

  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    My "thinking face," which is my most frequent face, seems to come off as angry. People have asked why I look so angry, and then I get actually angry because they interrupted my train of thought. :laugh:

    Then there are the people who tell me I should smile more like I'm supposed to walk around with a big stupid grin on my face. I want to punch those people. :bigsmile:

    I'm in an ornery mood; can you tell? lol.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I have no advice for you. Everybody loves me. Maybe try being more like me?
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    Nobody likes me. I assume it's because I'm ridiculously awesome...

    (I see so many posts like this on here... how self obsessed are you that you think that random women are thinking anything about you at all?)

    I think it's funny when people try to pretend that they don't care what others think of them and talk down to anyone who does. As humans, we all to some degree care what another person thinks of us. I guarantee you that your desire to lose weight is at least a little bit outwardly motivated. I really wish people would get off their high horse and be real. Can I call you self obsessed for wanting others to notice your weightloss efforts and by posting pictures. Pot calling the kettle black if that's the case.
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    Nobody likes me. I assume it's because I'm ridiculously awesome...

    (I see so many posts like this on here... how self obsessed are you that you think that random women are thinking anything about you at all?)

    Lol...Can you BE more of an *kitten*....

    OP, maybe since you're smiling, they find it awkward?! Like sometimes when pople smile at me for no reason, I think its weird because like "why are you smiling at me..i didn't do anything to make you smile..?" lol..know what I mean?
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    So not saying this is your case, but it's definitely mine. I'm very shy when I'm not in my "normal" social situations...I keep to myself and have been accused numerous times of being stuck up...I am very friendly once I open up, but very insecure and used to think that "everyone" was giving me dirty looks. I was complaining to my sister about it once and she said "unless they come up to you and specifically say I am giving you a dirty look, it's NOT about you", they could be thinking about their grocery list, they could be upset about something, who knows what the look on their face means, so quit being so insecure and quit being so egotistical that you think every one really is paying that much attention to you" BEST advice she ever gave me. Best of luck to you :)
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Incorrect. I get dirty looks all the time. A lot of women are *****es. Don't take it personal OP ...
    I do also.

    Maybe other women think you are confident and they lack that so they lash out with 'the look'?
  • t7mitch
    t7mitch Posts: 23 Member
    Now that's just catty women. Here's what I've learned in my 40 years on this earth. You can not change people's perceptions of you. If you know who you are and know that you are a sweet person and have a smile on your face, then that's all you can do. If we spend time worrying about what others thinks of us and what they are saying about us, we will always be upset. There is a verse in the bible that talks about an "evil eye"... some people have just that.... it means people can just look at you, and say "something about her I just don't like" . That's an evil eye. Be who you are...Continue to smile and just know, there are only one or two folks who are REAL friends... everybody else are associates. Anytime somebody tells me they have loads of "friends" just know they most likely are not.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I've had the same problem since grade school. It's why I get along better with the fellas. I didn't start having female friends really until I got older.
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Nobody likes me. I assume it's because I'm ridiculously awesome...

    (I see so many posts like this on here... how self obsessed are you that you think that random women are thinking anything about you at all?)

    I heart you :)
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Nobody likes me. I assume it's because I'm ridiculously awesome...

    (I see so many posts like this on here... how self obsessed are you that you think that random women are thinking anything about you at all?)

    I think it's funny when people try to pretend that they don't care what others think of them and talk down to anyone who does. As humans, we all to some degree care what another person thinks of us. I guarantee you that your desire to lose weight is at least a little bit outwardly motivated. I really wish people would get off their high horse and be real. Can I call you self obsessed for wanting others to notice your weightloss efforts and by posting pictures. Pot calling the kettle black if that's the case.

    I think it's funny that you think all women are on MFP to lose weight. That is not the case and you shouldn't assume that. I take offense to that actually.
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    Nobody likes me. I assume it's because I'm ridiculously awesome...

    (I see so many posts like this on here... how self obsessed are you that you think that random women are thinking anything about you at all?)

    I think it's funny when people try to pretend that they don't care what others think of them and talk down to anyone who does. As humans, we all to some degree care what another person thinks of us. I guarantee you that your desire to lose weight is at least a little bit outwardly motivated. I really wish people would get off their high horse and be real. Can I call you self obsessed for wanting others to notice your weightloss efforts and by posting pictures. Pot calling the kettle black if that's the case.

    I think it's funny that you think all women are on MFP to lose weight. That is not the case and you shouldn't assume that. I take offense that actually. I think I do not like you and I don't even know you. Jees how could that happen?

    I see nowhere that I said ALL WOMEN ON MFP ARE HERE TO LOSE WEIGHT. I quoted that particular person and responded to that particular person. So you read something that wasn't there. Not really my problem. Have a great evening though :-)
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Maybe your portraying?
    I'm in the same boat, always nice, always considerate, but I find I don't mesh well with female types especially.... Hell, I don't mesh well with a lot of types :)

    Sometimes I think its just me. I'm kind of shy, and feel a little out of place when girls get in big groups...and start talking about girly things...bc that just isn't me.

