What do your pets do that crack you up?



  • My dog was so cute today. The mailman threw him a milk bone biscuit and my doggy brought it over to show to me. He didn't eat it he just carried it around the yard. About half an hour later I went to bring him inside and he still had it in his mouth LOL He walked around with it like a trophy. He will eat it eventually but I think he was so proud he got "mail" today hahah
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    My dog farts, then looks at his butt in confusion (or pride?) like "What was that??!"

    LOL, mine does that, too! She's such an idiot. She'll fart, and when my brother is around, she'll poke him with her nose as if she's trying to pin it on him. When he's not around, she'll freeze for a second like, "what was that?" and then turn around and stare at her back end like, "was that you again?" She does all kinds of strange things.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    My 3 year old English Mastiff thinks she weighs 10 lbs and is a lap dog that you can put in your purse. if you sit on the couch she tries to lay in your lap... Bed time we have a rasied bed that sits 4ft off the ground... the top of my matress is up to my chest... she puts her paws on the side rail and crawls up my bed and takes claim of our blanket...

    When she gets excited my whole house shakes and she tucks her back legs under her body and runs around in a weird way.. she scoots so damn fast all over its hilarious..

    she will not sleep on a dog pillow... if there are clothes in a hamper she pulls them out, makes her own bed and then lays down... Clean clothes in my house have to go straight to the dressers.. if we are folding she will pull them out and lay on them also.. especially towels that are warm..

    if you are in the shower and you leave the door cracked you can expect her to jump in with you....

    little dogs scare the **** out of her though... She is the sweetest animal ever but a little pug or something barks, she pees on herself and hides in a corner til the coast is clear... LOL even at the dog park...
  • KynnyG
    KynnyG Posts: 16
    My fish go nuts and follow me when I walk by their tank. I guess they think I have food.
  • Kimberly3013
    Kimberly3013 Posts: 78 Member
    I have a chihauhau/dachshund mix puppy named Yogi who is the most obsessive/compulsive dog I have ever seen. He has to eat his food in a certain order, veggies and cheese first and then his meat. He also insists on having his bed a certain way and will spend hours fixing it if someone messes with it. He doesn't ever bark so he sounds sort of like a seal when he wants something. The funniest thing he does is if I am on the floor he will come up and pull my pony tail holder out of my hair and run with it. If my daughter is outside running with him he grabs her around her leg with his paws to trip her and then plays tug of war with her hair also.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My dog farts, then looks at his butt in confusion (or pride?) like "What was that??!"

    LOL, mine does that, too! She's such an idiot. She'll fart, and when my brother is around, she'll poke him with her nose as if she's trying to pin it on him. When he's not around, she'll freeze for a second like, "what was that?" and then turn around and stare at her back end like, "was that you again?" She does all kinds of strange things.

    My golden retriever does this too! Cracks us up. Sometimes he'll sneak one out and we know before we smell it because he actually jumps up and leaves the room. Wish he would learn to leave the room BEFORE he does it!!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    My chihuahua plays tug-o-war with my rott. And wins.
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    My cat chases her tail
  • Cinamur
    Cinamur Posts: 7
    My cat lays on our bath mat in front of the shower which is also in front of the toilet...he will not move for anyone!!! If he's sleeping and you have to go..he will not move for you. you have to spread you legs as far apart as possible and try to be as comfortable as you can.... :laugh: while trying to go to the bathroom and the little jerk will lay there sleeping

    Funny, I have a stripey "bath mat", too! LOL Our cat, Smoky, does that and it is exactly how we try to straddle him to try to use the toilet. Even more interesting when we try to get out of the shower.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    My 5 year old staffie stretches on command xD
  • sgtdub555
    sgtdub555 Posts: 692
    i was in the bath yesterday and my cat proceeded to dunk her head under the water then wash herself. She sat on the edge and did this two or three times and then looked at me. She looked at me like a light bulb went off i her head like this is so easier then licking myself.
  • Prettymisssparkles
    Prettymisssparkles Posts: 1,274 Member

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! I can not stop laughing at this!!!!!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    They will sit at my door with their paws under it just meowing til I let them in. Lol

    My 12 yr old orange tabby still does that. He can't stand to be on the opposite side of a door from me.