June's NO CHEAT Losers!



  • MakingMeOver
    Hi everybody!!! Busy day today .... still shopping for husband's birthday (tomorrow) and have hair appointment this afternoon.

    PositivelyME: I got the answer you asked me for in regard to gaining or staying the same with TOM. I am up a lb today and I know it's from TOM, so I won't get all frustrated and pig out....LOL! I'm gonna keep on keeping on! I surely hope I can get thru the birthday dinner tomorrow night and do as well as I can (espcially with TOM tempting me to pig out).....:bigsmile:

    everybody have a great day! :wink:
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member

    Sorry I can't seem time to post personals and I hate that cause I like to take a few minutes to write to everyone! Right now I feel like I am running into myself coming and going....lol

    This week I took a huge step and signed up as an independent jewelry rep for Premier Designs. I work an 8 - 5 job and now I have added a part time job. I think it is going to be lots of fun though!!!! Look's like there may be weekly meetings to attend. They aren't mandatory but the more I can learn, the better I will do!

    Now I must work on scheduling my exercise into my schedule.

  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Does Hubby's Chicken and dumplings count as cheating if I stayed under my calories? It felt like cheating but I don't think I need to count it as such. So I'm gonna say I sdid not cheat yesterday, nor will I today!
  • maytanewfie
    Thu 06/10/10 10:35 AMDoes Hubby's Chicken and dumplings count as cheating if I stayed under my calories? It felt like cheating but I don't think I need to count it as such. So I'm gonna say I sdid not cheat yesterday, nor will I today!

    I say if stayed under your calories for the day, and it was real food (not say a snickers bar) then it doesn't count. If you don't set yourself up to enjoy treats from time to time, you will have a hard time at long term maintence. A treat doens't have to be a cheat if you plan your day well. Good for you!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hi everybody!!! Busy day today .... still shopping for husband's birthday (tomorrow) and have hair appointment this afternoon.

    PositivelyME: I got the answer you asked me for in regard to gaining or staying the same with TOM. I am up a lb today and I know it's from TOM, so I won't get all frustrated and pig out....LOL! I'm gonna keep on keeping on! I surely hope I can get thru the birthday dinner tomorrow night and do as well as I can (espcially with TOM tempting me to pig out).....:bigsmile:

    everybody have a great day! :wink:

    I am sure you'll do fine. If plan, of eating out, are in a restaurant then have something small..Think moderation and I KNOW you will handle it OK. Have fun on hubbies birthday. Enjoy yourself wiht fun not food...LOL

    I am extreamly busy too today..not sure if I will be on later today, but I am alway thinking of my plan and NO CHEATING even though I am not posting.

    Have a great day girls:happy:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thu 06/10/10 10:35 AMDoes Hubby's Chicken and dumplings count as cheating if I stayed under my calories? It felt like cheating but I don't think I need to count it as such. So I'm gonna say I sdid not cheat yesterday, nor will I today!

    I say if stayed under your calories for the day, and it was real food (not say a snickers bar) then it doesn't count. If you don't set yourself up to enjoy treats from time to time, you will have a hard time at long term maintence. A treat doens't have to be a cheat if you plan your day well. Good for you!!

    I believe in this too. If you stay with in your calorie for the day and ate sensably with a moderate treat...I don't consider this a cheating. What I consider cheating is all your meals consist of meals that have no value ( chips, cookies, candie, high fat ice cream) things like that. cheat foods for me is a meal I can't be trusted with becasue I over do it...I can't control myself around.

    IS everyone else the same or do you gals think differently?
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Thu 06/10/10 10:35 AMDoes Hubby's Chicken and dumplings count as cheating if I stayed under my calories? It felt like cheating but I don't think I need to count it as such. So I'm gonna say I sdid not cheat yesterday, nor will I today!

    I say if stayed under your calories for the day, and it was real food (not say a snickers bar) then it doesn't count. If you don't set yourself up to enjoy treats from time to time, you will have a hard time at long term maintence. A treat doens't have to be a cheat if you plan your day well. Good for you!!

    I believe in this too. If you stay with in your calorie for the day and ate sensably with a moderate treat...I don't consider this a cheating. What I consider cheating is all your meals consist of meals that have no value ( chips, cookies, candie, high fat ice cream) things like that. cheat foods for me is a meal I can't be trusted with becasue I over do it...I can't control myself around.

    IS everyone else the same or do you gals think differently?

