6 pounds up this week. HELP!



  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    Watch your sodium intake.
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    I gained 8 lbs last week. Period and a new workout program. It SUCKED and I'm still up 2 lbs. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  • Breathe, it will all be ok. :)

    I always go up 2-3 lbs right before my period. It sucks to get all bloated and gain the weight when you're trying so hard to lose it. the hormones stress you out, too. Just relax, continue to eat right and work out, and it will all be just fine.
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    Some people just don't get enough attention in their real lives...
    The lady was asking for real advice and you decide it's a platform for your new comedy act. Har har. You're so funny.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    anh720 - > When will you be live at London's Apollo? They need some new acts!
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    I think it's great that you are on MFP and ready to lose weight. I think until you start getting in the groove it takes some adjusting to find what your calorie goal should be. Maybe you are over your calorie goal, or not accounting for calories that are really there.

    I also noticed that you do eat out a lot (nothing wrong with that). Often, restaurants mark down (or mark up) their nutritional facts so if you do eat out, I would assume that you are eating 20-30% more calories than it states in the nutritional information or various entries on MFP. If you have a buffer of 20-30%, it is accounting for any misguiding information given and playing it safe. Also, if you know you are eating out ahead of time, try to get a quick snack in instead of not eating all day. It will make you less hungry and then you might not indulge as much at dinner (that's from personal experience).

    I also noticed you had Walmart-2 cupcakes on one of your diary entries, but most of your food items come from Tesco, so I believe you are from the UK? This makes me think that you are trying to find a data entry close to what you ate, but it's always better to try and get that information from where it really comes from as stats vary from item to item all over the world. When in doubt, I just avoid the cupcakes. Some are laden with ingredients I might not know about. Have you thought about making your own and controlling the ingredients?

    Lastly, do you have a food scale? When people told me it was their number one tool I did not believe them but food scales have made my calorie counting so much more accurate. I feel so much more confident in all my diary entries because I know I am measuring everything accurately, down to added spices. Tablespoons and teaspoons, bagh. Now I just zero my scale and pour my ingredients into a container to get what they really weigh in grams/ounces. It really does make a difference, especially when you usually use heaping tablespoons and could be going way over in grammage.

    As for the undies, go get yourself a beautiful new pair!

    All of this ^

    Hopefully I can be as polite, I certainly don't want to sound like I'm being mean or critical, because that isn't helpful.

    Sometimes when the truth stings a little it can be taken as mean, so please know that this is not my intention... But let's be honest, for example there was one day in the diary where you went over the goal by 3200 cals for a total of 5000. 3200 extra calories in one day is a guaranteed 1 pound gain right away. (1 lb = 3500 cal). At the risk of seeming harsh, that is one of the sure fire reasons that you are experiencing a gain, because a whole pizza putting a person 2300 calories over their daily goal is one of the reasons why they might be showing a gain. That's just not a reasonable portion for any person, no matter who they are or what they weigh. Maybe it was an off day for you or something, I don't know - and we all have those, becuse this is a process.

    We're not perfect, sometimes we just need to learn, and when one of the other posters said there was room for improvement, that was probably based on experience - believe me - I was going about this whole logging calories thing and "healthy" eating thing the wrong way when I started. The REALLY wrong way. Surprise, I gained weight. then I slacked off about counting and monitoring too.

    Only when I stopped eating crap, stopped logging "general" things and started logging every morsel individually did I begin to start losing. That meant admitting to myself that I was going about it badly, not putting in the required time to really learn about the process, etc.

    There's no way your diary can be an accurate reflection - "chinese buffet - 2 meal" is in no way an accurate way to figure how many calories, how much fat, sodium, etc is going into your body. "chinese buffet - 2 meal" could mean 600 calories or 2150 calories. I say this becuase I used to log that way too! And it failed me.

    "Oh, I can't find it in here, I'll just grab the closest thing" - or - "Hmm I'm eating salad how do I log it... oh look, it says Ruby Tuesday's salad bar, 2 cups, cool..." - well I have no idea what was **IN** their 2 cups of salad now do I? Maybe it was sliced egg and cheese on top of 4 lettuce leaves or maybe it was 2 cups of cucumber and tomato. The point it it's not what was going into MY mouth. Big surpise I gained weight by logging "something close" or by "eyeballing" or by saying "hmm, ok well that looks like about half, so I will just call it half."

