What has worked for you and what hasn't?



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Being realistic has made a world of difference.

    Telling myself I was going to work out twice/day and eat next to nothing (1200 calories *cough* 1200 calories)...UNrealistic.

    Eating balanced meals-eating when I'm hungry and avoiding constant munching...working out 5-7 days/week including more strenuous exercise as well as more moderate/enjoyable exercise (walking our dog)...much more realistic. Allowing myself to have a drink once in a while...a dessert once in a while...a slice of pizza?

    I'm maintaining which is honestly the best I have been able to do on hormonal birth control...and I fit into my clothes/look good in them...and look pretty darn cute in my bikini.

    I'm happy....if I can just maintain and tone I'm alright with that. Trying to get into a size 2? Again...unrealistic.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    What works for me is eating at a relatively small deficit (250-500 calories below maintenance), not cutting out anything I like, staying active, and eating back my exercise calories.

    ^^ this
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I set up reasonable caloric and macronutrient goals.
    I hit those macros as often as possible.
    I lift things that are relatively heavy for me. They get heavier over time.
    I rest
    I repeat
    And I don't complicate things beyond that.
  • NHTravelMaven
    NHTravelMaven Posts: 14 Member
    Changing what I eat has been an ongoing process, but I have had the best success since resetting my cals and macros according to the information in this topic: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912914-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    I started it about a year ago, and have steadily lost the last 10lbs and more, and lots of fat and inches as well. it's been an expensive year, buying new clothes for each season, but I'll take it! :drinker:

    The best part is it's a sustainable way to eat, not a temporary diet, no cutting certain types of foods or anything - it's for life! :bigsmile: I only wish I had found that topic when I started three years ago!

    Yes...this!! Enuf said :)
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    What works for me is eating at a relatively small deficit (250-500 calories below maintenance), not cutting out anything I like, staying active, and eating back my exercise calories.


    Also, eating my fruits and veggies. And doing HIIT instead of low intesity cardio.

    And, yes, I'm one of those who has used the "In place of a road map" post and it changed my life. I used to do 1,200 cals a day and I was tired and moody and couldn't find the motivation to exercise. Now I'm on 1600+ exercise and I feel so much better! (I'm 5'1")
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    What is the best/biggest change you've made since beginning your weight loss journey? What has worked for you? What hasn't?

    I started eating less than what I burned off.

    Also notable was the fact that I started lifting weights so the weight on the scale that I was losing was mostly body fat instead of lean mass.

    All the other minutia don't really matter.
  • I just started about a month ago but I find logging everything on mfp helps a lot. I am drinking a lot more water. I started eating breakfast as I used to only eat once a day. That was my biggest problem with me losing weight. Now I am eating three meals a day and two or three snacks a day and have been going to the gym at least three or four times a week. I have lost 5lbs in just over a month so something is working.
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    What has worked for me:
    *Weighing/measuring/logging all food.
    *Playing around with meal timing to find ways of eating that suit me.
    *Not cutting out any particular food and still regularly eating my favourites.
    *Increasing protein.
    *Increasing vegetable intake (not so much for weight loss, but for feeling fuller, and making sure I get plenty of micronutrients).
    *Making small, gradual changes to my diet that I can stick with long-term.
    *Strength training.
    *Making sure I'm active most days.
    *Small calorie deficit & giving my body enough fuel
    *Forgiving myself when I go over my calorie goal, or eat way off what I'd planned; not considering it a "diet" or consdiering myself to be "on the wagon"; learning from my mistakes; not giving up

    What has not worked for me:
    *Not logging.
    *Being too restrictive on the kinds of food I eat.
    *Large calorie deficit.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    I have mad so many changes in the last 2 years. Went gluten free, dairy free & meat free. Johh McDougalls book The Starch Solution and 80/10/10 by Douglas Graham have changed my life forever. I'm happy and I'm free no more caloric restrictions.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Why aren't you eating the ones you've got? I looked back about a week, and most days you have 300-650 calories remaining at the end of the day. Even considering the couple of days you were slightly over, you underate according to your goals by 1,761 calories in the last 7 complete days of your diary.
  • cryswest57
    cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
    Changing what I eat has been an ongoing process, but I have had the best success since resetting my cals and macros according to the information in this topic: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912914-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    I started it about a year ago, and have steadily lost the last 10lbs and more, and lots of fat and inches as well. it's been an expensive year, buying new clothes for each season, but I'll take it! :drinker:

    The best part is it's a sustainable way to eat, not a temporary diet, no cutting certain types of foods or anything - it's for life! :bigsmile: I only wish I had found that topic when I started three years ago!

    Did upping your cals help you?!

