Frustration - Wife sabotages herself - women listen up



  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    I'm a woman who feels more comfortable with my hair pulled back, some jeans, and a t-shirt. If my husband ever threw my hairbands away, and told me that I needed to make myself more presentable, he would not be my husband. Shame on you. She's not your trophy.

    Sorry, but after reading that part, I couldn't even make it to the end.

    Haha, we think alike!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    First off, you are awesome. I have great respect for any man who steps up and put thought and effort into why his wife may or may not be feeling a certain way about herself.

    Is it possible your wife is suffering from some mild depression? Honestly I remember 22 being a rough age. Newly married, money is tight, still figuring out career stuff, thinking about starting a family, wondering if you can or ever will have the house you really can be more overwhelming for some people than others. She's been married since she was 19-that is pretty young. She could very well be going through some personal issues-not marriage issues just inner self stuff. Does she have some sisters she could talk to or is she close to her mom? Maybe even a doc. There are some great meds on the market. Overthinking at age 22 is very common among women. It can manifest as sadness, depression, or the other spectrum...binge drinking, other things like that. I don't know your "situation" but hopefully this helps.

    Really?? Not wanting to dress up means someone should be on meds?
    I've been a tomboy my whole life and was more comfortable in pony tails and t-shirts. When I was going out I'd dress up but if I didn't have to I wasn't going to. My self esteem was just fine, I was happy with how I looked either way. My husband and any exes knew that about me from the start and liked that about me. If anything, the OP is probably bringing down her confidence.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    Thank you, for posting this. I don't know what the sacred importance to hairbands is about (maybe because I hacked all my hair off!) so I actually read the entire post.

    First off, she could just really really REALLY like baggy shirts and sweats because they are convenient! That aside...

    You seem to be genuinely concerned about your wife. I don't know what the entire journey has been like for you two, but it seems like she can't see herself beyond whatever started transformation. I think a lot of her rejection to your compliments and support is partially because of that. If she can't see her own beauty without all the fancy get-ups and makeup, then what you say can seem false whether she's dressed up or not. Have you tried sitting down with her to explain how her denial acutally hurts YOU? Maybe, if she sees that you really do support her sincerely, she will be able to start accepting your praise.

    A less direct approach might be to find a photo (or ask to take one) of her when she has put the extra effort in. Not evening gown and movie makeup, mind you. Something like Sunday-morning-brunch. Get it sized up. Put it on the wall in the livingroom. Tell her you want it for your office desk. Let her know how much that look means to you. It might not help too much with the self esteem issue, but if she gets enough feedback about looking nicer, she might not turn immediately for her comfort clothes.

    Finally...just keep showing her you love her. That will be that absolute best thing you can do for her. :)
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I see what you are saying. Thanks to you I think I might go a little lighter on my fiancé the next time he compliments me.

    You just got to keep it up. You sound like you are doing an amazing job as a husband. There are not enough men like you and my fiancé in the world. You made a mistake with the hairbands though, I gotta say it. Even though your intention was to make her see your way, she probably is just holding a grudge now for it.

    My fiancé said to me at one point that anything over 190 was TOO BIG for him. WTF who the hell is he. He met me at 215 pounds so he could kiss my butt. So I lied to him and told him I was 185. Well guess what I wasn't I was 215! HA in his face.
    =] He couldn't even tell the difference.

    Maybe just maybe you could let her give her input on your image a little. The way you cut your hair, your facial hair, even the underwear you wear. I LOVE anytime my fiancé asks for my input. I have SO MUCH that I have to worry about with my image as a woman, and I feel like men have it easy compared to us. So when he shows me some vulnerability about his image I like it.

    I want to say here that I have NO self confidence. I ask my fiancé constantly "am I as big as her" or "do I look like her" I know I drive him crazy but I have image issues.

    Sometimes my fiancé does things like this, and it helps to lessen the blow to my heart. "I love these pants your wearing, they make your *kitten* look so good, but my favorite pair of pants are the blah blah blah ones because they make everything look amazing."

    I am pretty outspoken as well so if he says something about my feet not being done or something I tell him to kiss my butt LoL Then I will tell him that his feet look like Fred Flinstone LOL. He gets the message.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    well, i see that some young ladies totally missed your point and are making drama-inspired comments about you being 'controlling' or some such nonsense. i'm old enough to be your mother so i'm going to dispense with the drama.

    i think you are a prize. because you think SHE is a treasure.

    but she can't see herself through your eyes.

    and this is a VERY common problem. you cannot change this, or help her understand, any time soon. it is going to take years. maybe a couple of decades.

    i went through it too. after being married to an incredible man for more than 20 years, i read something and it clicked. i can't tell you what i read, or where i read it. but here's what happened:

    when my husband told me i was beautiful, i decided to believe him, because I WANTED HIM TO BE RIGHT.

    currently she wants the drama/attention more than she wants you to be right.

    and i bet you keep having the same conversation over and over. that needs to change. if she wants drama, give her some, but not the same drama you've been giving her. when you give her a compliment, and she blows it off, you can tell her that it hurts you when she dismisses you and makes you feel like your opinion is unimportant. in other words, you need to talk like a female because you are dealing with a female.

