What Convinced You To Change?



  • georgiamarsh13
    The fact that I start uni September 2014 and want to feel good about myself when I start.
    I want to be thin nurse student, not a fat one! :)
  • dbkrantz
    dbkrantz Posts: 138
    I was in denial about my weight for a while, blaming it on hormones and so on.

    It clicked when I saw a picture of myself the first time, and also, after I came home after 4 months away and my mother's face when she saw the weight I gained.

    Then my boyfriend being very supportive but honest. I knew it was time to change for him and for myself.
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    My husband and I were preparing to adopt our second child. Because I was so overweight, I couldn't have my own. After trying everything, I finally made the decision to have gastric bypass. That was 7 years ago. I was almost 400 lbs when I had this done. I am currently down to 250 but have been as low as 227.
  • noelie365
    noelie365 Posts: 13
    My pants were so uncomfortable at work that I had to unbutton the top button for the afternoon. I was embarrassed and knew that if I didn't turn back I'd eventually get to a size that I REALLY didn't want to be. Besides, the best time for change is now!
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I think I finally decided that I wasn't going to wake up one morning with all the weight off. That and my doctor had to start me on insulin to control my BGL. I have recently remarried (2 1/2 years ago) to a wonderful man who wants to travel, something I have wanted to do for a long time. His daughter has 2 lovely boys and a little girl on the way this summer and my daughter gave me a beautiful granddaughter a year ago and I want to be around to see them grow up. I guess all these things together gave me the push to really get serious about losing the weight and becoming more healthy. These things gave me the incentive but I'm doing it for me, not because someone else wants me to. It won't hurt that I will be able to get clothes that are more attractive as well!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I always hated my body but when i look at old pics there was nothing to hate i'd love to look like that now so thats my goal.

    I hate pictures taken, I don't like looking in the mirror and I have a heck of a time keeping up with my family when going through a HIIT in karate class. Plus, while I say I want my kids to be healthy, if the change doesn't start with me, why should they change?
  • kwentz1960
    During the course of the afternoon, I popped 6 chocolate truffles in my mouth. Then I wondered how many calories were in each one, so I flipped the package over and was stunned to realize I ate 1200 calories just as a snack. I think it then hit me how much I snack, binge, and overeat. I joined MFP the next week and haven't left it since. Funny, how I thought I really didn't overeat and yet by tracking it, I realized how out of control my eating was. I never had a weight issue until about 45. I have been grumbling about it for years, but I decided to take control min January.
  • Marcellus_08
    I have come to learn that there is nothing in life we can control besides ourselves. So Im on a slow path to stop being a heffer.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I think I just realized that I was the obstacle in my way living the life I wanted. It wasn't that I have some bucket list of specifics, I just wanted to be able to do anything and everything – be that hiking the appalachian trail or wearing fashion or buckling my seatbelt on an airplane without an extender. I couldn't have done any of those things and I blamed my body for years but my body doesn't have a mind of it's own, my body isn't vindictive or punitive. It is merely a reflection of how I felt on the inside and how I behaved. Once I realized all that I was able to get the hell out of my own way. :smile:
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    For years and years I have been in denial about my "true" size and the lack of commitment to my health. I was never bothered by my size or let it slow me down. A friend recently lost a lot of weight and got into shape. I asked her why she did it and she stated "I was tired of committing slow suicide." I had never looked at my bad habits as such and it struck me hard. I have been dedicated to getting myself in shape ever since.
  • Colress
    Colress Posts: 5
    I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. My family used to tease me and call me piggy, and I got so tired of it. I lost a few pounds and gained a bit back, When I was younger I was an XXL but now I'm just a L. I'm trying to lose moret and keeping it off while toning and building muscle to hit the pool and beaches (y)
  • shytrevoak
    shytrevoak Posts: 95 Member
    First, I can't stand 'after baby' weight. I looked disgusting. And I wasn't about to let postpartum take over like with my first.

    Second, hereditary health issues that I am determined to avoid. To prove to my family that it can be avoided.

    And I just moved to Texas. Which means sunny beaches and less clothing. Not about to feel like a beached whale.

    Yup. Bout sums it up.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    This inspiring news story: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/04/22/weight.loss.anita.mills/index.html

    And these 4 Easy steps she followed from a handwritten note her doctor handed her:

    1. Eat 8 ounces of food every 3 hours
    2. No sugary drinks
    3. Do not skip meals
    4. Do not tell anyone what you're doing

    It was #4 that got me. This journey is mine. I need to do what I need to do to be healthy. If I don't want to waste energy defending my plan to others. I just need to work the plan by the grace of God and get healthy.
  • Sinnister78
    Sinnister78 Posts: 134 Member
    I was an athlete for most of my life and never really worried about my weight. Always had low body fat, great abs...blah blah blah.

    Started gaining tons of weight when I quit playing sports. One day last month I looked at a picture of my daughters and tried to come up with the words in my mind to appologize. I knew that I would die without having been there for important moments in their life and it would be my fault.

    I won't let them down again.
  • Chetrcs
    Chetrcs Posts: 1 Member
    I was tired of being fat.
    I was tired of looking at myself in the mirror and not liking what I saw.
    I was tired of not being able to keep up with my kids.
    I was tired of making excuses for why I was out of shape.
    I was plain old tired of all the above, so I decided to change.

    It's only been a week of walking 2x a day and keeping my MFP log, but I'm not as tired anymore. :-)
  • SuperCRAS
    SuperCRAS Posts: 10 Member
    I was going back through some photos from the last 5 years and noticed, "Hey, I'm fat in all of them". So, before my husband left for Japan, we took pictures of each other and let me tell you, there's nothing like an almost naked picture of yourself at your worst to snap you back to reality! My husband and I made a deal, that during the 19 weeks he'd be gone, we'd try to get healthy and back on track. So, I have 16 weeks to go and I'm going to start the 30-Day Shred today and P90X on Monday! I'm more committed than ever to get my body in the best shape I can before he gets back. I've also committed myself to keeping within my calories alloted and posting my food and exercise. I need to be accountable for me now. Before, there were so many distractions and excuses why I was not exercising or eating right. Well, that stops now!!

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    My pants were so uncomfortable at work that I had to unbutton the top button for the afternoon. I was embarrassed and knew that if I didn't turn back I'd eventually get to a size that I REALLY didn't want to be. Besides, the best time for change is now!

    It happened to me as well!
  • Eyesblu
    Eyesblu Posts: 60
    I was just tired of looking in the mirror , not liking what I saw...frustrated when I wanted something cute to wear and couldn't seem to find anything. Realized that this is my time..time for me to take care of me..time for me to love me.
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    I was getting chest pains , shortness of breath and joint pain from all the extra 50 lbs of weight..I was afraid i would have a heart attack..and I really wasnt able to get my daily chores done for lack of energy...

    I am starting to feel great now!! LOVE this sight..
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    When I realised I weighed more than I did years ago when I was about to give birth I decided that the weight had gradually crept on and that if I didn't do something about it it would continue creeping..........