How do you feel about coffee?

LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
I really like my morning coffee. I drink 3 cups a day, yes, with caffeine. It seems to make me less hungry in the morning. It also helps with being regular:smile: I do eat a healthy breakfast as well. I have read that coffee is good for you, and I have read that coffee is bad for you. Which is it? I am also addicted to the BBCA show called "You Are What You Eat." She's anti-coffee...period. I was just wondering what you all thought.


  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    I really like my morning coffee. I drink 3 cups a day, yes, with caffeine. It seems to make me less hungry in the morning. It also helps with being regular:smile: I do eat a healthy breakfast as well. I have read that coffee is good for you, and I have read that coffee is bad for you. Which is it? I am also addicted to the BBCA show called "You Are What You Eat." She's anti-coffee...period. I was just wondering what you all thought.
  • BlazinEmerald
    I think , If I give up my coffee, they might be blood shed. That being said I love my coffee and dont find that it hinders my weight loss
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    I had actually went off of coffee for about 2 months straight...cravings were bad:grumble: I was having facial breakouts and thought that that was causing it. However, after going to the dr. about it, he said that it probably wasn't the coffee:happy: At that same time, I was trying the Flat Belly Diet which also limits the amount of red meat you could eat. Long story short, I think that it was the red meat causing my breakouts...I haven't had red meat for quite some time and neither have I had breakouts. Just clean clear skin:happy: I have found that my body just can't digest red meat very much anymore.
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I'm with Blazin. I've drank coffee my entire life (since I was a wee tot:noway: ) and it has not had any negative affects on my weight loss. I have several cups in the morning and drink green tea the rest of the day. I've come to realize that I am a much better person with it than without it.

    me + coffee =:happy:
    me - coffee= :devil:
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    On that show, she said that caffeine will deplete you of vitamin B which can cause tiredness and ridges on the sides of your tongue. I take a vitamin B complex vitamin to help with that. Hopefully, it will counteract anything the coffee is doing. I like it too much:smile: It helps me get my morning workout done, too.
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    I think it all depends on quantity and what you put into it!

    The unleaded drinkers really have it good with just 5 to 10 calories a cup.

    The leaded drinkers have to be careful (ME)!!!

    My rule is to drink as much as I want before 1400 (2PM). After that, I stop!

    As for being bad? Did you know that the chemicals in coffee are psychotropic defense mechanisms to stop many creatures from eating them? It just so happens that we humans find the effect as something to be addicted to! while it is a laxitive, it is also a diuretic and you should make sure you drink water 1 for 1 with it! Especially if you are exercising!

    As for being good? Coffee increases the effectiveness of pain killers (for headaches especially). That is why you will find so many medication that have caffeine in them!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member



    I haven't found that it hinders weight loss, although I've cut back on the amount that I drink. Now I usually do one cup in the morning, and try for green tea the rest of the day.

    I used to just drink coffee for breakfast and it was also my afternoon "snack." I think now that I'm eating more calories as well as a healthy breakfast I'm definitely feeling more energy than the days I would just do coffee.
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    Speaking of addiction, it was harder to give up coffee than it was to give up chocolate!! That's what I call addiction!!
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    I really like my morning coffee. I drink 3 cups a day, yes, with caffeine. It seems to make me less hungry in the morning. It also helps with being regular:smile: I do eat a healthy breakfast as well. I have read that coffee is good for you, and I have read that coffee is bad for you. Which is it? I am also addicted to the BBCA show called "You Are What You Eat." She's anti-coffee...period. I was just wondering what you all thought.

    can't live without it!!!!! :drinker:
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I feel like the only coffee hater here. My husband thinks I'm an alien lol!!!
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    That does make me feel soooooo much better:bigsmile: I really don't want to have to give that up.:noway: I try to drink 6-8 cups of water per day b/c it does make me "go" a lot:blushing:
  • PixieDust2828
    Coffee(black) is good for you it's been shown to lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and colon cancer.:drinker:
  • ssheldon318
    I can't go a day without my cup of joe!

    I did find this out though (on the internet)...

    Coffee is usually one of the most heavily sprayed crops, and is often contaminated with pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides. Therefore if you do drink coffee, you would be well advised to drink organic coffee only.
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    My husband would side with you. He enjoyed it when I went on my "no coffee" break. He has never liked coffee.
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    Ahhhhh... Let me ponder this over my morning cup of coffee, hehe.

    Although I love coffee I do hate the fact that I am addicted to something. I have cut way back since I've gotten older. I drink two cups of black coffee everyday. After that I will either drink decaf green tea or decaf coffee.

    I love going into my coffee shop down town and ordering a large black decaf coffee. They think I am nuts (they are 20 yrs old). I tell them I love the taste so much, I just don't want the buzz. I don't think they get it. :laugh:

    I do know that even tho I am drinking decaf, I have to drink more water. Anyhow, my personal feeling on coffee is that is it not good for you. But I have no intrest in giving it up.
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • BlazinEmerald
    I feel like the only coffee hater here. My husband thinks I'm an alien lol!!!

    YOU ARE AN ALIEN! You're Canadian woman, what's life without Timmy's! lol Heck I'm not even Canadian , I just live here , I will never go back NEVER cause they dont have timmy's :laugh: :laugh:
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    I like mine to taste like capp. (not sure of spelling:smile: ) I put one packet of Sweet and Low, a dash of sugar-free vanilla flavoring, and a splash of skim milk. Sorry to all the "black only" drinkers. I know I just ruined a perfectly good cup of coffee.:laugh:
  • BlazinEmerald
    I like mine to taste like capp. (not sure of spelling:smile: ) I put one packet of Sweet and Low, a dash of sugar-free vanilla flavoring, and a splash of skim milk. Sorry to all the "black only" drinkers. I know I just ruined a perfectly good cup of coffee.:laugh:

    ahh I use milk and sweetner also :wink:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I've never had a cup of coffee in my life, so I can't really comment. But I can say that as a non-drinker, 3 cups a day sounds like a LOT to me. Do you drink it black? I think that besides all the caffeine, its the additives that get ya... cream and sugar are a dieters worst enemy :angry: lol.
  • BlazinEmerald
    I've never had a cup of coffee in my life, so I can't really comment. But I can say that as a non-drinker, 3 cups a day sounds like a LOT to me. Do you drink it black? I think that besides all the caffeine, its the additives that get ya... cream and sugar are a dieters worst enemy :angry: lol.

    I wont tell you how many cup I drink then shhhhhhhh its a secret lol :blushing: