BMR and TDEE can't be right!



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    When you are grossly overweight the calculators no longer work. They're geared towards people in the "normal" range and at 60+BMI you fall well out of that so your BMR calculation is probably on the high side because fat doesn't need to be fed and it doesn't consume the calories that muscle does. You have a lot of weight to lose before you need to worry too much about undereating issues.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you are eating 1700 a day and losing two pounds a week, then your TDEE is right around 2700. But it sounds like you are having success. If you feel good about it and losing two pounds a week, then keep doing what you're doing.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member

    If you don't feel comfortable eating low calories, and you don't feel comfortable eating higher calories, what are you going to do?

    That is it - that is what I am unsure about - the sentence above!

    You're here for the long haul. The most important thing, I think, is that you are happy and not stressed out about what you're eating and can sustain a healthy lifestyle for the long term. There's SO many factors to take into account on what is the EXACT right amount for you to eat. Everything is just an estimate. Since you are obese right now, you have some wiggle room in what that EXACT right amount is. If you feel satisfied and happy at 1700 calories, and don't feel like you're depriving yourself, and you're fitting in lots of protein and good fats and complex carbs and fiber and fruits and vegies and dairy at 1700 calories, then stop worrying, enjoy your food, and see what happens over a 2-3 month period. If you find yourself binging at night or feeling depressed, or don't have the energy to work out, THEN maybe you need to eat a bit more every day. For now, follow Dan's advice. 1700 is close enough to his advice, in my opinion, if that's what you're comfortable at right now.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    I think I understand a bit more now.

    The BMR advice does not really apply to the super morbidly obese. We don't starve because we have fat stored. But we also need to keep the carbs low to force the body to delve into the "reserve tank" - our stored fat.

    I am definitely satisfied most of the time with 1500 to 1700 calories so long as my ratios are over 50% fat and under 20% carbs. Some days I do get very hungry - usually the day AFTER my workout. So I guess it's OK for me to go up to 2000 once or twice a week if I have to.

    I've been doing Atkins but I am now going to introduce more fruit and veg, which will keep the calories lower.

    So a typical day's menu will now be:

    Breakfast: banana, cantaloupe, one or two hard boiled eggs.

    Lunch: a pint of home-made low GI veg soup, 100g meat

    Dinner: huge mixed salad (all low GI) with 150g meat/fish/prawns with olive oil dressing or mayo if within calorie allowance

    Snack suggestions: banana, strawberries, one or two boiled eggs, mug of soup (as above)

    Drinks: herb tea (with coconut oil if I need to increase the calories); tea with skimmed milk

    Total about 1700 calories.

    I'll see how that goes and try not to stress/obsess.

    Thanks again folks.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    just a question, but why are you not logging your food, how can you know how many calories your eating.?
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    just a question, but why are you not logging your food, how can you know how many calories your eating.?

    I log my food religiously, every day without fail. You can see it if you are a member of fatsecret, where it is public.
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    As someone who started out at 375lb this topic has been really helpful. Thanks all.
  • ccrams2
    ccrams2 Posts: 18 Member
  • dmlahey
    dmlahey Posts: 2 Member
    2 things. I think your calorie intake is too high. You can probably bring that safely down atleast another 500 as long as you are eating the right things and following your nutrient intakes, including a vitamin. For females the need of caloric intake is even lower than for men. The BMR tells you what you burn in a day and if you don't eat a lower calorie count than that you will just be maintaining weight less your exercise which sounds like that is very high. Stay away from everything processed, or fake, and have a higher vegetable in take. Carbs at the beginning of the day and more protein later in the day. Smaller meals preferably 6 times will boost your metabolism.

    Seconds it sounds like you want to make some serious changes. I just watched the documentary fat, sick, and nearly dead. I will start my juicing fast soon. For me I'm only doing it for 7-10 but you may want to be more lengthy.
    Definitely recommend watching that.

    Feel free to message me or add me if you need any help. I work in the fitness equipment industry and have many resources to find out what is missing. My job is pretty much to find the missing piece or pieces to your fitness puzzle.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    No offense but at that weight, the time for trying to work it out yourself is over. I would seek medical advice immediately. I don't mean to be harsh and I'm not trying to scare you, just giving my honest opinion. Good luck!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    2 things. I think your calorie intake is too high. You can probably bring that safely down atleast another 500 as long as you are eating the right things and following your nutrient intakes, including a vitamin. For females the need of caloric intake is even lower than for men. The BMR tells you what you burn in a day and if you don't eat a lower calorie count than that you will just be maintaining weight less your exercise which sounds like that is very high. Stay away from everything processed, or fake, and have a higher vegetable in take. Carbs at the beginning of the day and more protein later in the day. Smaller meals preferably 6 times will boost your metabolism.

    Seconds it sounds like you want to make some serious changes. I just watched the documentary fat, sick, and nearly dead. I will start my juicing fast soon. For me I'm only doing it for 7-10 but you may want to be more lengthy.
    Definitely recommend watching that.

    Feel free to message me or add me if you need any help. I work in the fitness equipment industry and have many resources to find out what is missing. My job is pretty much to find the missing piece or pieces to your fitness puzzle.

    You're new here, aren't you?
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    If what you're doing now is working and your happy then I wouldn't worry too much. People say A LOT of stuff and of course everyone's an expert!! But if you're ok doing what you're doing then stick with it. Revisit if you stall/get unhappy?

