Looking for PCOS buddies



  • rpion324
    rpion324 Posts: 5 Member
    I have PCOS too! I was diagnosed 7 years ago when I was 16.
  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    I, too have PCOS, diagnosed at age 19. Its a struggle in more ways than one as I am sure you all know. Glad to know there are people out there who understand. I'll be your buddy too. Good luck!
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    I can join in this group too-I've had PCOS for many years now. It took us just about five years to have children and it was a frightening time. I never thought this weight would come off-especially without the help of Met and a BCP but I'm proving them wrong and I want to get myself back to a healthy weight and then decide if we still need the meds. :)

    You are a great group of ladies--beating the odds!!! :)
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I have it too and am currently awaiting my doctor's decision about how aggressively she wants to treat my latest cysts. I know she mentioned a hysterectomy but I'd prefer not to go that route if possible.

    I read today that low carbing actually helps with PCOS. Huh? Gah, I'd prefer not to go that route again since the very thought makes me sick.

    I'm up for being friends for sure. I don't have any Fitness Pals and would love some for sure.

    It does but you don't have to go that route. PCOS makes our bodies insulin resistant so cutting carbs and sugars definitely works. I did so while I was pregnant due to gestational diabetes and I didn't put on much weight (was obese prior to pregnancy though.) Now I just stay away from the bad carbs and when I do eat carbs I eat 1 serving and try to eat whole grain options and I don't seem to be having any trouble yet with my weightloss.
  • I was just diagnosed with this this week, although I've pretty much known for a while that I've had it.
  • jeepin_girl
    jeepin_girl Posts: 7 Member
    I also have PCOS and am trying to lose weight before we get pregnant. It is nice to see all the weight everyone has lost so far. I have been at a plateau for a while, but this week I look forward to getting back into my routine.
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    Me too! I have had PCOS for a while. For some reason my doctor isn't really that bothered about treating it as in the last few years I haven't had any problems getting pregnant - 3 pregnancies in 2 years, though 2 ended in miscarriage. Now though I haven't had a period since Halloween 2008 when I fell pregnant with my son. I gained weight at an unbelievable rate since then too. I'm hoping that a little more weightloss will help with the extra hair I now have, and I'd really like another little girl :wink:

    I bought a PCOS diet book which I found really interesting but I'm such a fussy eater I can't bring myself to eat many of their suggestions! :laugh:
    They sell it on amazon.... http://www.amazon.co.uk/PCOS-Diet-Book-nutritional-polycystic/dp/0007131844

    I'm all for having some PCOS diet buddies :drinker:
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Just to encourage you all, a few years ago, my consultant told me that it could prove impossible to lose weight. It wasn't, but I had a very strict eating plan (VLC at first under medical supervision) based on fairly low carb, low sugar, low fat etc and I have managed to lose all my excess weight ( just over 90lbs) to get to a healthy bmi. I'm having regular periods etc for the first time in my life.
    My 'only' symptoms are carrying more weight around my middle and infertility. This is my 7th month of keeping the weight off, I'm still trying to lose another 7lbs but this is vanity weight and I'm hoping it will help with my tummy and I'm exercising like a mad woman.

    I'd love to be friends with any of you - no road is too long or too hard with good company!

  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, I am new to the site, and just wondering how to leave your signature, like the weight loss ticker.. which link do you use? There is a longer one and a shorter one that they give you... Also, how do you put in your mini goals at the bottom of your post? Do you just write that in the signature box and it saves for next time?? thanks :)
  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    haha, okay so apparently I already got the ticker working. lol.
  • tres11
    tres11 Posts: 1
    Hi Girls

    Im Teresa im from little New Zealand so sorry about using Kgs as im not good with pounds...

    I too have PCOS and has been diagnosed since 2004 as long as i can remember i haven't had a regular cycle and i went on Metformin for about 2 weeks and hated what it was doing to my stomach a lot of stomach cramps and diarrhea so i stopped it they did tests and said i didn't ovulate so unless i lost 35kgs i would be infertile and even if i did lose the weight there was no guarantee. I then lost 10kg before my wedding and got pregnant i couldn't believe it i hadn't had a period for 10mths, i had been told to do a monthly test and when it was positive i did 3 just to be sure, i gained 20kgs during this pregnancy and lost 10kgs when i had her, then when i wanted my second child i was getting a regular 30 dayish cycle but was only ovulating every 2nd cycle we decided to stop trying and i fell pregnant, during this pregnancy i only gained 8kgs and was lighter than before becoming pregnant after i had him!! but again 3 years later it is a constant weight loss battle. i have a marina IUD never get a period and am again stuggling to lose the weight i need to lose 35kgs to be in the healthy weight range anyone else have problems with a IUD and weight loss? its good to see that there are lots of us out there and girls Pregnancy will happen not overnight but in most cases it will happen
  • kellybelly078
    kellybelly078 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Kelly, I am new to this site, have been here about 2 weeks now. I have PCOS as well, was diagnosed about 10 years ago and two years later diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Since that time the weight gradually piled on, my highest weight was 197. I finally decided to fight back, and at the end of December the scale finally started moving in the right direction. I have been able to lose 42 pounds, and am now down to those last few pounds which seem to be the hardest to lose. It has taken a lot of hard work to get here, and I still struggle almost every day to make healthy choices, but if I have learned one thing from all of this ... It's that I am worth all the struggle, sweat, and even tears I have put into this journey back to a healthier me. I wish everyone the best of luck with your own journeys, don't ever give up the fight, you are worth it!! :flowerforyou:
  • I have PCOS too, was diagnosed in Nov 2007, i dont have it too bad, as i only have the cysts on one ovary, but still have the facial hair. It s a nightmare!!

