He called off the wedding....



  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have three sisters, I wasn't over the moon with some of their choices some of the time.

    Your sister is only 18, there's no sane reason for getting married so young.

    She'll learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way but it's her lesson to learn.
  • Morrissey says it best: "It's my life to ruin my own way"

    In this case she ruined somewhat of her parents life to, since they paid for the wedding.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    ...I don't know why some of these comments are so brash. Just because it's not my life, does NOT mean I shouldn't care or be concerned. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't care?
    Obviously some of you aren't very family oriented.
    As I've said in like 3 other responses, I do not plan on getting involved.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I will say if my little sister was getting engaged at 18, especially in a relationship like you described, I'd contemplate keeping her locked up for a few years.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    If this is the worst of your worries consider yourself lucky.

    First world problems for sure.

    LOL I would hate to see what your life is like then.
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    My youngest brother ruined his life with the completely insane girl he's chosen to be with. I wasn't supportive, and now I'm completely out of his life... not that it would be peaches and sunshine having him only call to demand money and help. Seriously, his life is a Jerry Springer episode if I ever saw one. Getting remotely involved can lead to damage.

    Sit back, keep your mouth closed, and be glad it's not your life. You're able to see how insane it is and walk away from it. Imagine what it's like to be in the middle of it and think it's just fine. /shudder
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    I will say if my little sister was getting engaged at 18, especially in a relationship like you described, I'd contemplate keeping her locked up for a few years.

    It works for some people...just not for this "couple".

    mound isn't grammatically correct either.

    but if you insist...

    I am minding my own business.*
  • Jewles1285
    Jewles1285 Posts: 119
    ...I don't know why some of these comments are so brash. Just because it's not my life, does NOT mean I shouldn't care or be concerned. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't care?
    Obviously some of you aren't very family oriented.
    As I've said in like 3 other responses, I do not plan on getting involved.

    Listen, i can totally feel where you are coming from, as a younger sister who has made some not so great choices at a young age of 18-21, who has an older sister with the SAME concerns and family moral as you, I GET IT!!!! Dont bother with these people telling you to mind your "bidness". Its healthy to a point for you to be concerned for the well being of your beloved sister!!! Thats what families are for!!!! As for my older sister, she stayed out of it until it concerned my long term well being such as marriage to a psycho and then she stepped in and let me hear her full blown opinion and then let me lead my own life! But thats the kind of relationship she and i have! I wish the best of luck to you and your family!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sorry you have to deal with that. Honestly I wouldn't blame you for getting involved and having a talk with your sister. IMO one of the things wrong with this society is this idea that even family members should keep their nose out of their family members' business. That's BS. Isn't family about looking out for each other? Sure if it was some acquaintance I might sit back and watch but when you see a sister/brother etc make decisions that could have long term bad effects then you're right to butt in. It may not make you popular for a while but so what? At least you did something to possibly help her and talk some sense into her.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I will say if my little sister was getting engaged at 18, especially in a relationship like you described, I'd contemplate keeping her locked up for a few years.

    It works for some people...just not for this "couple".

    That young works for very few and virtually none in that volatile a relationship. Hence why I said "especially in a relationship like you described".

    mound isn't grammatically correct either.

    facepalm. THAT was a joke.

    If you're going to take issue with the people who are supporting your distaste of the situation you're going to find yourself very lonely indeed.
    IHAVEPMS247 Posts: 70 Member
    I can understand how you do not want your sister to be in an unhealthy relationship. Hopefully she realizes he is not in the best mental state and they should postpone the wedding? If not, just continue to be there for her... Best of luck on this one!
  • Jewles1285
    Jewles1285 Posts: 119
    Sorry you have to deal with that. Honestly I wouldn't blame you for getting involved and having a talk with your sister. IMO one of the things wrong with this society is this idea that even family members should keep their nose out of their family members' business. That's BS. Isn't family about looking out for each other? Sure if it was some acquaintance I might sit back and watch but when you see a sister/brother etc make decisions that could have long term bad effects then you're right to butt in. It may not make you popular for a while but so what? At least you did something to possibly help her and talk some sense into her.

    exactly what my older sister did and continues to do for me and i for her!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I have no advice but I find it kinda sad that the ads on the page are for engagement rings. Ad words can be very insensitive.
  • jeslaughter
    jeslaughter Posts: 131 Member
    Mind ya bidness.

    (seriously though)

    that is life...so yeah you gotta myob and let them deal with it
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I f'in HATE the father of my two nieces. Always have. Always will. But I hate breaking my sister's heart by drilling her with my feelings toward him and what I think of her for going back with him constantly. I stay out of it. As long as my nieces aren't in danger, I won't be wasting any ammo or air.

    Rest assured that at least your parents learned a bigger lesson.
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    ...I don't know why some of these comments are so brash. Just because it's not my life, does NOT mean I shouldn't care or be concerned. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't care?
    Obviously some of you aren't very family oriented.
    As I've said in like 3 other responses, I do not plan on getting involved.

    Yeah, I definitely think your sister is your business. I'd have a good heart-to-heart talk with her 1) about marrying so young and 2) about marrying someone...let's say...less than ideal. This can be done without making her hate you. Instead of focusing on what's wrong with the guy, I'd focus on how marriage might impact her life overall and on finding some goals she might have for her life that may clash with marrying so young.
  • now that you've gotten it off your chest, let it go, its not worth your energy
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    I will say if my little sister was getting engaged at 18, especially in a relationship like you described, I'd contemplate keeping her locked up for a few years.

    It works for some people...just not for this "couple".

    That young works for very few and virtually none in that volatile a relationship. Hence why I said "especially in a relationship like you described".

    mound isn't grammatically correct either.

    facepalm. THAT was a joke.

    If you're going to take issue with the people who are supporting your distaste of the situation you're going to find yourself very lonely indeed.


    I don't get it...lol I was not trying to be rude.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    I have no advice but I find it kinda sad that the ads on the page are for engagement rings. Ad words can be very insensitive.


    Well played, MyFitnessPal, well played.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    I f'in HATE the father of my two nieces. Always have. Always will. But I hate breaking my sister's heart by drilling her with my feelings toward him and what I think of her for going back with him constantly. I stay out of it. As long as my nieces aren't in danger, I won't be wasting any ammo or air.

    Rest assured that at least your parents learned a bigger lesson.

    I feel really bad for my mom though...it's hard for her too. It's not like we're the richest people in the world either. Plus, I'm getting married this year too!
    That's also why this subject is crazy to me, because I don't want to bring up or talk about weddings AT ALLLLL with anyone at this point!
    /: sucks to suck.