Full time parents - how do you exercise?!?!



  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    My 40 minute workouts usually take an hour courtesy of my 3 year old. Just laugh it off and do your best to keep them entertained. It's not easy but in hindsight I'm sure they'd rather think of you as active and fun - not everytime Mom gets sweaty she starts yelling at us.

    Plus a good rule of thumb with 2 year olds is 10 minutes for each half hour must be undivided attention. Try maybe a 20 minute burst, 10 minutes with the LO, then go in for another twenty. Life with little people ain't easy, but it sure teaches you how to be resilient and keep a smile on your face. Good luck!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Sleep begets sleep. Toddlers should be napping during the day and sleeping maybe 10-12 hours at night too. Nap time is one of the graces of life for me. My three year old is on when he's awake as if I feed him chocolate covered espresso beans!
  • kmccormick42
    kmccormick42 Posts: 78 Member
    I bought a used treadmill off Craig's list - still works perfectly. My son can me in one room doing homework and I'm in the spare bedroom on the treadmill. I also try to fit in exercices I can do at home like jumping jacks, squats, crunches, etc. I have a gym membership but having the treadmill at home gives me a lot more flexibility. I have friends that really like the Leslie Sansome walking tapes and they do those at home without any equipment.
  • DarrenFlyGuy
    I can relate to your experience. I have a very active 3yr old who doesn't want to let me exercise. I started taking him on walks during the day, and while it's not exactly vigorous exercise, it does get me out and active as well as getting him used to walking farther. It's getting better the older he gets, and he'll be at school in the fall, so I'll have some real time to work out.

    If I can get the kids to bed early enough, I hit the treadmill for 30-40 minutes and give myself a few minutes to unwind before bed. I also try to get in sets of push-up, chin-ups and little bits of activity throughout the day when he's occupied playing or eating.
  • BlueEyedRebecca
    My daughter takes a nap (she'll be 2 in May), I so I exercise then (just started, exercise video). I plan to start running and obviously will have to do that some time when my husband is home.

    I haven't tried it, but I read about it on another website. The woman would put her child in their room with some toys if they didn't take naps and put up a baby gate. She told them they had to have quiet time and could play or whatever in there rooms for a set amount of time (half an hour or so). She did that where she could do chores, but I think the same concept could work for you. If/when my daughter doesn't nap, I will probably try this. If it is feasible, you could put the baby gate up between where you work out and the next room, where you and she can still see each other.

    You could try doing a set bedtime (particularly if you can get her dad to do the same at his house). It would be hard at first, but eventually it will make it a lot easier for you. My daughter used to regularly go to bed at 830 (time change and staying up later a time or two screwed that up, so I'm trying to get her back to that time).

    If you are talking about running or going to the gym, then maybe a friend or family member would be willing to help you out or a gym that offers child care.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    If you don't have the support of a spouse - it can be really tough. There are lots of great suggestions but not all of them will work when you have a high maintenance child. I have one easy, breezy baby. I could work out for hours while she'd entertain herself. I also have one high maintenance child. Up early, early in the morning. Wakes up as soon as he hears my bedroom door open. Short, if any nap. Goes to bed late. Will not entertain himself if I am available.

    The easiest way is just to workout when my husband is home but I know not everyone has that.

    If you have the money, the best thing would be to join a gym with child care. You can get in your workout and shower! The cheapest gym by me that offers childcare is $36/month.
    Another option is to look at potential babysitters. Even if you aren't comfortable leaving her to go to the gym, you could get a neighbor to entertain her while you workout and shower at home.
    Finally, I think a great piece of advice from another poster was to broaden your definition of exercise. So you can't get in an official workout. Go on a stroller walk. I just saw an advertisement today for a local roller rink that does stroller walk/skates a couple times per week. I'm totally taking my high maintenance child on Saturday morning. You can also just get creative at home. Pull your daughter around in a laundry basket. I easily run 3 miles - but I'm exhausted after 5 minutes of pushing that basket!

    Good luck - it does get easier.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    How about getting some kid workout videos? The exercises are fast paced enough to keep kids entertained and simple enough for them to follow. If she thinks she is the one working out and you are just following along it might work. I also used to put my kids in a launder basket and slide them along the floor. Great arm workout and you never heard louder giggling.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I normally wake up before everyone else does and work out. My youngest will be 2 in May. If I can't work out in the morning I take them to the basement with me. They play while I work out.
  • kavanaghev
    kavanaghev Posts: 75 Member
    My husband is deployed so I am a 24hr/day mommy and totally know what you are dealing with. I love to run or walk with my daughter in the stroller, and I have an elliptical and so I use that sometimes, but she is clingy right now and tries to climb on it so that can be difficult to manage.

    My most effective workout is probably using a Gymboss interval timer (~$25 on Amazon). I set it for 30s intervals with 10s break and I do 45min-1hr of mostly bodyweight exercises. You can do cardio segments, too, if you like (jumping jacks, high knees, jogging in place), but you don't need to because your heart rate will probably get up without it because the 10s is really only enough time to switch to the next exercise. My daughter LOVES this routine. We put on music and I let her climb on my back while I'm doing push ups or she will lay next to me and lift up her legs while I'm doing crunches, haha. It's fun and the interval timer allows me to workout without having to watch a clock or pay attention to reps or keep my eyes on a video (or try to keep up with a video) which then allows me to smile at, talk to, and focus on my kid. I do use a 15lb kettle bell for several exercises, and will probably increase that weight soon, but it has been effective for many months and lots of different exercises in this format and I am of average strength for a female with a 20lb 13 month old.