    if she needs more drama, wait until she gives you a compliment, and then disagree with her and tell her she is cruel for making fun of you.

    if that approach is not your style, you could tell her that it makes you hopping mad to hear someone badmouth the woman you love.
    also you might just listen to her rant and then ask her to say something positive about herself. one negative comment costs one positive comment.

    in any case she needs to stop this crap before you have children or it will affect them.

    sir, i have no patience with drama. it comes from having had two teenage daughters at the same time. (they are both grown now.) thanks for listening to me spout off!

    but please don't stop giving her compliments. that would be a bad thing for all parties concerned. and perhaps you could say more things like, 'i love being with you', or, 'i love your generous heart', or something like that, rather than complimenting her appearance. that might help. or you could tweak it a little. change 'i think your hair is nice', to, 'your hair is beautiful, in my opinion.' and she can't argue, because it's an opinion. she can disagree, but not argue. what can she say? 'no, you don't think that?' if she does, see above paragraph about blowing you off. which, by the way, is incredibly disrespectful. how about, 'your hair feels so good when i run my fingers through it.' that's an attention grabber!

    good luck and God bless. it's going to be a long road.
  • loosesealbluth
    loosesealbluth Posts: 46 Member
    I would rather my wife be 10 lbs heavier and feel sexy, than 10lbs lighter and feel pathetic. She is so much more attractive when she acts like she is worth something, than almost anything else she can do. Thats not to say I want her to gain 50lbs, because I dont, but I do want her to feel good about herself.

    I get that this is a weight loss site and stuff, but that doesn't negate the fact that you're sort of contradicting yourself here. You want her to feel good about herself, but with certain stipulations? 10 pounds is cool but not 50? Again, I get that this is MFP and I get that maybe she wouldn't feel more confident if she gained 50 pounds. The point: It's obvious you do care about how she looks in addition to how she feels. It could be possible that this kind of attitude is (maybe even subconsciously) trickling into your daily lives and the comments you make? Especially with the throwing away of the hair ties and stuff like that. Body policing (in any shape or form – whether it's "positive" or not) has the potential to perpetuate feelings of low self-esteem and the works. I'd try to be positive about her/her body/personality/self worth without ACTIVELY trying to change her. Does that make sense?
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I don't believe she wants drama. I think that is wrong. I think she truly doesn't believe she is pretty enough, thin enough, or whatever. I don't want drama when I don't believe my fiancé I just don't believe him.

    My fiancé doesn't ever give me drama back. He says you look great and I say no I don't and he is like I THINK you do and that's what matters. That usually snaps me out of it. He will even point out what he loves and gives me some smooches. I still don't believe him but I love him for putting in the effort.
  • lheidbrink
    Wow... reading your post was de ja vu for me. My husband said that because I was so uncomfortable about how I looked ( I'd gained weight) that he started to be unattracted to me. That was a year ago and I'm sad to say even though I heard him out and have been making real progress with how I see myself (going to therapy, working on my weight and appearance) I fear it might be too late. Originally I wanted to change for him, but now I'm doing it for me. He doesnt compliment me much anymore and that hurts sometimes, but I've come so far I don't want to throw away my hard work. I love the suggestion the one girl made about leaving notes and being supportive. Be honest with her and be as patient as you can be and I bet you'll slowly see a change. You sound like a good guy that is just confused. I wish my husband would of told me how he felt before it was too late. Please be patient with her and know that if given the choice she would love to be able to see herself the way you do! Good luck. Keep us posted.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Yes, self esteem is pretty much the sexiest thing a woman (or man) can possess.
    So how can this be fixed? Well, I am happy to say that this is open discussion thus helpful hints would be appreciated. What I can say is that things are getting better as far as my wife's self confidence. She's making an increased effort to get ready, workout, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I think in doing these things, she has learned that she is worth a great deal more than she thought. Thanks for reading, feel free to respond.
    This whole part makes me feel icky. And I don't know, a lot of the post made me feel icky. I obviously don't know you, your wife, your relationship, or anything about you, but you seem way too invested in your wife's self esteem... Maybe it's just coming out in this post and the rest of the time you're a pretty normal guy. I don't know.

    "She has made an increased effort to [do the things I think she should]. I think in doing these things, she has learned..." Man, that is just... really uncomfortable for me to read.

    I dunno. I wish you and your wife luck.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member

    My fiancé said to me at one point that anything over 190 was TOO BIG for him. WTF who the hell is he. He met me at 215 pounds so he could kiss my butt. So I lied to him and told him I was 185. Well guess what I wasn't I was 215! HA in his face.
    =] He couldn't even tell the difference.

    ha,ha! that's great! the last time i was on a diet i lost 30 pounds, and so did my boss. she told me that her husband hadn't even noticed. mine hadn't either. but i said he also didn't notice when i gained it! :)
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Sounds like something that she should work out with a therapist and not with a husband who throws her hairbands away.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I don't know if this has been said, but I think for a lot of women it gets better as you age. I know so many women that have said that they feel better about themselves, and care less about what others think of them, as they have gotten older. I am only 23 (about to be 24 in a couple weeks) and I feel 100 percent better about myself now than I did 50 lbs lighter and a few years ago. I am still working on myself now, but I am doing it to be healthy and feel better about myself, whereas I used to do it to impress other people.

