Looking for fellow 20-somethings to follow :)



  • mnavoy
    mnavoy Posts: 7
    I am 20 and looking to go from 170 to 125. I gained a lot of weight over the past four years somehow and I really am hoping to lose it all over the summer if possible...

    Feel free to add me! The motivation from others on this site really helps.
  • go_iris
    go_iris Posts: 23 Member
    hi everyone!! i log in everyday, support friends, and post my food and exercise. i am always looking for more support so please add me! im 23 and ave about 80lbs to lose. lets do this together!! #MarchMadness !!
  • mzbab
    mzbab Posts: 3
    18 year old music student from Dallas, TX! I'm here to support you! I'll keep you and your progress in my prayers!
  • Hi everyone! Feel free to add me!! I'm a 23 year old undergrad in Northern Virginia and I'm looking to lose about 20-30 lbs. I log in and complete my exercise/food diary everyday and would love to connect with others for/to support. :smile:
  • Mahragha
    Mahragha Posts: 18 Member
    Whats up I'm 26 Anyone can be free to add me, need to lose another 90lbs =D
  • cbkb1234
    cbkb1234 Posts: 94 Member
    need more friends?