is a quote I like:

    If you're heading somewhere in the car and wanted to get there by 5, but realized you were going to be a few minutes late, would you just give up and swerve into a bridge abutment?
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi,,,yup been there done that. I like what someone said,,,,don't beat yourself up over a blip. What I have learned is to not to deprive myself. I still eat chocolate. I buy one cookie, not a whole box. For some reason, dark chocolate doesnt have the same affect on me, as milk chocolate. I buy a small bar of dark chocolate and stop there. If I try and stop, completely, I will buy out all the cookies that the Girl Scouts have in their possession, country wide; :) Hang in there, its 1 day, thats all. In the large scheme of things....its a very small moment in time....a flippin blip.
  • turbophoenix
    Everyone has bad days from time to time. Tomorrow is a new day and every new day is a chance to get it right. Don't let one bad day completely derail you!
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    just "save" 200 calories from the next few days. It will all even out.
  • ashzacher
    ashzacher Posts: 114 Member
    Don't sweat it girl! It happens to the best of us.

    I find that the best way to keep me from wanting to eat everything all at once is to allow myself a few treats each week - I get one 'cheat sweet', one 'cheat meal,' and one Starbucks coffee (Still get non-fat and no-whip!).. This way I am choosing wisely on what I eat - Don't wanna waste your 'cheat meal' on something you don't really want, right!? And I always track my food the night before - it keeps me from straying from my plan, and it keeps me from making impulse bad decisions. :-)
  • AleshiaBunting
    AleshiaBunting Posts: 48 Member
    Bad days are part of the process. Learn from it and move on. Keep up the good work!
  • Kaddehawk
    Kaddehawk Posts: 12
    I know a lot of this is going to repeats but... First and foremost... Stop feeling guilty! You did not do anything "Wrong" - you did something Human. It is a human trait to desire something "Forbidden", and after depriving yourself of it for quite a while, what happened is not all that surprising. Like several others have commented on, building it into your diet it a good idea. I've learned Never to say Never to a food I like, that is often why you end up with a craving. Give yourself "permission" to have it now and then in what ever fashion works for you. Are you usually under calories every day? Then "save" up some of those for a treat at the end of the week. On the chosen day you can also cut back a bit and maybe exercise a bit more, what ever you need to do to avoid those nagging and mistaken guilt feelings and reward yourself with a treat. It can even be a good motivator the rest of the week. The one thing I have learned on this is that by making it okay to have it, it makes it easier to say No, or just a little bit and stick to it.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    You had a "binge-moment" not a binge day or a binge week. You even exercised! You made a mistake. Don't be like me and do it the "all or nothing" way. Today happened you can't change it, just move on and do better tomorrow. =]

    Maybe you should throw the chocolate away, or hide it out of sight.
  • jcard5181
    jcard5181 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree....excersize should be fun, not a punishment....and I too have "binge" days...usually 2-3 days in a row about a few weeks. This isn't a diet, it's a life style change. Nothing happens overnight and no one is perfect. Just try to remember how you felt today after your binge and use that to help you through your next hard day:-)
  • jjones9298
    Never beat yourself up about these things...nutrition/diet is 90/10...90% of the time you do well and 10% you can treat yourself. Put your energies into tomorrow and how you can stay on plan. Good luck!!

  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    I think this is very important for people to understand. This "life style change" DOESN'T happen over night. For example. I had mcdonalds tonight... i know good and well this is not healthy in any way, but it was my daughters birthday and i had an overall good day other then supper. Lighten up on your self discipline and give your self room for error, because none of us are perfect. ;)
    It happens.....

    I binged last night, the night before, and I believe one of nights this past weekend, if not both.
    I got some exercise in and the binge wasn't as bad....

    But it happens.
    I don't have "binge days", mine will usually last 3-7 days... hahaha (more like a binge week...) :ohwell:

    Just keep reminding yourself every day that this is not a diet. It's a change in eating habits. And changing eating habits doesn't happen overnight.
    Don't feel guilty about it, just make the decision to eat well tonight. And tomorrow is a new day. :flowerforyou:

    Also..... don't starve yourself tonight and not eat anything..... You might will find yourself binging late at night on something unhealthy, or binging again the next day.