Full time parents - how do you exercise?!?!

I have my daughter 5 days a week and I struggle to find time on those days to exercise.

My little one is full on, she wakes up before me and usually falls asleep after me. If I exercise during the day, I have to take a shower which usually involves her trying to get in with me and gets soaked. It's not a fun experience. She doesn't have an afternoon nap either.

Any ideas please?! I miss exercising and long for the days when she used to sit still lol. She's two in June, I've tried to include her in my exercises but she thinks they're hysterical and usually jumps on me or lies in front of me lol. She's adorable as heck but I really wanna get back to my exercises!!


  • meglet175
    meglet175 Posts: 98
    My kids are older now, but I can remember those days. I used to put the kids in my double stroller and go for a long walk. I'd give them a snack and drink and a couple of little toys to keep them occupied. If they were good, we'd stop by the playground afterwards. They loved getting outside.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I wake up an hour earlier so I can work out before I have to get ready for work or I will do it first thing when I get home from work and before I get them from daycare. On the weekends when I have them full time, I will work out durning their nap times (I have 4 kids). If I decide to nap with them, then I'll wait until they go to bed at night.
  • gabiinacio
    gabiinacio Posts: 124 Member
    I feel you, I have two little girls ages 5 & 6 and it took awhile for me to finally find the time. (I think I may have also used it as an excuse not to workout)

    I live 3 hours away from all my friends & family, so I dont have help and I also work a 8-5pm full time job. What helped me initially was working out during my lunch breaks. I have a full hour, but you can do it in 30 minutes as well. I would walk / jog / or bring in a video and sit in one of the empty offices.

    This year I found a gym that provides child care, so now after work I just bring the girls to the gym with me. Which has made life alot easier. lol
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    You can do some home exercises while she naps. I belong to a gym with a child care room so I will take my daughter with me to the gym. She loves playing with the other kids and I get my workout in. Strap her in a stroller and go for walks/runs. You can even do lunges while you walk her.
  • Blondie251975
    Blondie251975 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey! It is tough, but you have to make time! Get up a 1/2 hour to an hour earlier (that's what I do). Go for walks...push her in the stroller....stay up later. Lunch break? Babysitter? Gym with daycare?

    Good luck! :)
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I know I'll get bashed for this cause ERMAHGERD VIDEO GAMES ARE THE DEVIL but my 3 year old has a DS, and it keeps his attention just long enough for me to do what I need to do. Mariokart is easy for little ones to control. It doesn't hold his attention for long though, if I don't push through it and get it done he's put it down and is on to destroying the kitchen.. again.
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member
    Have you tried putting her in a pushchair and going for a run/walk?

    As far as the shower goes, my 4yr old still wants a shower/bath whenever I or my OH has one. If I'm having a shower I make my 4 yr old undress and let him get in with me (this also means I have time to dry and dress myself while he is entertained)
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    You need to get your daughter on a schedule. I know you can't help when she wakes up but she should have a set bedtime. You then could workout when she goes to bed or I don't know how old she is but I have kids 2, 5 and 7 and if they are up and around when I'm wokring out they just play near me or join in with me. It's a good thing for them to see you working out you are setting a good example for her.

    Me personally I work full time and have 3 kids. I get up about 5:30 am and workout while they are still sleeping. On the weekends I usually sleep a little later so they are around when I'm working out no big deal.
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    I guess I would say to try to broaden your definition of exercise. If you can, try to get outside with her and get moving --- take a walk, go to the park and run around (you can chase her --- my almost 2 year old used to love that), or dance together. Or maybe try to find another mom and switch off your kids --- go to one person's house/apartment, and one of you watches both kids while the other works out, and then vice versa. If you have the resources and will, you could try joining the Y or some other gym and make use of their child care --- many places have somewhere that you can drop your child off for an hour while you work out (and, bonus, shower alone!!) But I know that may not be possible financially.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    When they were little, I'd wear them in a backpack and walk, walk, walk to the park. Pushing on swings is better than weights. And yes, you can do it in the winter (though I don't like rain).

    They got older and it was frisbee and catch and still a LOT of walking. Gardening is excellent exercise.

    This is a fantastic workout at home:


    And free!

    I found it a lot easier to exercise when I was home full time with my kids than I do now at work with them older. I am NOT a gym person.
  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    It is really hard to to ANYTHING when they are that age, so I know it is a challenge. I didn't really work out when my were that age, but now with work and dinner it is still hard to fit in time. The most I could do when they were little was as meglet175 suggested: go on long walks. when they think they are too big for the stroller, a wagon is a fun way to haul them along and adds a little extra workout too.