    Hmm I can see that you think I am obsessing :-)

    But I really want to get this right. If I can lose 3lb a week instead of 2lb, I will go for it! It's really dangerous for me to be this overweight (BMI 60+) and I want to shift the first 100lb as fast as possible. Then, once I am "only" 250lb or so, I don't mind slowing down my weight loss, as I will be able to walk and go to the gym etc.

    So I really don't want to be impeding my weight loss by eating 2200 when I could lose more by eating 1600.

    Conversely, I don't want to damage my metabolism by going into starvation mode.

    I'm frustrated that nobody agrees on anything on here!

    i do not use helloitsdan's method, however, i have heard great things about his knowledge and success with helping others. if he told you 1600, i say give it a try! 1600 cals a day is NOT GOING TO PUT YOU INTO STARVATION MODE! severly obese people are able to withstand vlc plans for quite some time without metabolic damage. 1600 is NOWHERE NEAR A VERY LOW CALORIE PLAN! i say give 1600 a try for 8 weeks, then see how you feel about everything!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    If you are sedentary then it is perfectly okay to eat below your BMR. At 2 lb / week loss you should just keep doing what you are doing.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Conversely, I don't want to damage my metabolism by going into starvation mode.

    I'm frustrated that nobody agrees on anything on here!

    Sounds like it is time to have this discussion with your doctor.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    The BMR tells you what you burn in a day and if you don't eat a lower calorie count than that you will just be maintaining weight
    Nope, that would be your TDEE, not your BMR.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    2 things. I think your calorie intake is too high. You can probably bring that safely down atleast another 500 as long as you are eating the right things and following your nutrient intakes, including a vitamin. For females the need of caloric intake is even lower than for men. The BMR tells you what you burn in a day and if you don't eat a lower calorie count than that you will just be maintaining weight less your exercise which sounds like that is very high. Stay away from everything processed, or fake, and have a higher vegetable in take. Carbs at the beginning of the day and more protein later in the day. Smaller meals preferably 6 times will boost your metabolism.

    Seconds it sounds like you want to make some serious changes. I just watched the documentary fat, sick, and nearly dead. I will start my juicing fast soon. For me I'm only doing it for 7-10 but you may want to be more lengthy.
    Definitely recommend watching that.

    Feel free to message me or add me if you need any help. I work in the fitness equipment industry and have many resources to find out what is missing. My job is pretty much to find the missing piece or pieces to your fitness puzzle.

    OP, please completely ignore this advice.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    2 things. I think your calorie intake is too high. You can probably bring that safely down atleast another 500 as long as you are eating the right things and following your nutrient intakes, including a vitamin. For females the need of caloric intake is even lower than for men. The BMR tells you what you burn in a day and if you don't eat a lower calorie count than that you will just be maintaining weight less your exercise which sounds like that is very high. Stay away from everything processed, or fake, and have a higher vegetable in take. Carbs at the beginning of the day and more protein later in the day. Smaller meals preferably 6 times will boost your metabolism.

    Seconds it sounds like you want to make some serious changes. I just watched the documentary fat, sick, and nearly dead. I will start my juicing fast soon. For me I'm only doing it for 7-10 but you may want to be more lengthy.
    Definitely recommend watching that.

    Feel free to message me or add me if you need any help. I work in the fitness equipment industry and have many resources to find out what is missing. My job is pretty much to find the missing piece or pieces to your fitness puzzle.

    Please ignore this. Not correct at all. And don't juice, come on now, eat your food. Ah...people...really.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    2 things. I think your calorie intake is too high. You can probably bring that safely down atleast another 500 as long as you are eating the right things and following your nutrient intakes, including a vitamin. For females the need of caloric intake is even lower than for men. The BMR tells you what you burn in a day and if you don't eat a lower calorie count than that you will just be maintaining weight less your exercise which sounds like that is very high. Stay away from everything processed, or fake, and have a higher vegetable in take. Carbs at the beginning of the day and more protein later in the day. Smaller meals preferably 6 times will boost your metabolism.

    Seconds it sounds like you want to make some serious changes. I just watched the documentary fat, sick, and nearly dead. I will start my juicing fast soon. For me I'm only doing it for 7-10 but you may want to be more lengthy.
    Definitely recommend watching that.

    Feel free to message me or add me if you need any help. I work in the fitness equipment industry and have many resources to find out what is missing. My job is pretty much to find the missing piece or pieces to your fitness puzzle.

    Another vote to ignore this advice. This is a load of broscience.
  • MacDHH
    MacDHH Posts: 34 Member
    I understand the OP's frustration and confusion about the basic online calculators (though, OP it sounds like you're doing really well). What I've always wondered about is this: shouldn't an obese person actually have more muscle than a lean person, simply from carrying around more weight? In that case, wouldn't a very low calorie diet be counter-productive? Shouldn't the goal be to maintain as much muscle as possible while losing as much fat as possible?
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I understand the OP's frustration and confusion about the basic online calculators (though, OP it sounds like you're doing really well). What I've always wondered about is this: shouldn't an obese person actually have more muscle than a lean person, simply from carrying around more weight? In that case, wouldn't a very low calorie diet be counter-productive? Shouldn't the goal be to maintain as much muscle as possible while losing as much fat as possible?

    thats a good question I wonder the same thing, I think Obese people tend to have sedentary life styles so maybe not (Not you OP you are exercising and doing great!)