Too big for a plateau



  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    Woah!!!!! Is this how we treat people...we gang up on them! Some of you people are acting like the diet police and yet I don't see your faces on the cover of not one fitness magazine or the poster child for weightloss and health!!

    Watch the advice you give because sometimes you can be doing someone more harm than good (selfesteem wise). There is no point on feedback if you come off tearing someone down. It's not about what you say, it's about how you say it. Forget your so called diet bout YOU dear weight loss police take a lesson in humility and tact! What's the use of looking good and feeling bad!? Health is supposed to be wholistic (mind, body, and spirit).

    Mandy, do you girl! The best knowledge is the one's you research for yourself!

    Agreed! After reading the posts I am sadden about what some have said. Mike really needs to look at this post and give his feedback as to how some people should be treated on here. She was asking for advice. And by the way she must be rocking because she has lost 50+ pounds. Everyone's body is different so what works for some do not work for others!

    Much love girl. Keep doing your thing!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Woah!!!!! Is this how we treat people...we gang up on them! Some of you people are acting like the diet police and yet I don't see your faces on the cover of not one fitness magazine or the poster child for weightloss and health!!

    Watch the advice you give because sometimes you can be doing someone more harm than good (selfesteem wise). There is no point on feedback if you come off tearing someone down. It's not about what you say, it's about how you say it. Forget your so called diet bout YOU dear weight loss police take a lesson in humility and tact! What's the use of looking good and feeling bad!? Health is supposed to be wholistic (mind, body, and spirit).

    Mandy, do you girl! The best knowledge is the one's you research for yourself!

    Here here xxx
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    I am not starving...had you read my profile as well as you did my diary you would know Im on medication. I have spoken with my doctor as of this morning and addressed all items EVERYONE has mentioned. I am a work in progress. Not yet complete.
    Many thanks for all the responses.

    To everyones concern: I ate Many Many carbs and fat and calories this weekend, I ASSURE you. lol I too was beginning to question the methods I am being taught. Not just this weekend but last weekend too! Not to say I binged but I did allow myself things that generally throughout this journey I wouldnt. I guess maybe I just expect 4 or more pounds every week like clock work. I want it now...and right now. lol

    Lie to me no problem. But its the lying to yourself that will affect your weight and health. This is your words. You "binged" over the weekends. That was what I replying to. And your lack of entries. Pencil and paper have been around for years, even in the rural areas.
    Woah!!!!! Is this how we treat people...we gang up on them! Some of you people are acting like the diet police and yet I don't see your faces on the cover of not one fitness magazine or the poster child for weightloss and health!!

    Watch the advice you give because sometimes you can be doing someone more harm than good (selfesteem wise). There is no point on feedback if you come off tearing someone down. It's not about what you say, it's about how you say it. Forget your so called diet bout YOU dear weight loss police take a lesson in humility and tact! What's the use of looking good and feeling bad!? Health is supposed to be wholistic (mind, body, and spirit).

    Mandy, do you girl! The best knowledge is the one's you research for yourself!

    Agreed! After reading the posts I am sadden about what some have said. Mike really needs to look at this post and give his feedback as to how some people should be treated on here. She was asking for advice. And by the way she must be rocking because she has lost 50+ pounds. Everyone's body is different so what works for some do not work for others!

    Much love girl. Keep doing your thing!

    She asked for feedback. She has not lost any weight for some time. I am not here to be anyones friend. She hid her diary. It was public. I wonder why.

    Oh one more thing. Please show me where I tore her down. We are all here to get healthy and thin. If some ones diet is off limits they shouldn't be posting.
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Um lefty pump ur brakes friend. Your a bit too aggressive for my liking. I appreciate your feed back but mind your manners. I do what I do and it is doing just fine. I asked for suggestions and I got them. Now step.

    Best Wishes in all you do.

    keep lying to yourself. You don't even log you weekend food in your diary. If you are eating so little during the week makes you wonder how you must binge on the weekends. You tell us you are under a doctors orders to eat 500-1000 calories. Which if true you need a new DR.

