What Convinced You To Change?



  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    The wobbling. Wobblewobblewobble. I don't like wobbling.
  • LizzyAlexandra
    I was really thin most of my life, and never really had to worry about what I ate because I looked good whenever I looked in the mirror, I felt healthy, I exercised and was never ashamed of what I saw. I have always been a bit fuller around the hips and legs, but I do have an hourglass shape, so my shoulders help to even my body out :) . I left for boarding school in the UK, and there I just gained and gained and gained. Everything was oily and fatty, and I ate at the canteen, so I didn't have much healthy alternatives. I gained a total of 15.5 lbs in a year. It was quite a long process, but still, I felt bloated, I hated the way I felt, I didn't do anymore exercise, and I wasn't proud of who I was. I also got a scare because my grandfather has diabetes and it is in the family, so I decided to change... I am happy I did because I feel more energetic and am proud of what I see again
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    getting this in a fortune cookie while eating out.
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    getting this in a fortune cookie while eating out.

  • AlteredSkates
    AlteredSkates Posts: 123 Member
    getting this in a fortune cookie while eating out.
    right click/view image to see complete fortune
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    There was a picture of me that I saw and I looked a mess, long hair and quite big so I changed, never looked back since did put on a bit once I gave up smoking but that is now coming off SLOWLY.
  • diddylove
    diddylove Posts: 30
    I got some minor health issues, linked to heavy weight. Got inferior complex, emotionally depressed and tends to have anxiety. Because my hormones are pretty messed up . Decided to try to live in a healthier lifestyle and things get so much better.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    getting this in a fortune cookie while eating out.
    right click/view image to see complete fortune

    OMG, that would get me going! LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Found the size tag in my jeans.. I buy used, and they were slightly big so whatever they fit so I bought them. Never could find the tag.. then on day I noticed they weren't giving at ALL after like 3 wears outta dryer...
    SO thought oh well have to buy a 22... found the tag that night... they were a 22.. I was going to have to get a 24... I had been a 24 one other time in my life and swore I would never go back..
    That and my Mother was now, not pushing food on me, now pushing diet on me.. (she lost 95lbs) so I caved, and joined TOPS.. that was 6 years ago..
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    My friend picked a very form fitting, hip hugging dress for her bridesmaids dresses. I was not impressed with how large my hips looked in that dress.

    When I hit my goal weight I will do comparison pics in that dress!
  • jellypuffofdoom
    jellypuffofdoom Posts: 7 Member
    I have been on and off healthy eating & exercise pretty much since my teen years. I guess what hit me this time to start again...and hopefully successfully is I am getting back to the weight I was in College. Just not feeling good about myself, and that just effects everything else around me. I know I feel at my best working out and eating right. So just gotta remember to be the best I want to be is be healthy.
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    I have gained and lost hundreds of lbs in my adult life. I was atheletic in my school days, that all changed when I was living on my own and trying to support myself. Married with 2 babies I went on a health kick and did well,,,we moved and being in a strange city and not much support I packed on the weight, plus more. That was my 30s. Turned 40 and went all out in getting healthy. Did fantastic and was loving life felt so good about myself and then I was assaulted. My world went from being so big and open to me not wanting to leave the house. I gained all my weight PLUS more. 2 weeks ago I was at my all time biggest.
    I have lost friends and thats ok, they weren't that good of friends anyway. BUT I also made friends,,,friends that love me and support me no matter where I am mentally. And with that I got carried away and said yes to an obstical run in mud for cancer. OMG why?
    I am 3x sized woman,,,I will have a heart attack out there...many words like that have run thro my head this past few weeks,,,so what a great goal to work at. I have so far lost 11.2 lbs and Im going strong.

    PS love some of the responses...and can relate to most. Some have made me cry and some made me laugh (legs rubbing together hurts still makes me chuckle)
  • mikek7214
    mikek7214 Posts: 29 Member
    I totally agree. Bingeing, eating poorly etc, is an addiction just like cigarettes and nicotine are an addiction to smokers. When I get high and mighty about disgusting smokers are (killing themselves, stink up the joint, personally smell), I just think of how I'm eating, and work on myself, before I pass judgement. I do hold my breath when I'm near them lol.
  • CandiLeigh17
    I was sick of being fat. period.

    My boyfriend of 3 years cheated on me while I was pregnant and claimed it was because I was fat. I know better now. But I lost the weight and left him.

    I had a similar experience 4 months after my son was born. Well, I lost the weight too and divorced him :-) I am now happily remarried to the love of my life. I have unfortunately gained back all of the weight I lost and then some, but my husband's love for me has never changed. He is my biggest supporter. Good to know there are still some amazing men out there :-)
    I kept telling myself that the weight I was gaining was no big deal -I could lose it if I wanted to. I guess I just didn't want to bad enough. When I stepped on the scale one morning and saw a number I never thought I would see, I knew it was time to change. I just started this journey 7 weeks ago and I have a long way to go, but I am determined to lose this weight. I want to be healthy for my kids, my husband, and MYSELF!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    Had to decide between: binge drinking or living a healthy lifestyle. chose healthy
  • jennagoogles13
    For my whole life I had been eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it, and I NEVER even thought about calorie content or nutritional value. I didn't exercise much either. Then one day, out of nowhere, I realized that for so long I had been convincing myself that I looked good enough, and in my heart, I wasn't satisfied with making excuses for myself. I lied to myself about my weight, and finally, I gave myself a reality check and stepped on the scale. I was so disappointed in the habits I had developed, and I decided I was going to completely change my lifestyle. Here I am, two months later, and 12 lbs lighter, and a whole lot happier:)
  • DavidKBrewer
    Rollercoasters. Once I had trouble fitting into them, I knew I had a problem and needed to change.
  • sharonrs143
    Depression from a loss added the pounds, food was my comfort because I knew with the weight gain came protection from being hurt again. Then finally said enough. Decided I was worth more then this life I gave myself.
  • annetteellison1
    annetteellison1 Posts: 20 Member
    I felt unhealthy and fat. I want to feel healthy and beautiful!
  • Rogue4lima
    What's inspired me to change is I hate what I've become. While on my second deployment to Iraq, I dedicated my free time to working out. By the time I arrived home, I was 197 pounds and 12 percent body fat. But going back home brought me into a world of temptations and rather than working out, I sat at home eating. It's been nearly five years since then and I'm 228 pounds and about 24 percent body fat. I'm finally disgusted with myself and the only way for me to regain confidence, in this respect, is I need to stop being lazy and work at it. Being confident in my appearance is the biggest motivator for me to change. Even if I never get back to where I was, I'll be happy with something close.