


  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Can't imagine getting bored while running honestly, maybe you are running too slow :wink:

    I started with just music. Then when I got too used to that I switched to listening to various podcasts/radio programs. Has to be something distracting enough to keep my interest, but hopefully not too distracting. I need the distraction though otherwise my brain is like "can I just stop and walk now? how about now? can I walk now?" every 10 seconds. Running is so mental.

    Anyone running on a treadmill, NO idea how you do it. Plus every couple weeks I have a "on my run today I saw..." stories and those keep it interesting too.
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    1) Do trail runs its hard to be board on a trail run.
    2) Listen to sports game
    3) If your on a treadmill watch a movie
    4) Find a running buddy or club
  • sidegrinder
    sidegrinder Posts: 28 Member
    My endorphins keep me from getting bored.
  • chartwells253
    Do you have a local running room? They have some great training courses. I trained for my first 1/2 marathon with them.I like to run 1/2 marathons out of town. Girls weekend away and when you are running it is new scenery and you don't get bored. My last 1/2 marathon was the womens only in Niagare Falls Ontario Canada. It was fantastic.!!!!
  • sarahaldinger
    sarahaldinger Posts: 74 Member
    I put my ipad on my treadmill and watch/listen to TV shows and documentaries about obesity. It motivates me.

    I believe that if TVs had to be treadmill powered, we would solve America's obesity crisis :)

    This is great! I always watched man vs. food. Nothing like overly saturated in fat foods to get your moving on the treadmill.
  • thetammymcdaniel
    thetammymcdaniel Posts: 3 Member
    I trained for a 10 mile race with my 23 year old nephew. He hated running w/o his iPhone or some type of music. He couldn't understand how I could run over an hour w/o the help of music.

    I thought it had to do with age/experiences. I have so much to think about when I run. So much to dream about. I am never bored letting my mind just wander and go places. Or just enjoy my surroundings - no matter how common. I am spiritual and love to see God's creations; they are so incredible when deep thought goes into their making.

    I will often play games with my running too; especially when I am trying to improve. Fartleks between trees, can I count all the way back to zero from 100 without losing focus. Can I run all out for 1 minute and calm to a jog without having to stop a few times.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Luckily I'm the kind of person who can sit on a 9-hour flight and do nothing but think. So when I run, I'm surprised when I'm done because I've conjured up way too many ridiculous scenarios along the way. Your imagination is a wonderful thing.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    wow that's ambitious :smile: I'm doing my second 5K on Sunday and my third 5K a few weeks from now, I wouldn't even think about a half marathon yet! LOL!!! I'm going to aim for a 10K next year before I even consider that leap!
  • seeingpurple
    Ive been running for about 6 weeks now, not including last week because of an injury. Regular runs 3x/week, how often should I weight train / cross train to avoid injury, and hopefully increase my endurance and speed. I discouraged myself because of an ankle injury (not running related)
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    If it's inside - something I want to watch on TV etc.
    Outside - been running with a club recently.
    Outside on my own (in a race etc) - listen to audiobooks.

    Local 10k courtesy of "The Moon's a Harsh Mistress" by Robert A Heinlein :).
    Left one headphone out to have some chance of communication/not getting run over etc.

    My girl loves to run too. She could do a marathon and I am only at the 5K level.
    So to the OP get a running Buddy whether they have 2 or 4 legs.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Ta - it is a good excuse to get out and go for a 'proper' run rather than a quick dog walk - I burn double the calories for the same time and he loves it.

    Don't take him on the main club runs as I tend to be pushing myself a bit, but have taken him a couple of bit more relaxed 'Sunday runs'.
  • HonoriaLucasta
    HonoriaLucasta Posts: 24 Member
    I went through a LOT of podcasts when I was training for a half. (I'm slow. :)) I'd save up a couple of my favorites for my long run each week. I find podcasts are perfect for running outside where it's much easier to just keep going; for the treadmill I need both fast music and something to distract me on the TV and even then 5 miles is about my limit.

    I kind of disagree with the "why would you even do it if you're bored?" posts - I mean, maybe bored isn't quite the right word but even though I love running and how I feel when I'm done running, I don't think it is unusual to want something extra to focus the attention on, particularly if running under non-ideal circumstances (see treadmill) or on a 2 hour + long run. I wouldn't say I was bored if you asked me to lie on a tropical beach for two hours, but I wouldn't do it without a book or something to entertain me either, you know? I mean, if you're miserable all the time obviously maybe running is not for you but I don't think it's right to make new runners feel like every jaunt out is supposed to be rainbows and kittens and if it's not they're Doing It Wrong.

    Also I've never understood the paying-attention-to-your-surroundings aspect of not wearing headphones - I mean, I run on streets and trails with headphones on all the time and am perfectly aware and can hear everything going on around me if I'm listening to something spoken-word, which I usually am. I have to be conscious on the trails; cyclists are always swooshing around corners from behind. Maybe it's because I have cheap headphones, I don't know. Just don't assume that everyone running down the street with headphones on is deaf to the world, I guess.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'd like to add that I don't enjoy running much.

    It goes from 'hate hate hate' to 'tolerating it' - a gentle run with the dog and good company I'd consider the same as going for a walk with the dog and same.
    A run where I'm really pushing myself starts to get towards 'hate'.

    Yet (for another thread), just worked out I'm doing 25-40k a week at the moment.

    I'd much prefer to be, say, going out for a enduro motorbike ride, or mountain bike ride - so why I am I running?

    It's accessible, cheap and easy to do in an evening.
    Definitely good for cardiovascular fitness, which of course transfers to other areas, as well as general 'well being'.
    Good community of people to bring me along and encourage me to go at a decent pace.
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    I run outside. I get insanely bored on the treadmill, but outdoors... it's constantly entertaining. Also I crank up my iPod... and/or listen to history podcasts. Very educational...