    You have not eaten FRUIT in 2+ weeks. You have had Wendys 4+ times. These are facts. I ain't here to be your friend. I am telling you to hold yourself accontable.

    There are reasons people fail at weight loss. And you are doing many of those things. I would love for you to hate me and you are thin. But you won't get there straving yourself.

    Lefty ... I think you'll find that there are enough people already speaking out about your harsh comments to Mandi.

    Weight loss is not easy to get started and Mandi is trying.

    Take a step down now and get off her back.

    She has asked for advice by posting.

    There is no need to be so nasty.

    This is a place for SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT and HELP and HONESTY.
    Not nasty insulting comments that do not actually spell out facts.

    If you actually wanted to help you could have been more CONSTRUCTIVE and less INSULTING.

    We all make bad choices sometimes and it takes a long time to readjust our taste buds to healthy foods if you have been brought up on anything but. Your blaming Mandi but there could be a hundred different reasons for her eating this way.

    I think people should consider very carefully before posting in these topics as you ARE speaking to a REAL PERSON with feelings much the same as yourself. No one likes to be barked at :grumble:

    I so often see people post and they are trying to show off and put people down.
    This should not be allowed.

    We are here to help each other nothing more nothing less. :smile:
    If you can't be nice then be quiet xxx

    Mandi your doing great sweetie. :flowerforyou:
    Lol. If me pointing out the facts are too much that is sad. I wouldn't want some one to spare my feelings by pointing out something as simple as failure to eat fruit or log weekend food.

    I see alot of enablers lol. That's not support. The minute she says she is under DR orders or eat wendys chili 3-4 times a week as a meal and no fruit some one has to call bs.

    And please show me where I am showing off. Reading her food diary was shocking. Have you looked at it? I feel bad for her.

    Hey, chili isnt ALL that bad for u.. Beans r actually good for u so just shush ur mouth and leave the poor girl be!

    Keep up the good work girly and congrats on the 50 pound weight loss :-)
  • mandipandi2010
    My Words:::

    I ate Many Many carbs and fat and calories this weekend, I ASSURE you. lol I too was beginning to question the methods I am being taught. Not just this weekend but last weekend too! Not to say I binged but I did allow myself things that generally throughout this journey I wouldnt.

    Your words::

    Lie to me no problem. But its the lying to yourself that will affect your weight and health. This is your words. You "binged" over the weekends. That was what I replying to. And your lack of entries. Pencil and paper have been around for years, even in the rural areas.

    Doesnt really sound like what I said exactly huh?

    Love I do keep my diary on the weekends....Im doing what works for me.

    It has not been "some time" since my last loss either....its been about 10 days to be exact. I lost 2 lb when I weighed on the 4th of June. hasnt been that terribly long. I did manage to lose 54 lb since March 22nd and a total of 18.5 inches as well.

    I dont belileve that constitutes failure.


    Not disputing your statements...some of them have worth.

    But STFU already....ok?


    What would you like me to say...?

    And I hid my diary cause I can do that. Why allow myself to be ridiculed for something that is not for you to understand.

    I have been instructed by my doctor/surgeon that I need not concern myself with the OPINIONS of others as they are not qualified.

    He is an acreditied doctor with patients who have lost of 500,000 pounds...he has done over 6000 bariatric surgeries. It is possible he knows what he is doing.

    Not to say I dont appreciate everyones feed back...I have learned alot from this thread.

    I do need to take getting my nutrients more seriously.

    I do need to challenge myself to do things outside my comfort level.

    I will never post a thread again as people can be hurtful and perhaps I am just too sensitive.
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    You said binged. Next your doctor said dont eat fruits and veggies? Maybe you just lie to him bout what you eat.

    I dunno cause I want to be thin and right down every calorie that hits my mouth. It than goes in MFP. I try to eat every food group every day. Though I could eat more dairy. My diary is open and by all means critique it. I ain't here to make friends. I am here to get me back. I have no issues with the "TRUTH". That is why my diary is open. If you can't handle the truth, or want validation, or comfort than fine. Knock yourself out.