    Other times, I realize I have big boobs, I'm decent looking, and I have a personality that generally goes towards guys point of views, (having fun, getting tipsy, watching football) as apposed to girls point of views (I don't like socializing, getting mani peddis, gossiping etc)

    I wish I could agree more with women, have women friends, etc, but truth is, I don't. I never really have, and I'm pretty sure I never really will.... But oh well... I have to be me.

    Sigh, who knows... Wish I could help, but I feel kind of like you do lol
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    bump. This looks like a good read.
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Nobody likes me. I assume it's because I'm ridiculously awesome...

    (I see so many posts like this on here... how self obsessed are you that you think that random women are thinking anything about you at all?)

    I think it's funny when people try to pretend that they don't care what others think of them and talk down to anyone who does. As humans, we all to some degree care what another person thinks of us. I guarantee you that your desire to lose weight is at least a little bit outwardly motivated. I really wish people would get off their high horse and be real. Can I call you self obsessed for wanting others to notice your weightloss efforts and by posting pictures. Pot calling the kettle black if that's the case.

    I think it's funny that you think all women are on MFP to lose weight. That is not the case and you shouldn't assume that. I take offense that actually. I think I do not like you and I don't even know you. Jees how could that happen?

    I see nowhere that I said ALL WOMEN ON MFP ARE HERE TO LOSE WEIGHT. I quoted that particular person and responded to that particular person. So you read something that wasn't there. Not really my problem. Have a great evening though :-)

    You went and assumed she was here to lose weight.. did you not? Nowhere did she say she was here to lose weight. I apologize for the last part of my comment and have since removed it, it was rude of me. I just think it's crazy how much people worry about other people liking them. Do you like yourself? That's all that really matters. If you like yourself and can share yourself with a few close friends then **** the others.. They can be all crappy without you by their sides. Besides, who really wants to be friends with someone who can't smile back at you? Not this girl.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Maybe you need to be nicer to women, in that case. There are a lot of different types of women, and it's highly unlikely that they all dislike you.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Hey! They don't like me either! Which is probably why I cry myself to sleep every night in the corner of my room....or maybe that's why they don't like me?...I tend to do it in public a lot too.
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    Aww that's so sad! I'll be your friend!
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    Maybe your portraying?
    I'm in the same boat, always nice, always considerate, but I find I don't mesh well with female types especially.... Hell, I don't mesh well with a lot of types :)

    Sometimes I think its just me. I'm kind of shy, and feel a little out of place when girls get in big groups...and start talking about girly things...bc that just isn't me.

    Other times, I realize I have big boobs, I'm decent looking, and I have a personality that generally goes towards guys point of views, (having fun, getting tipsy, watching football) as apposed to girls point of views (I don't like socializing, getting mani peddis, gossiping etc)

    I wish I could agree more with women, have women friends, etc, but truth is, I don't. I never really have, and I'm pretty sure I never really will.... But oh well... I have to be me.

    Sigh, who knows... Wish I could help, but I feel kind of like you do lol

    no, it's definitely not the boobs, it's gotta be this: " Maybe your portraying?"
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    Nobody likes me. I assume it's because I'm ridiculously awesome...

    (I see so many posts like this on here... how self obsessed are you that you think that random women are thinking anything about you at all?)

    Well, let's see.... her weight LOSS ticker kind of gave it away, as does yours. So again what is your problem? Seems like you are just looking to fuss with someone and be contrary and I will not be a part of it, Have a great evening :-)
    I think it's funny when people try to pretend that they don't care what others think of them and talk down to anyone who does. As humans, we all to some degree care what another person thinks of us. I guarantee you that your desire to lose weight is at least a little bit outwardly motivated. I really wish people would get off their high horse and be real. Can I call you self obsessed for wanting others to notice your weightloss efforts and by posting pictures. Pot calling the kettle black if that's the case.

    I think it's funny that you think all women are on MFP to lose weight. That is not the case and you shouldn't assume that. I take offense that actually. I think I do not like you and I don't even know you. Jees how could that happen?

    I see nowhere that I said ALL WOMEN ON MFP ARE HERE TO LOSE WEIGHT. I quoted that particular person and responded to that particular person. So you read something that wasn't there. Not really my problem. Have a great evening though :-)

    You went and assumed she was here to lose weight.. did you not? Nowhere did she say she was here to lose weight. I apologize for the last part of my comment and have since removed it, it was rude of me. I just think it's crazy how much people worry about other people liking them. Do you like yourself? That's all that really matters. If you like yourself and can share yourself with a few close friends then **** the others.. They can be all crappy without you by their sides. Besides, who really wants to be friends with someone who can't smile back at you? Not this girl.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Women!! Stop judging each other! When we are unkind to each other we only hurt ourselves. I wish that all women would honor each other.

    And to say that other women "dislike me" or "are jealous of me" is complete bulls**t and hurts the messenger as much as anyone else.