    Now I get up really early and excercise before I have to get the rest of the house up. I get up at 4:15 a.m. and must be finished by 5:15 to wake up my son and get his breakfast, then I take my shower while he is eating and get out in time to wake up my daughter (he is in Middle School and she Elementary so their start times are different).
  • GraeKat
    GraeKat Posts: 23 Member
    Do you have a spouse or support person/partner that lives with you? My husband works full time, needing to leave the house by 7:30. So. . I make sure my tail is in bed by 11 so i can get up at 4:30 to get to the gym and get my work out in. The kids are still asleep and he's home in case they need him. Yes, I want to hit snooze and roll over sometimes, but at this point my body is on automatic pilot.
    Also, if you have a YMCA near by, they usually have childcare early and late. It's a lifesaver on the days when I wake up too late to go to my local gym.
  • Jennnifit
    Jennnifit Posts: 30 Member
    Is it possible to go to a gym early in the morning, or at another time of day, where there have a kids club to watch your little ones for an hour? My kids are older now, but I do remember the challenges of working out when they were much smaller. I feel for you.
  • StephTanis
    StephTanis Posts: 18 Member
    I wake up before my almost 3 year old daughter and do exercise videos (30DS). On weekends when I sleep in a little, I involve my daughter by giving her pencils for weights and we exercise together. I figure we are teaching her healthy habits so it is good for her to be a part of my exercise. If she doesn't want to be involved, I put the tv on for her and do my exercise video on our iPad so she has something to do and doesn't feel neglected while mommy has her exercise time.
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    I've had the same problem. What I find helps is either to join a gym with childcare available and/or get your exercise in with something they can join you with. Walks and bike rides are a great option. My personal favorite is playing Just Dance or getting them involved in some kind of sport and coaching them so you're being active while spending time with them. :)
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    Maybe join a gym that has a daycare/kid zone? If that's not an option maybe you could put her up in one of those play pins while you work out? Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred dvd offers 20 minute videos so you could squeeze in a good workout really quickly.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    If you really want to find time, you will. I do it late at night. Am I more tired in the morning, yep, but it's worth it. I have been managing to exercise 6 days a week and I work full time, my husband works full time and goes to school nights and weekends and we have newborn twins and a 3 year old. Find yourself the time to do it. You deserve it!!
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    being serious here... use her as a free weight.. pick her up , put her down , repeat reps of 10 or whatever... then maybe do a slow jog but push her or carry her like a Yoda weight type exercise.. that'll helpp burn some cals..just watch your back... for showers, have her "read" you a book or tell you a story or sing to you (something ) to "help" momma out.
  • DRJ311
    DRJ311 Posts: 58 Member
    Ahh, the joys of parenting! I, too struggle to find time to exercise. I have a two year old AND an 8 month old!! Love them to death, but it is very difficult to keep both of them entertained long enough to get a work out in. I work 8 hours a day, so I passed on the gym membership to stay home and exercise, so I invested in a treadmill. My 2 YR old thinks its a toy conveyor belt for his cars and spiderman figurine!! (I have stepped on his toys while running...not fun!) Sometimes he wants to get on the treadmill also and it ends in a crying session. Then ,my little one is tired or hungry so sometimes I have to stop altogether and cut my workout short. Fortunately, I have an amazing partner who helps with keeping them busy while I TRY to at least get a half hour in, 4 days a week. Do you have any family members that could help? (Sig. other, Sisters, Cousins, Mother?) Try using her as a "weight" and she'll think it's a fun game that you lift her up and down. (That actually burns some calories.) You say she goes to sleep after you, (my 2 yr old does that sometimes also) what time exactly? Maybe you can start her on a new routine where she is falling asleep before you, then you can get your work out in after she's down for the night. Good luck, I certainly know what you are going through!!
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    My 40 minute workouts usually take an hour courtesy of my 3 year old. Just laugh it off and do your best to keep them entertained. It's not easy but in hindsight I'm sure they'd rather think of you as active and fun - not everytime Mom gets sweaty she starts yelling at us.

    Plus a good rule of thumb with 2 year olds is 10 minutes for each half hour must be undivided attention. Try maybe a 20 minute burst, 10 minutes with the LO, then go in for another twenty. Life with little people ain't easy, but it sure teaches you how to be resilient and keep a smile on your face. Good luck!