    I now understand what others were telling me bout the futility to help those that don't really want to be helped. Good luck to you and hope it all works out.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    People take your responses a lot more seriously when you come at them from a helpful angle rather than a judgmental one. They also take you more seriously when you have a decent bit of experience and you've been successful with the changes you have made in your own life. When you've just started your journey, you may be in "all or nothing" mode. You're enthusiastic and that's great. But I assure you your attitude about this entire endeavor WILL change along the way -- many times. Ideally you will learn what will work for you for the rest of your life and you will delve more into sustainable moderation mode and that's a good thing, IMO.

    Mandi -- 10 days with no loss is no big deal at all. :flowerforyou: I understand why you could be concerned, but just keep chugging along following doctor's orders. Have your dietician review your food diary to make suggestions about how you can change things up if you feel you need to do that. There are normal daily fluctuations that take place every day that can mask fat loss. If you just began exercising more, your muscles are retaining water which masks fat loss. If you're eating at Wendy's (hey, I eat there sometimes too... only I get a greasy cheeseburger when I go :tongue:), that's a lot of sodium which can cause water retention which, again, can mask fat loss. Or, maybe the last time you weighed and showed a loss you were a little dehydrated so that loss was exaggerated.
    To be crude -- if you haven't gone to the bathroom in a couple days, you could be carrying that extra weight.
    I could go on. :tongue:

    All that being said, I will share with you my personal experience. I chugged along for 4.5 months and 55 pounds eating 1100-1300 calories a day and exercising like crazy until I ran into a big fat wall and couldn't lose any more weight. This lasted for a month -- almost 5 weeks. I had to start eating more. 3 weeks after I started eating more, I began to lose weight again. I'm sharing this with you because I think it's a likely scenario in your future. Although possibly not, because everyone really is different and everyone's bodies have different breaking points. This is where a lot of people quit and this is where I quit last time I was trying to lose weight (I hit the wall at the same weight as before, too). I've increased the amount I eat three times since then (5 months ago) to break plateaus. I now eat 1400-2000 calories each day depending on exercise and I'm still losing weight. If I hadn't started playing around with that, I would have seriously given up because eating so little is not sustainable for me long term. I'm so much more happy and comfortable eating what I do now. I'm not on a "diet" yet I continue to lose weight because I'm making healthier food choices and creating manageable calorie deficits. I just wanted to share my personal experience with you. Maybe it'll be something you can keep in the back of your mind just in case you run up on a big plateau for a month or 2.

    I wish you the best, girl!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    mmm....Wendy's chili....

    anyone wanna meet me for lunch??? lol

    Mandi- you are doing great! keep listening to your doctors! :flowerforyou:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Mandi, my love,

    You and I had an inbox conversation a few weeks back as I was under the same impression when I read your diet. If you remember correctly, I asked you about the amount of calories you were eating, the food choices you were making, and what your Dr thought about it. You were SO sure of yourself!! Girl, don't lose that!

    I was once a newbie on here that offered ALL kinds of advice based on my own internet research. But then, I realized something. All those sites were copying/pasting from each other just like I was! So who's to say ANY of us were correct!?

    I think people, as I was, are forgetting that most of the "generic" information on the internet is for the average "dieter". We, my love, are not average, and we are not dieters. The way I look at it is skinny people eat Wendy's and pizza and even Doritos (gasp!). But they dont eat the whole bag, or 15 slices; they do it in moderation. And that's what this is about. Doing what works for YOU! Sure, there are general guidelines but its about what works for each of us, individually.

    When we've been eating as poorly as we have for as long as we have, we cannot change overnight (not for the longrun, anyway). It takes time, it takes trial and error, and it takes knowing OUR OWN bodies.

    I had someone on here once attack me for eating too little (I was on a major plateau) and I was eating 1600 calories. He sent me links, and resources and explained to me a billion different ways about why I should be eating more. To the point that, like you, I began questioning what I FELT was right for me. So I upped my calories to be between 1600-2000. Wouldn't you guess, I still didn't lose weight! And everytime I ate that many calories, it just felt wrong. So I stopped. I went back down to 1300 calories and have lost weekly since! So it doesnt matter what HE thought I should be eating, it only mattered what I felt my body needed.

