My birthday is on saturday... Should I eat freely?

jacolyncoker Posts: 86 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I'm going to chicago with my friends on saturday, so obviously we will be eating things like hot dogs and chicago pizza... should I do it? I mean, should I count my calories that day? Its my birthday and I want to have fun without being stressed out about calories!

OH and another thing is we are going to the beach that day so I don't want to be bloated haha


  • Wow this is a great question. My bday is on Thursday and I hanging out with friends and family on Saturday and I dont wanna count calories. So I am very interested to know what people say:)
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I would say go for it just make sure you drink lots of water, and if you're going somewhere different try walking places instead of driving :) enjoy the sites while burning calories!! Happy Birthday!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Your birthday comes once a year, enjoy it. I don't count calories at all on my birthday and special days (holidays, our anniversary, etc). If you want to dial down the damage, try to get in a good work out before hand, and no matter what get back on track the next day and drink plenty of water to flush out all the sodium you'll inevitably get.
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    I say get a workout in and then enjoy something you really love. It's only one day and when it's over get right back on track.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    My opinion:
    AKA "what I would do"

    Eat what you want to eat, but stop yourself before you are full. no need to eat till you feel like you're stuffed, just enough of each item to feel "not deprived".

    Log it all as best you can as a learning experience, just to see approximately how "bad" it all was, but knowing it will be over for the day, and not giving a crap because one day will NOT throw everything away.

    Realize this is a LIFETIME change to your way of eating and not a DIET that you are on for a while and "cheat" on.
    For the rest of your life there will be weddings, birthdays, holidays, etc. You CAN eat goodies as long as you don't stuff yourself and be honest with yourself.

    Have fun! And Happy Birthday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    On my birthday, I threw caution to the wind and decided I would eat/drink whatever I wanted. I found myself working out more the days before and after....and honestly, I made decent choices throughout the day on my bday. Yeah, I indulged here and there, but for the most part, I had that nagging thing in the back of my mind reminding me how hard it is to get those extra drinks off.....I think that having just one day of possible indulgence is not a big deal. It's better that making yourself feel that you are deprived b/c you can't have what you want. As long as it's just one day!! haha
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Not counting and eating freely are two different things... I think have a little fun and eat some of those yummy treats - but be aware of what and how much, so you don't undo the hard work you've already done! Happy early birthday!
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    Happy Birthday!!! And I guess that depends on how in control of your eating you usually are. Do you think that by giving yourself permission to eat anything and everything you want that you'll have a hard time on Sunday or Monday getting back on your program? Will you feel guilty? Are you prepared to see the scale go up?

    After struggling with my weight for over 30 years I've finally come to realize that I can't just let it go, have a free day, or not think about it. If I want to continue on my weight loss journey I can't give myself a free day (maybe a slightly lax day but not a free day). So this was probably no help to you - no one can tell you its ok except you.

  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    For what it's worth, I went to a graduation party last weekend and there was pretty much nothing healthy to eat there :laugh: . I did eat, but found to my surprise that a lot of it didn't taste (nor set) nearly as good as I thought it would.

    I'm not saying this happens for everyone, but my point is that while you have some great Chicago treats on your weekend, you may be happy with less than you think. Definitely eat some "good" stuff first if you can (like a side salad or some veggies or something) to help you not be starving though!

    If you do go crazy though - so what! Every day is a new day. Have a great birthday!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I think you should do whatever you want Birthday Girl! For my birthday I had a fabulous dinner of steak and lobster and wine at a swanky restaurant. I didn't think once about the calorie content! Everyone deserves a day off, and as long as you can honestly do it guilt free I say go for it. If you think you will feel bad about it then do as others have suggested and try sneaking in some exercise and drink plenty of water. One day won't derail your progress! Hope you have a great day. Happy Birthday!
  • jacolyncoker
    jacolyncoker Posts: 86 Member
    For what it's worth, I went to a graduation party last weekend and there was pretty much nothing healthy to eat there :laugh: . I did eat, but found to my surprise that a lot of it didn't taste (nor set) nearly as good as I thought it would.

    I'm not saying this happens for everyone, but my point is that while you have some great Chicago treats on your weekend, you may be happy with less than you think. Definitely eat some "good" stuff first if you can (like a side salad or some veggies or something) to help you not be starving though!

    Have a great birthday!

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I had some dairy queen ice ccream yesterday and I felt really sick afterwards. I think its because my body isn't used to having to process that crap anymore! haha :)
  • amyfritz
    amyfritz Posts: 33
    If it were me, I would eat freely and not log a thing. One day doesnt undo all the good you are doing, and your birthday comes once a year. Like some of the others, if I know I will be eating a lot, I will eat healthier the days before or after and do an extra intense workout..

    Happy Birthday!!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Happy Birthday when it comes......and I think you should go for it...enjoy your day and if that means eating what you want then so be it.....I would get back on track the day after....and eat good all those remaining days before the bithday

    In regards to comments about the food not settling well, that can deffinately happen....I occasionally treat my self to something nice, so my system is used to that kind of food still....If you havent eaten any junk in ages because you quick cold turkey then you may not feel well

    I hope you get to enjoy your bday to the fullest

    Have fun!!!!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Robin.......has is down right! This is how we should strive to behave:
    My opinion:
    AKA "what I would do"

    Eat what you want to eat, but stop yourself before you are full. no need to eat till you feel like you're stuffed, just enough of each item to feel "not deprived".

    Log it all as best you can as a learning experience, just to see approximately how "bad" it all was, but knowing it will be over for the day, and not giving a crap because one day will NOT throw everything away.

    Realize this is a LIFETIME change to your way of eating and not a DIET that you are on for a while and "cheat" on.
    For the rest of your life there will be weddings, birthdays, holidays, etc. You CAN eat goodies as long as you don't stuff yourself and be honest with yourself.

    Have fun! And Happy Birthday!!!:flowerforyou:
    Ditto on the happy day:)!!!
  • I love Chicago!! In fact, I am visiting my son and grandson from Indiana next week and we are staying in Chicago for a few days! Eat what you want, but in moderation. Enjoy and have a great time!!
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    YES happy birthday :flowerforyou:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    On my birthday I go where I want and eat what I want. However, there are a few limitations ... like I stop when I'm satisfied and I don't bring home leftovers.

    When you're done but don't leave the table (because you're socializing or whatever), you can pour water on your plate to avoid excess nibbling ... or not, hehe ... it's your birthday after all.

    Happy birthday!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I'd eat whatever. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and there are days in life where you're going to not care about what you eat! The important thing is to remember not to let it become habit.

    It's up to you if you want to log or not. Some people like to do it so that it's a bit of a reminder that if they ate like that all the time, they'd be a lot heavier. Others stress out and then feel guilty. And you should never feel guilty on your birthday!

    Just do what's right for you and then get back on track the next day. :)
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I say don't get all crazy and overeat/binge. Eat freely, eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not and have fun!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    If it was me, I would pick one meal and eat freely, I wouldnt do it the whole day or weekend
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