Will you lose weight eating "bad foods?"

I was wondering, will you still lose weight if you were to eat the bad food but still stay within your calories? I do well with staying within my calories but every once in a while I'll calculate a snirckers or somethin in there ;) was just wondering if this is going to make a big negative impact or if it's not too bad as long as there are more calories coming oiut then going in.


  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    if you're within your range for weight loss and at a caloric deficit, then you can lose weight however, bad foods are caloric dense, often lacking in the nutrients that keeps you sustained between meals which means you get hungry more often, resulting in eating more and because the foods are higher in calories, you tend to go over your target.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    No, it shouldn't hurt you at all as long as you stay within your calorie goal, and are able to get in healthy stuff too, like fruits, veggies and protein.

    I follow WW, which allows you a weekly amount of calories, in addition to a daily calorie goal, for items like these. It works well.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    What Chymerra says is also true too. I do tend to avoid these types of foods in general because I'm often hungrier after I eat them.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I was wondering, will you still lose weight if you were to eat the bad food but still stay within your calories? I do well with staying within my calories but every once in a while I'll calculate a snirckers or somethin in there ;) was just wondering if this is going to make a big negative impact or if it's not too bad as long as there are more calories coming oiut then going in.

    You're fine.

    There's nothing wrong with treats in moderation. If you're only eating a snickers every once in awhile, you have nothing to worry about. If all of your calories every day were from snickers, then you'd have a reason to worry.

    I eat 200-300 calories worth of treats every day and it hasn't been a problem at all. I refuse to give up all the foods I like just to lose weight. If I can manage to lose weight and still eat them, that will help me be more successful long term, as I will have learned to moderate my choices.
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    It's all about portion control...nothing wrong with you eating whatever you want I do...yet I balance it out with healthy foods too. You cant deprive yourself because from experience you will fall off
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I love this thread! You ladies rock! I completely agree. Everything is fine in moderation!
  • dtibb81
    dtibb81 Posts: 3
    What the others say is absolutely true. You can, in fact, lose weight while enjoying those yummy treats that one doesn't want to give up entirely. It's really just about staying under your calorie goal.

    Stay under it and you'll be just fine.
  • janellereese
    janellereese Posts: 10 Member
    I eat something "bad" every day, just not a lot of it. Life is too short not to eat dessert! Saving 100-200 calories for my treat helps me stay focused on eating healthy throughout the day. -Hershey kisses and Snickers Mini's are awesome little rewards. :)
  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    I eat 200-300 calories worth of treats every day and it hasn't been a problem at all. I refuse to give up all the foods I like just to lose weight. If I can manage to lose weight and still eat them, that will help me be more successful long term, as I will have learned to moderate my choices.

    ^^ This.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    You will lose weight eating completely clean or eating all junk food as long as you burn more than you eat. I can attest that my initial weight loss did not come from a perfect diet.

    Like others above, I save room for a treat every day. Usually wine or chocolate.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    80/20 or 90/10 you shouldnt deprive yourself of the things you enjoy every so often. I know i have two bags of jelly beans down stairs that i am going to indulge in after lent.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    You'll be just fine. Caloric deficit will lead to weight loss.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Yep, weight loss is about the deficit, not about the food type. Healthy food choices can provide greater energy and better nutrition for muscle maintenance, but is not 100% necessary for weight loss. So have your treats and enjoy them if you can stay under your calorie goal!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yes. I lost 40 lbs in about 3 months eating Subway, McDonald's, and Taco Bell for almost every meal. Hit your macros, eat your veggies, forget about the rest.

    Today I've had a Marie Callender microwave meal, a frozen microwave breakfast sausage sandwich, and ice cream. No worries.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Weight loss and health can be mutually exclusive issues. Just wanted to through that out there.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    google the professor who lost all the weight on the twinky diet...
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    If you eat at a deficit, you will lose weight, end of story. How you'll feel, and whether you'll be healthy, depends on what you eat. If you eat 1500 calories a day consisting entirely of Cheetos, you'll lose weight, but you'll feel like *kitten* and you'll lose muscle as well as fat. 1500 calories of vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, on the other hand...you'll feel much better, and if you're getting proper nutrition, you won't lose muscle and you'll be healthier on the whole.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I eat chocolate MORE now that I am losing weight than I did when I was at my heaviest!!! Lately I have been having a bit of chocolate nearly everyday! (And that's milk chocolate, I don't like dark chocolate)
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    Listen to your body. I found that I can often eat fast food and still lose, but if I eat sweets (like jelly beans, which are probably my favorite candy...) I get too hungry too soon and it leads to a bad day.

    Eat what you want, try to meet your goals, listen to your body and react.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I've found that doing exercise gives you a lot of the benefits that 'good foods' can (and more), meaning that I often eat a lot of what people consider 'bad foods', yet am probably the fittest and strongest I've been in my life.

    I do make sure I get a lot of protein to go with the strength training.