    I just felt like I was cheating because it was so amazingly good! These are the types of foods that got me to where I am. I know I could have had 2 cups of it and been content but I had 2nds and stuffed myself. I was still under on calories once I workedout but felt soooo gluttonous!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals!

    TOM has really took an effect on me...I want everything in sight! I made chicken tenders yesterday evening for my children and I don't normally eat them , but for some reason I wanted to *try* them...so I gave in and had some...I knew not to do it but TOM took over and had the best of me. I felt so guilty because I was way over on my calories. I did workout during the day time, but it didn't help the damage I already created....:sad: :sad: :sad:

    I am RE-focused and will be low on my calories to balance out the damage.

    I have a pounding headache and I am so tired..but i am going for a long walk to think about what I have done.:cry::cry: :cry: :sad:

    Have a great day girls!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. We have our weaknesses. Learn from it and move on. TOM needs to go.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. We have our weaknesses. Learn from it and move on. TOM needs to go.

    Thanks girl! I read on my home page you lost 4 pounds....WAY TO GO GIRL!!! does that mean you're in ONEderland?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hey, quick check in..Not sure if I will be on tomorrow or sunday seeing those are the busiest days for me. I usually send my kids to weekend school and I am stuck w/o the computer/internet the rest of the day/evening/ However, I WILL stay on track no matter what. I plan to get lots of walking the weekend and I will have plenty to do outside since we are redoing the front of the house.

    Have a great weekend girls!

    I will pop in once in a while but you the "no cheating" will be on my mind..LOL

    nite :-)
    HAMMBONE Posts: 155 Member
    Quick check in!
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
    We went to my brother's house for a cookout and spent most of the day relaxing in the pool.
    I may have got a bit tooooo much sunl....lol
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    what happened to the NO cheating group?

    Well I am back for more action. I stayed on track this past weekend. I haven't weighed myself today, but hopefully i will tomorrow. Today, My main focus will be to stop eating sugar ( which I have done already - but now it's the hidden sugar(s)). And watch my carbs from too mcuh fruits..

    I am hoping to see 199 by the end of June...2 more weeks until July and I have 5 pounds to lose.

    have a great day!
  • Kelleymom
    Kelleymom Posts: 8 Member
    Quick check in. Weight in tomorrow we shall see what the scale has to say. Haven't kept up on my thirty minutes a day workout. I hurt my lower back some how and trying to baby it. I feel terrible and really want to get back on track:cry:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    what happened to the NO cheating group?

    Well I am back for more action. I stayed on track this past weekend. I haven't weighed myself today, but hopefully i will tomorrow. Today, My main focus will be to stop eating sugar ( which I have done already - but now it's the hidden sugar(s)). And watch my carbs from too mcuh fruits..

    I am hoping to see 199 by the end of June...2 more weeks until July and I have 5 pounds to lose.

    have a great day!

    I know you can do it girl and I am right there with ya. I was excited to find out this morning I actually lost .2 over the weekend which is amazing cause I usually gain and have to work my butt off to lose it again!!
  • maytanewfie
    weekend was a rotten eating weekend. Had good exercise, but not enough to make up for bad choices. Today is a new day, time to get it together again.
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    May- I hope you had a better food day today. Look forward and move on. You can do it!
  • MakingMeOver
    Hi there! Sorry I've been MIA for past few days. Was so busy planning and doing all I did for my husband's 50th b'day...then I totally blew it by celebrating ALL weekend long and gained back almost everything I had lost. So, crawling back up on the wagon feeling totally disgusted with myself. Won't let it get me down though. At least we have no more big family events in the next couple months! LOL Going to catch up on all the postings I missed -- hope you all are doing GREAT! :bigsmile:

    And, no I haven't changed my ticker to reflect the b'day celebrating. Trying to decide if I will just catch back up to my ticker, or be honest and change it. LOL
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Give it a day or 2, you'd be surprised at how much of that melts off quickly!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I’ve heard from the girls that you are coming to town. Before you arrive you must know that I am a new woman, I have gained strength and confidence without you. I will no longer allow you to ruin my efforts. I will no longer listen when you tell me;
    • I’m not worthy
    • My jeans are too tight
    • One piece of chocolate is OK
    • I don’t have the strength to workout
    You have set me back more times and in more ways than I can count. You will not hurt me anymore because;
    • I am worthy
    • My jeans are looking good
    • No chocolate is worth losing sight of my goal
    • I do have the strength to work out with or without you
    So Tom, you can come if you must but please understand I will not give you my time, energy or attention while you are here.