    I do have to say that I think the actual fluctuating of my calories is what helped. I really think there is truth to your body adjusting to what you are eating. So my body got used to 1600 calories and just stopped! Eating up to 2000 calories got my engines going again, so that when I pumped the brakes, it lost like clockwork!

    So I wouldn't say up your calories for good, and I know your meds make it difficult for you to eat because you are not hungry, but maybe you can TRY to add just a little. But like I said, I'm no Dr and you definitely have a team working with you, so you do what you feel is best. Only you live your life and you only answer to one man: GOD!

    Good luck, chica!
  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    I lost more weight before I came here. My scale no longer could record my weight at 330lbs. I threw it out. I gained much more weight after that. The low was when I could not buckle my own seatbelt.

    That was a year ago. I started eating healthy. Little while ago I bought a scale cause I wanted to find out how much I still weighed. That was right before I found MFO on my Iphone an started actually measuring portions. But I started my weight loss long before now. I must have lost atleast 70-80 pounds.

    Would help if I added this to my bio. So I am only new here. And I am not trying to bash her. This doesn't have to be hard.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    People take your responses a lot more seriously when you come at them from a helpful angle rather than a judgmental one. They also take you more seriously when you have a decent bit of experience and you've been successful with the changes you have made in your own life. When you've just started your journey, you may be in "all or nothing" mode. You're enthusiastic and that's great. But I assure you your attitude about this entire endeavor WILL change along the way -- many times. Ideally you will learn what will work for you for the rest of your life and you will delve more into sustainable moderation mode and that's a good thing, IMO.

    This is soooo true! I have been at this since December and LittleSpy is one of the people that I ALWAYS refer back to when I'm struggling! She is absolutely accurate about the mindstate you are in when you first start this. It is all or nothing, which is the opposite extreme of what you were doing before! And we all know extremes are the REAL reason people can't stick to the change. It becomes to hard because all or nothing is too hard!

    Your attitude does change over time and several times. LittleSpy reminded me of this many times-especially when I was "enthusiastic" (as she so eloquently put it!). Now I am coming to terms with not having to have quinoa, veggies and bakes chicken at EVERY meal to guarantee weight loss. This morning, I had 2 bowls of Apple Jacks! And that is not the best choice, but I cant tell you if I didnt eat it, I would have felt deprived all day and my chances of binging eventually would have been much greater! You do what works for you!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I lost more weight before I came here. My scale no longer could record my weight at 330lbs. I threw it out. I gained much more weight after that. The low was when I could not buckle my own seatbelt.

    That was a year ago. I started eating healthy. Little while ago I bought a scale cause I wanted to find out how much I still weighed. That was right before I found MFO on my Iphone an started actually measuring portions. But I started my weight loss long before now. I must have lost atleast 70-80 pounds.

    Would help if I added this to my bio. So I am only new here. And I am not trying to bash her. This doesn't have to be hard.

    I think you have great intentions, as did I when I posted an infamous "Food Diary Cheaters" post. Boy, did I get bashed! I have since come to realize that although I was being honest and keeping it real, some people need to learn these things on their own! I was wrong for pushing my beliefs on them, because, truthfully, I didnt know all that much more than they did. And to be honest, most of the posts were right. But I didnt give a rats *kitten* what they said because of the way they said it. It was mean, it was harsh, it was cruel. I think your intentions of wanting to teach Mandi something got lost in your tone. And there is nothing wrong with that, there are some people that learn that way. Mandi is just not one of them. As angry as you made her, she did listen because she called her Dr to confirm. Thats the good outcome of your posts. The bad part is that you crushed her self-esteem and hurt her feelings. And being that you've lost 80lbs and are still on this journey, I'm sure you can appreciate how sensitive we are as fat people. :flowerforyou:
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    mmm....Wendy's chili....

    anyone wanna meet me for lunch??? lol

    Yes please!