I can't do push ups



  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    There are many different types of push-up, maybe try some other kinds and see how they feel on your arms. When I first started working out, I could only do a couple of 'girl-pushups' but now I'm almost able to do one-handed!
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    This is a good progressive process that will get you doing pushups in no time (if you work hard at it) :laugh:

  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on doing a full push up? I can barely get my arms half way down. I even struggle doing the girl style push up's.

    Struggle with the girl push ups (on your knees). Just do them. This won't be easy but do them anyway. Once you get to the point that you can do 8-10 in a row for a couple sets then start with real push ups. Of course you might not be able to do one so switch to doing negatives. Do one set of negatives where you cheat to the up position and then slowly lower yourself down to the floor. Finish out with a couple sets that you can do on your knees.

    Keep adding in more and more of these negatives. The more you can do the easier it's going to be to do actual push ups. This is going to work better and faster than anything else. Why? Because doing negatives is exercising the exact same muscle in the exact same position that a real push up done in. A negative is an actual push up. You're just doing the down half of the exercise. You're also engaging your core, back, legs and all the other muscles you need to strengthen to do push ups.

    Do these 2-3 times a week. If you're serious and keep this up you should be able to do actual push ups in a reasonable amount of time.
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    I can't either, but I am working it. Some great suggestions from others...I guess we just have to keep working out and hope that one day we'll get it. Good luck.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on doing a full push up? I can barely get my arms half way down. I even struggle doing the girl style push up's. I have a decent amount of strength in my arms, and have decent definition. Lifting weights isn't a problem..so why is doing push ups? It makes all the burpees I do especially difficult. Plus it makes me feel really weak and out of shape. Tips, anyone?

    I can't either. My shoulder doesn't go in that angle since I had surgery there. It makes it feel like it will pop out of joint again. Not something I am willing to do. I will just do chest presses instead!!
  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    You should do the 100 push up challenge, first do wall push ups for the whole 6 weeks, then do another round with knee push ups, then another round of regular push ups (or if you find you're still not at that level, do it on an incline. It sounds like a lot of time and work but it's really not, if you're willing to put the work in and get to the point where you're able to do real push ups. :smile:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on doing a full push up? I can barely get my arms half way down. I even struggle doing the girl style push up's. I have a decent amount of strength in my arms, and have decent definition. Lifting weights isn't a problem..so why is doing push ups? It makes all the burpees I do especially difficult. Plus it makes me feel really weak and out of shape. Tips, anyone?

    Don't do girl push ups. Roll your body up to a plank and then plank yourself down. Eventually, you'll get to where you can push yourself up!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Hi, Jill.

    As one other poster mentioned, try doing incline push-ups, against your kitchen counter for instance, and before long you'll be able to move to the floor and do regular push-ups. At that point, just keep doing them throughout the day and you'll improve your upper body strength.
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    forget I can't, say I presently struggle with .. and if you keep that mindset, someone who's dream it was to do 2 or 3 can turn it into 20 or more.

    -- Tony H

    Seriously just try and do one more than you did the last time, start shallow and go deeper when you start feeling stronger.
  • InnerConflict
    InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
    Maybe a different approach may be helpful. It's worth working on them because they are a great overall upper body exercise.
    Good Luck.

    I highly recommend this program. I haven't completed it yet, but the amount I can do is steadily increasing.
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    When I started 30DS, I couldn't do them either. I just did them against a wall first. Then, once those got easier, I did them against the counter (adds more weight) and so on. I'm doing girly ones now, but I can already tell that it's getting better. I'll be doing regular ones soon!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member

    Repetition is the most important thing. push ups develop your chest and arms. If you think about the motion how when you bend your arm your chest contracts you can do more than just "girly" push-ups to get ahead.

    i teach spinning so I have my girls do them on the bike, somewhere between 300-500 a class. It tones you up while you are also getting an aerobic workout in. I would also just "hold" the regular push-up position as long as possible like a plank and repeat this several times.

    Good luck!

  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    Try against a a wall or some planks for a while first, this will strengthen your core, then you will more likely be in the right position when you try girly or full push ups.
    Its quite commen that people cant do them because they dont get their positions and balance right to start with.
    Also when you do then concentrate on doing one or 2 well and controlled as you would with weights, not how many you can do!!
    good luck
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Me neither! I'm currently working towards doing a push up, and doing 5 sets of 20 is one of my fitness goals. :)

    I started out on the kitchen counter and did them until I could do a full 5 sets of 20, then I moved down to table level, and then to chair level. I couldn't find a sturdy enough chair to do pushups on so I moved to the stairs (which is such a good idea I wish I'd thought of it from the beginning).

    Also in crossfit I learned a modified pushup that is really excellent so I'm incorporating those too. Here's how to do it:

    Start in normal pushup position, "the plank."
    Lower yourself down to the ground slowly. If you can't do this, put your knees down.
    Once on the ground, come up to the "cobra" position (like in yoga).
    Move from the cobra back up to the plank and you just did a pushup!
    Now do 20 more! :D
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    I'm a guy. Used to do 'em all the time in high school. However, 40 years went by and they became almost nonexistent. Then, I started boot camp at work. Just like everyone says, start easy, build up. It will come. A year ago, the first day we ever did boot camp, we did three sets of ten. Most of us quickly ended up on our knees. Now, a year later, we have done as many as 150 in a thirty minute workout. I have done most NOT on my knees. Go get 'em girl. Start easy, build up. Use the wall, then your knees, then get serious. You can do it. We're behind you.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Instead of girl pushups, do negatives. Training the negative of an exercise is very effective.

    Start in the "up" or "top" position of a normal push up (on your toes). Lower yourself as slowly as possible. Then put your knees down and push yourself back up. Rinse/repeat.
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    One month ago..i couldnt do a push up either. I would do maybe one girly ..then I would just hold in plank on my knees..Then progressed to a few more girly pushups..just kept pushing and trying and now I can do full military pushups!! My husband cant believe it..We have been married 25 years and he said he has never seen me do a regular pushup..he said "IMPRESSIVE"
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    yes you can.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I was in the same situation and doing them just half way down and increased my reps but still couldn't get myself down lower but continued getting stronger in the area I was working on. What helped me was starting flat on the ground face to floor and struggling with it and getting nowhere. I worked on getting my whole body up instead of just my front or backside first. Getting down and getting nowhere helped more then continuously doing them half assed since I could do about 12 half assed and 0 fully.

    I tried doing negatives but there'd be a point where my arms would just collapse every time. Seriously, every day try from the ground up and don't stop despite the frustration.
  • spidey11186
    spidey11186 Posts: 141 Member
    try strengthening your core. If your arms are as strong as you say they are, perhaps your form is making you feel awkward. Make sure to do lots of sit ups, oblique workouts, as well as dead lifts. Keep working those arms too. Do both pushups and pull ups. Make sure to always balance out your workouts by working out the opposing muscle groups too. Keep at it. You'll get there.