    As weird as this is, I have upped my cals, and I already lost a few inches off my stomach overall. Eating more veggies and fruits has also helped along with the "horrible junk food."
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    Giving up soda and bad carbs. Yes, I still cheat but when I do, it doesn't taste as good as it used to and I feel SICK after.
    Exercise!!!! I feel AMAZING (mentally and physically)!!
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I have cut out a few carbs (not rice though -my mum does alot of cooking plus she's indian, so I have half the rice I used to have but cutting it out completely would be ridiculous in my house)
    I enjoy going to the gym whearas before it was a traumatising and embarassing experience, espicially the treadmill!
    Measuring my food and logging is extremely helpful, I used to count nutritional values in my head and stressing over it all.
    Eating healthy has improved my mood tenfold, I feel confident and happy so much more often :)

    Cutting out sugar and carbs completely did the opposite, I became moody and fainted on several occasions, one of the worst being in the middle of a netball match - please never do that to yourselves!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    What works/IS working for me:

    *Cutting out meats, coffee, caffeine, dairy, processed foods/junk fast foods, processed soy products, store bought juices, sodas, sweets,

    *keeping my daily calories to 1200 or a wee bit below (but eating back the majority of my exercise calories)
    *daily outside walking a minimum of 30 minutes
    *doing indoor exercises (treadmill, stationary bike, Leslie Sansone dvds, moderate weight lifting on home gym) along with outdoor walking
    **Substituting fruits for sweets/treats and veggies (lots of them) for my main meals and veggie juicing (NOT homemade fruits juices ) to replace a meal a day
    *home prepared meals
    *eating mainly fruits and veggies, hemp protein and healthy fats, and sprouted grains and nuts, seeds (eating humanely raised and vegan fed meats and wild fish & pole&troll caught seafoods ONLY when my body calls for them)
    **Fasting 24 hours once per week (from my last evening meal on Friday Sundown to resume eating Saturday Sundown---doing this for spiritual reasons more-so than weight loss)
    *Pre-planning my foods/drinks and exercising for the day

    My understanding that more than half of "my" battle of the "bulge" is one I must fight ALONE and is primarily a "spiritual" issue rather than a physical one (FOR ME)--and NOT to expect others to agree/cheer/go along with/accept me nor my "Way" of overcoming and winning this battle, for me I truly believe this is primarily a mental/spiritual battle/issue and therefore making sure I work-out/exercise doing what I call Mental Flab&Fat exercising ALL day (meditating/praying/seek God's Face for directions in what to eat, drink, think and live--my daily choices) and honestly, humbly believing that it is by my God's Power/Grace that I am able to say NO to somethings I've always though I wanted and needed and YES to foods and drinks that I've always thought I didn't like, want or need).

    Things that didn't/DON"T work for me:

    *Eating more to weigh less--a.k.a. upping my calories from 1200 cals per day (based on what worked for many many others)
    *Moderation...eating and drinking whatever I felt like in moderation
    *Not exercising--I must MOVE my body daily and purposely. The sedentary lifestyle does not work for me.
    *Stressing and relying on my will power to say YES to/for what's good for me and NO to habits and things that I think I love/need.
    *comparing myself with others
    *weighing myself daily
    **eating lots of outside/restaurant foods
    **eating junky/processed so-called "clean" foods & sweets, etc. (you know, foods that are so-called vegan/vegetarian/so-called "clean", but are nothing more than junk foods and foods that make me FAT and FLABBY and miserable.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Well, I was 'eating clean' for years and never lost a pound. I haven't eaten sweeteners or refined grains in ages and I was 75 pounds overweight.

    What is working for me is:

    Logging what I am eating

    Eating the right amounts of protein, carbs, and fats

    Strength training. Although I should probably add that I have been strength training for years, too.

    And within the phrase "the right amounts of protein carbs & fats" is where I've noticed that people tend to get all wonky around here. IMO you can eat whatever works for you so long as you hit your calories and macros each day.

    I know for sure that being gluten free, not eating sweeteners and not eating refined flours does not mean that you will lose weight. Been there, done that.

    I should probably add that I get great benefits from the way that I eat, I'm just saying that it doesn't have anything to do with weight loss and that I"m sure that not everyone needs to do it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    - Set a reasonable target for my caloric deficit and macros appropriate to me
    - Hit them eating mainly nutrient dense foods but incorporated daily treats
    - Did not make any food a 'no' food
    - Strength trained
    - Ate/eat ice cream daily
    - Patience
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Eating everything in moderation, eating enough to fuel my workout and my life, doing something I enjoy in the gym
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Didn't work: low carb, eating more to weightless, tdee, turbofire, zumba, eating back all exercise calories.

    Did work: drastic calorie restriction, 1200-1400 intake, not eating more than 100 exercise calories back
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I no longer splurge one day and starve the next to "make up" That never did work for me. During the week, I pack breakfast, lunch and snacks. I log everything before I leave the house. It takes about 10 minutes extra in the morning, but, its worth it. Limited eating out, too much sodium, when I do that. Increases the fluid retention and weight loss is decreased. Never mind that it's terrible for the heart. Im still struggling with the sodium. Before I eat out, I check online their nutritional values and pick out what I want. That can be tough with the smaller eateries in the area...but....I can pretty much gage which ones won't work,,,,,Chinese is one of them. I know they will be full of sodium and I stay away. Instead of Chinese, I will opt for sushi and stick with just the fish, not their fancy calorie laden "specialties,,even then, the sodium can be high, but, if I stay away from the salmon, its not too bad. Luckily a lot of eateries are becoming aware of their nutritional contents and are making an effort to improve them. The other major thing is, I exercise, every day. I do not eat back the majority of my exercise calories. I eat, usually, 1/2 of them back and it works for me. Still eating 1400-1600 cals average, sometimes over, but, rarely under. I average 1-1.5 lbs weight loss per week. Which is exactly what Im striving for. I finally got it, after hundreds of half-baked efforts, that, I need to change the way I live, not diet. Will I ever eat a Bloomin Onion again? Of course, in fact, I plan to have one , on my birthday. But, it will be the bloomin onion and a salad. Not a full meal, plus the bloomin onion and a salad and dessert. It will be a treat, not an every day affair. It works for me.