    That may not be her case either, but I know it has been for myself and many women around me.
  • diabloben68
    Yes, self esteem is pretty much the sexiest thing a woman (or man) can possess.
    So how can this be fixed? Well, I am happy to say that this is open discussion thus helpful hints would be appreciated. What I can say is that things are getting better as far as my wife's self confidence. She's making an increased effort to get ready, workout, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I think in doing these things, she has learned that she is worth a great deal more than she thought. Thanks for reading, feel free to respond.
    This whole part makes me feel icky. And I don't know, a lot of the post made me feel icky. I obviously don't know you, your wife, your relationship, or anything about you, but you seem way too invested in your wife's self esteem... Maybe it's just coming out in this post and the rest of the time you're a pretty normal guy. I don't know.

    "She has made an increased effort to [do the things I think she should]. I think in doing these things, she has learned..." Man, that is just... really uncomfortable for me to read.

    I dunno. I wish you and your wife luck.

    Yes even I admit after reading that part it made it sound like "now that my wife is doing the things I want her to do, I have found a new sense of happiness". Lol really not what I was getting at. If you know my wife, you know that those things are very important to her. So though it may seem like im just being a pig, I chose the things that she likes to do, that make her feel better. Thats not to say that I am without fault, that would be something else.

    Also to clarify. I dont care if she wears baggy clothes or an up-do every day for the rest of her life. It just bothers me if she does it because she is trying to hide herself (but thats not up to me)
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    make it known to your wife that you are here to help and then follow up if she asks you to do something.
    go above and beyond. thats what my man does. he is awesome. he asked me one day before work if he could do anything for me. i said "if you could pack me a healthy lunch that would be awesome" That was a year ago. hes packed my healthy lunch every morning before work while I get ready. Hes got the time and boy does he put it to good use. I can't tell you how much i Appreciate that man. and I show it. I make him special dinners and treat him well. Im talking he is spoiled. i take care of him and he takes care of me as a return favor. and boy, does it work let me tell you. maybe something like that would work for your wife?
  • Penny427
    Penny427 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm a woman who feels more comfortable with my hair pulled back, some jeans, and a t-shirt. If my husband ever threw my hairbands away, and told me that I needed to make myself more presentable, he would not be my husband. Shame on you. She's not your trophy.


    ETA: Maybe all she needs to hear is how beautiful she is no matter how she looks!? I dont ever remember being 120lbs my husband has NEVER seen me at 120lbs but he HAS seen me at 220lbs and ya know what? He told me everyday and still tells me everyday that I am beautiful. He loves me at ANY size, hair up, hair down, makeup or no make up, sweat pants, jeans, or high heels and skirts...when Im feeling ugly and not even showered he still tells me I am beautiful. Maybe she needs to feel loved and accepted unconditionally. Just a thought. :smile:
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    This is a great post. I felt like my husband was talking directly to me. I have the same reaction your wife has when my husband gives me a compliment, I don't believe it so I write it off. You made me understand how he feels and i don't want to push him away like that. I think I need to change how I perceive myself. Thank you OP... and thank you from my husband too. :)
  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    I don't know if this has been said, but I think for a lot of women it gets better as you age. I know so many women that have said that they feel better about themselves, and care less about what others think of them, as they have gotten older. I am only 23 (about to be 24 in a couple weeks) and I feel 100 percent better about myself now than I did 50 lbs lighter and a few years ago. I am still working on myself now, but I am doing it to be healthy and feel better about myself, whereas I used to do it to impress other people.

    That may not be her case either, but I know it has been for myself and many women around me.


    Even in my 20's I was so insecure about how fat and ugly I was, and when I see pictures now I can't believe I thought there was a problem. I'm significantly heavier now, but about ten thousand times more comfortable in my own skin.
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I understood what you were saying. There are days when I don't do make up, hair, or even dressed since I stay home with the kids. There is a difference in me on a "just a lazy day" versus "I don't like myself today". My husband can easily tell the difference because of te confidence I give. He doesn't expect me to look perfect, but wants me to feel good about myself. It doesn't mean being a trophy wife, but loving myself as much as he loves me. He wants me to see myself through his eyes- smart, funny, pretty, sexy woman. I appreciated this post because I haven't believed his comments. Thank you for reminding me he is a part of this journey too.
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I'm an old bra burner. That said, I did not get the sense you are a jerk. I feel you are sincerely concerned. You are also a guy and that makes it difficult for you to have this conversation, so kudos to you.

    She is young, very young. I was a complete mess at her age, I weighed on the far side of nothing and fretted constantly about how I looked. I am thinking it may be her youth and if that is the case, it is best if you just love her and let her grow up. If the issues are deeper, that is something I'm not qualified to address. Likely, she is a very young woman doing what they do, obsessing about themselves.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    going to get tons of FR's