Strong Lifts for Weight Loss???



  • Strong Lifts can be rough when on a deficit but do it anyway. When it starts getting REALLY hard and you stop progressing switch to 3x5.

    i was actually going to say for cutting just start out with Stronglifts 3x5. Or call it Starting Strength with rows instead of cleans. whichever name you prefer. Also Allpro's Beginner Routine is nice and forgiving on a cut.
  • mf i just noticed i replied in a necroed thread and quoted a 2+ month old post.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    I LOVE "New Rules"! Even though I've been unable to be real consistent--I've still seen an increase in fitness and I just plain FEEL BETTER. If I can lift twice a week the difference is fantastic and when I feel better it's MUCH easier to eat better (I'm bad about eating when I'm tired--like it would help). Had never tried lifting before and had always heard that if you did you needed to go at it like six weeks to see any difference. Don't know when I could "see" it--know that after every lift I feel good (tired, but good) and by end of second week I felt better all over, all day and by the end of the first month everything I do all day is easier (small things like putting my boots on!) Then after three months life happened and I pretty much let it go for two months (and gained 10 lbs). But even so on my first day back and 10 lbs heavier than at my last lifting, I knocked out two sets of a dozen pushups. Before lifting I could do none. Am putting it back in a top priority. It is SO worth it.
  • I'm looking for some advice on my diet, I've been doing stronglifts since January and have plateu'd at 126lbs, I'm 5ft7 and still have some weight to lose. I would say that I have the "skinny fat" appearance as I have some weight to lose around my stomach area! I have been trying to follow the leangains diet where I eat between 12-8 however I train in the morning til 7.30am and so I was wondering if this was effecting me as I'm not eating pre workout and not directly after workout! Also on leangains I find i have just been eating at 12 (small sweet potato, tuna and an apple) and then again at dinner (protein and veg) and then ill have a protein shake and perhaps some fruit again around 7.30 in the evening! Is this too little? This tends to be around 1000-1200 calories! I do stronglifts and then follow it with 20-30minutes of cardio usually cross trainer or running and once a week I do HIIT for 30 minutes! I was just hoping some of you guys could give me some advice on where I'm going wrong!! Thanks :)