    It just doesn't work like that. There is no polite way to really say this, but again - I don't mean to come of as critical or mean - but the 8 pieces of Domino's pizza and the chinese buffet and the cupcakes have to go. They just do. And we all have our things that have to go, or at LEAST have to be moderated. Like for me... Lays Limon Chips. I can NOT open the bag and just eat "some". And a bag is 410 cals. So until I reach a point of maintenance and learn (better) self control, no Limons for me. Also Chipotle. Huge on cals and sodium. So I modified my usual burrito bowl down to about 450-475 cal and I have it once every couple months. Int he mean time, I make my owl Chipotle-like burrito bowl filling for far les cals than what is in the restaurant one, using most of the same ingredients.

    There are ways to still have things you like every now and again. But in moderation, most definitely.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member

    Second, I am sorry about your panties. Soak them in cold water -- but make sure you wear gloves so you don't actually touch the water.

    ...... what?

    My thoughts exactly ...........WHAT?
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Weight gains, MFP advice, yes. Blood stained panties, MFP advice, No.
  • allknowingtomato
    allknowingtomato Posts: 42 Member
    I think it's great that you are on MFP and ready to lose weight. I think until you start getting in the groove it takes some adjusting to find what your calorie goal should be. Maybe you are over your calorie goal, or not accounting for calories that are really there.

    I also noticed that you do eat out a lot (nothing wrong with that). Often, restaurants mark down (or mark up) their nutritional facts so if you do eat out, I would assume that you are eating 20-30% more calories than it states in the nutritional information or various entries on MFP. If you have a buffer of 20-30%, it is accounting for any misguiding information given and playing it safe. Also, if you know you are eating out ahead of time, try to get a quick snack in instead of not eating all day. It will make you less hungry and then you might not indulge as much at dinner (that's from personal experience).

    I also noticed you had Walmart-2 cupcakes on one of your diary entries, but most of your food items come from Tesco, so I believe you are from the UK? This makes me think that you are trying to find a data entry close to what you ate, but it's always better to try and get that information from where it really comes from as stats vary from item to item all over the world. When in doubt, I just avoid the cupcakes. Some are laden with ingredients I might not know about. Have you thought about making your own and controlling the ingredients?

    Lastly, do you have a food scale? When people told me it was their number one tool I did not believe them but food scales have made my calorie counting so much more accurate. I feel so much more confident in all my diary entries because I know I am measuring everything accurately, down to added spices. Tablespoons and teaspoons, bagh. Now I just zero my scale and pour my ingredients into a container to get what they really weigh in grams/ounces. It really does make a difference, especially when you usually use heaping tablespoons and could be going way over in grammage.

    As for the undies, go get yourself a beautiful new pair!

    All of this ^

    Hopefully I can be as polite, I certainly don't want to sound like I'm being mean or critical, because that isn't helpful.

    Sometimes when the truth stings a little it can be taken as mean, so please know that this is not my intention... But let's be honest, for example there was one day in the diary where you went over the goal by 3200 cals for a total of 5000. 3200 extra calories in one day is a guaranteed 1 pound gain right away. (1 lb = 3500 cal). At the risk of seeming harsh, that is one of the sure fire reasons that you are experiencing a gain, because a whole pizza putting a person 2300 calories over their daily goal is one of the reasons why they might be showing a gain. That's just not a reasonable portion for any person, no matter who they are or what they weigh. Maybe it was an off day for you or something, I don't know - and we all have those, becuse this is a process.

    We're not perfect, sometimes we just need to learn, and when one of the other posters said there was room for improvement, that was probably based on experience - believe me - I was going about this whole logging calories thing and "healthy" eating thing the wrong way when I started. The REALLY wrong way. Surprise, I gained weight. then I slacked off about counting and monitoring too.

    Only when I stopped eating crap, stopped logging "general" things and started logging every morsel individually did I begin to start losing. That meant admitting to myself that I was going about it badly, not putting in the required time to really learn about the process, etc.

    There's no way your diary can be an accurate reflection - "chinese buffet - 2 meal" is in no way an accurate way to figure how many calories, how much fat, sodium, etc is going into your body. "chinese buffet - 2 meal" could mean 600 calories or 2150 calories. I say this becuase I used to log that way too! And it failed me.

    "Oh, I can't find it in here, I'll just grab the closest thing" - or - "Hmm I'm eating salad how do I log it... oh look, it says Ruby Tuesday's salad bar, 2 cups, cool..." - well I have no idea what was **IN** their 2 cups of salad now do I? Maybe it was sliced egg and cheese on top of 4 lettuce leaves or maybe it was 2 cups of cucumber and tomato. The point it it's not what was going into MY mouth. Big surpise I gained weight by logging "something close" or by "eyeballing" or by saying "hmm, ok well that looks like about half, so I will just call it half."