    I pair sets, so as an example I'll do 30s of squats and 30s of tricep dips 4 times for a total of 2m (not including breaks) doing each exercise. Anyway, it keeps me on the floor with my daughter, and she's pretty sure we are playing. It works.

    She does the same thing with the shower, haha, but I just strip her down naked and let her deal with the water splashing her face if she is going to get all up in my business like that. A friend of mine puts a baby gate up in the doorway to the bathroom and leaves the shower curtain pulled back so that her 2 yr old can see her but cannot get into the room. She said he cried a little bit the first few times, but is fine now. I would do this if our bathroom floorplan allowed. You could try buying an adjustable shower rod (~$7) and putting that up in the shower at a height that prevents your daughter from being able to climb into the tub. Maybe you could hang toys off of it or something? Just an idea.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I have a 5 year old daughter so I have to be creative sometimes.

    I travel for work so I'm not home 2 days a week and I make sure to get workouts in on those days so that I don't take time from my daughter any more than I have to. I typically go to the gym one other day a week as well.

    I've also gotten creative. My daughter loves this Salsa Dance game on the Wii that my wife bought so I will play that with my daughter sometimes, I will go ride bike with her, play tag, take her sledding...ect. all things just to keep active during the day.

    It is pretty funny to see a guy built like me doing Latin dance moves but thank God it's only in our basement where nobody can see it. :blushing:
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    It is tough but you really have to make the time to do it. I hate to say it but sounds like another excuse not to exercise. I am a full time (40 hours/week) working mom of twins that are now 7 and I work my schedule around them. I wake at 4:30AM to get to the gym and workout, I preplan my meals and do the best I can. Doesn't "always" work that way but if I can't get a workout in it's really nobody's fault but my own....

    It can be done! You can do it!! Good luck!!!
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    I also have a little girl that will be 2 in june so I know exactly how you feel lol! I exercise when she takes her nap everyday. It works out great!
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Hi, I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old. I also work full time. I make sure both boys are in bed by 7 pm then it is my time to exercise. the toys are cleared and weights come out. I also try to sneek in some walks, swimming etc during my lunch break, but this depends how busy I am......
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    My daughter is two and I have her every day. I just put her to bed at 7:30-8 pm and then workout on my little stepper. I'm usually more tired BEFORE my 20-30 minutes than afterwards....and I usually earn myself a beer.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I am a single mom of 2 little boys. One I have 24/7 the other I have 50/50 joint custody. I do my heavy excercising on my lunch break. There's a gym right down the street that I got a membership to and I drive there on my lunch, work out for 30 mins, and drive back. I eat at my desk which isn't the healthiest thing in the world. When I have both kids, I'll put them in the stroller in the summer or go for a bike ride with them, you don't go very fast and stop often but I figure a little bit is better than none, or I'll just go outside and play "tag" with them. During the winter I walk the mall a lot with either a double stroller or I make the oldest walk along with me. He likes to push the umbrella stroller so sometimes I'll give him that and put one of his stuffed animals in it too. When you have kids you don't really have to do "conventional excercises", get out and play with them and usually you'll find yourself working out as hard or harder than if you had gone to the gym.
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    i know this oh so well...my girl is two in may

    (ive been a slacker as of late) when i do get to workout i usually have to inlist my hubs help to keep and eye on her...

    either that or up at dawn to sneek one in...late to bed in order to be able to workout and shower...

    with the warm weather coming around im looking forward to lots of walks and taking her swimming...nothing wrong with adding her into your active life...
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    You have SO many good suggestions here. My personal favorite, and the one I used to do when my kids were little, is to wear them for walks. You can buy a backpack carrier at a camping store, and go for a walk. She's still small enough probably to use a wrap carrier or a mei tai as well. I thought those soft carriers were both more comfortable than the backpack. Walking is great exercise, especially with a pack. Depending on where you live, there are lots and lots of options for where to walk. I'm not in one of the most culturally stellar places in the US, but even here we have a zoo, fitness courses, a nature center, plenty of walking trails, and lots of options. I also suggest getting together with another mommy for workout / play dates. It can work indoors with videos to follow along, or outdoors at a park. Most of our parks here have kids play structures and a walking path. You can take turns watching kids and working out. Makes for a good workout buddy and friendship!
  • Brandi1168
    Brandi1168 Posts: 105 Member
    I go to the gym twice a week and leave my son in the kid's zone. Otherwise, I either put him in the stroller and go for a walk/run or do a workout video while he's napping. On the weekends I go to the gym while my hubby stays home with him. Hope this helps. :)
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    after they go to bed
  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    i have a 3 year old and a 16 month old. It's tough but you just have to make it a priority. Get up earlier or go to bed later. You could also join a gym with childcare.