    woul dlove some PCOS buddies to help with the WL x

    Sarah x
  • HeatherCanDoIt
    HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
    Hey, I have PCOS too, I have been dealing with all of the horrible symptoms since I was 14! Weight loss is a struggle but I am taking it off and feeling great!
  • munkiesmom
    munkiesmom Posts: 11
    Hi there! I have PCOS as well, I found out that I had it when I was trying to have children and had no luck with it. I now have a 4 year old wonderful son and have lsot 40 pounds, and want to loose about 2 more. New on here and looking for more friends for support.
  • I am new to MFP and this message board has really motivated me. Thank all of you for sharing your stories. It's so great to finally have a place where people understand what we go through with PCOS. For years I had irregular periods, embarrassing facial hair and severe pains and the only thing the doctors did was put me on bcp. It was not until I got off of the pills and we had tried for years to conceive with no success was any further testing done and I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was then put on Metformin which I'm sure some of you know is absolutely no fun. Eventually I stopped taking the Metformin because my stomach just could not tolerate it. I was sent to the greatest endocrinologist and eventually we were finally able to conceive. We are ready to try to conceive again and I am concerned that we will have to go through all the testing and medicine, etc that we did with our daughter. Has anybody been through this?
    Sorry I wrote a book but I just wanted to share. There is hope for those who are trying to conceive. No matter what the doctors tell you do not give up. They told me I needed to lose weight when we were trying to conceive but I was pregnant before I lost any. Just keep the faith (and I know this is easier said than done) but TRY NOT TO STRESS about it too much.

    I would like to be friends with any of you!
  • munkiesmom
    munkiesmom Posts: 11
    i went thru 5 years of testing, and then 2 attempts at IVF to get my son. 2 more tries of IVF again after he was born and nothing, i am hoping that loosing weight will help :flowerforyou:
  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    Hi Everyone, can i join in too! I also have pcos...dx by a doctor who was fortunate enough to have read an article in some magazine...thats how obscure pcos was at the time in the medical field. I feel like a dinosaur!

    I also have Insulin Resistance, and went through years and years and YEARS of fertility treatments to overcome not being able to have babies...that was my lifes work since i was 18! I finally got to see a reproductive endocrinologist at 27 and the first thing he said to me was 'lose weight first then call me in three months' :grumble: Needless to say he wasnt my favourite person at the time, but after joining WW in desperation i lost over 30lbs and with the help of a chemistry set and a couple thousand dollars worth of fertility drugs...my first son came along. Another miracle baby boy later, and my angel baby girls in between...now losing weight is for me..not for any other purpose then to be healthy!

    My nutritionist (who is an angel disguised as a dietician :love: ) recommended this site highly...so here i am! Glad to get to know you all...ive only been on here since last night and so far this site looks awesome!

    Kim (ticker in progress if i can figure it out...duhhhhhhh.....:huh:
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Hi ladies, another PCOS sufferer. Glad we're all together!

    My story is slightly different, I was diagnosed at 15 with PCOS, however my Docs did nothing to combat it, said that I'd grow out of it and whacked me on the Pill.

    TMI ALERT!........

    All the Pill did was make me gain wait. Up until 4 days before my wedding in November 2008, I hadnt had a natural period or a period fullstop for nearly 4 years. Then I bled for 9 months contstantly. I went back to my Doctors and they sent me for a D&C sweep and to have a coil put in to control the bleeding. This was August 2009, guess what still no periods.

    I am now a happily married woman who wants children with her hubby sooner or later, but can I catch a break... God no!

    I lost 3kilo in 8 months and they wouldnt give me help with my weight loss until I actually broke down in the Docs office with a hand full of papers requesting the help that others had been given (info from forums, NHS Direct etc). She has now prescribed me with Orlistat to help with my weight loss (I know its bad, but I've had no side effects yet, and it is working).

    Next step is to get me my Metformin, then Chlomid to help with ovulation. I will get pregnant.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend ladies.
  • ParkersMomma2010
    ParkersMomma2010 Posts: 99 Member
    PCOS over here as well. Im 26 and it seems my life story is about losing weight. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19 as I may have only 1 period a year. I lost 100 pounds after high school and then met my hubby. Well we all know what happens when you fall in love and move in together, (you eat lol) and it was all bad stuff. So I pack on the pounds, Dr. diagnoses me with PCOS and demands I lose weight, I was also engaged so I wanted to lose weight for our wedding. I was able to drop 50 pounds and become a size 6 woot woot! After that we wanted babies which I just felt in my heart wouldnt happen for us due to the PCOS. We tried for 6 months and then my Dr. put me on Femera which is alot like Clomid. This past February I had my baby boy Parker after 2 months of meds ( I really am a lucky one for not having to go through too much fertility measures). Well gained 60 pounds during pregnancy so I lugging around the weight AGAIN. I need to lose 40 pounds to be to my prepregnancy weight. We can do this!!! I am just so tired of this up and down weight. I am one of the fortunate PCOS'ers that does not have insulin resistance but I may only have one period a year, have hair loss, carry weight more so in my lower body, and can gain weight just thinking about food. Glad to know we have this message thread.
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