    It just doesn't work like that. There is no polite way to really say this, but again - I don't mean to come of as critical or mean - but the 8 pieces of Domino's pizza and the chinese buffet and the cupcakes have to go. They just do. And we all have our things that have to go, or at LEAST have to be moderated. Like for me... Lays Limon Chips. I can NOT open the bag and just eat "some". And a bag is 410 cals. So until I reach a point of maintenance and learn (better) self control, no Limons for me. Also Chipotle. Huge on cals and sodium. So I modified my usual burrito bowl down to about 450-475 cal and I have it once every couple months. Int he mean time, I make my owl Chipotle-like burrito bowl filling for far les cals than what is in the restaurant one, using most of the same ingredients.

    There are ways to still have things you like every now and again. But in moderation, most definitely.

    This right here. Diary speaks for itself.
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    1800+ calories from Dominos on Wednesday and all the sodium that goes with it may have something to do with it. I usually take a day or two after a salt binge to fully bloat...
  • r13kaos
    r13kaos Posts: 1
    Use hydrogen peroxide on the panties, color test first in a small area. If it doesn't fade them soak away. Works great!
  • smichelle65
    smichelle65 Posts: 45 Member

  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    First, calm down. You might not have known this, but eating veggies during you TOM can make you retain extra water because fruit and veggies are mostly water. So during the week before and week of your TOM, you should avoid veggies and eat extra carbs and foods high in sodium to dry you out. Also, avoid showering so you don't get water logged.

    Second, I am sorry about your panties. Soak them in cold water -- but make sure you wear gloves so you don't actually touch the water.

    Good luck and just stick with it.

    What in the fresh hell...?

    Sodium makes you retain water, you should actually stay at or below 2500mg at most.

    Eat your veggies. They are full of fiber and will help you feel full longer.

    Don't soak them in cold water. Soak them in hot water. And use some baking soda. You can gently scrub out stains with an old toothbrush.
  • Benefits of Celery and Why it’s Good for Weight Loss

    Health Benefits of Celery

    celery is good for water retention also.

    I am on the atkins diet. It is awesome. This diet will not fail anybody. It is effective. http://www.atkins.com/Program/Phase-1.aspx
    I've lost 16 pounds in a month.
  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    First, calm down. You might not have known this, but eating veggies during you TOM can make you retain extra water because fruit and veggies are mostly water. So during the week before and week of your TOM, you should avoid veggies and eat extra carbs and foods high in sodium to dry you out. Also, avoid showering so you don't get water logged.

    Second, I am sorry about your panties. Soak them in cold water -- but make sure you wear gloves so you don't actually touch the water.

    Good luck and just stick with it.

    I would disagree with the idea of cutting out veggies...that's good healthy nutrition. Try to limit salt intake and carbs right before your TOM, but also realize that this is a NORMAL variation in the body. The water fluctuation WILL come off...perhaps don't weigh yourself during this time period and wait until after to avoid the unnecessary stress.
  • TillyMomma
    TillyMomma Posts: 262
    I usually gain about five pounds right before I start, and about halfway through, I'm fine. It sounds like it's probably just your cycle messing with you.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Yeah. Why can't you touch the water? I'm really confused.

    Second, I am sorry about your panties. Soak them in cold water -- but make sure you wear gloves so you don't actually touch the water.

    ...... what?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    First, calm down. You might not have known this, but eating veggies during you TOM can make you retain extra water because fruit and veggies are mostly water. So during the week before and week of your TOM, you should avoid veggies and eat extra carbs and foods high in sodium to dry you out. Also, avoid showering so you don't get water logged.

    :huh: No. Just...no.

    OP: Eat your fruits and veggies and drink lots of water. Shower as you normally would. Exercise as you normally would (that can help w/cramps, too, if that's an issue for you)
    Hydrogen peroxide will take care of blood stains.
    Carry on.
  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member

    Second, I am sorry about your panties. Soak them in cold water -- but make sure you wear gloves so you don't actually touch the water.

    ...... what?

    She'll just retain the water she absorbs when washing of the panties if she doesn't wear gloves.

    Oh wow....that is definitely now how it works lol
  • randoswife
    randoswife Posts: 32 Member
    I ALWAYS gain when my period starts. Watching my salt intake the week before doesn't seem to help either. I just try not to weigh after I see the scale go up until about a week after my period ends...keeps me from getting too depressed. Just keep doing what you're doing and don't be tempted to peek at the scale until after it's all over + a couple of days.

    As for the panties, pour hydrogen peroxide on the spot (s), let it bubble up, rinse, repeat, then wash. Just don't dry them till the spot is gone.

    Good luck and hang in there! Sometimes being a woman sucks...lol